
Operant Conditioning Exercises
Open Sniffy Lite program.
- Magazine Training (teaching Sniffy the association between sound of lever and food)
1. From Window menu, select Lab Assistant
2. From Window menu, select Mind Window, select Operant Associations.
3. Reinforce Sniffy for approaching lever (either press “space bar” or click on lever)
4. Watch Mind Window Graphs increase.
5. Once Sniffy makes the sound association, start reinforcing him for rearing up.
6. Once Sniffy starts pressing lever on his own, start reinforcing for lever pressing
7. When all 3 graphs get at least half way, Save Sniffy file as Mag_Sniffy
- Lever Pressing using Continuous Reinforcement
8. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment - under
Reinforcement Action/ select Bar Press, under Reinforcement Schedule, select
9. From Window menu, select Cumulative Record
10. Once Sniffy starts to get hang of it, go to Experiment menu and select Isolate Sniffy (this
will accelerate the time for you.
11. Click on the operant chamber to get Sniffy back.
12. Save Sniffy File as CRF_Sniffy
13. Print last Cumulative Recorder data.
14. Extinguish Sniffy’s behavior
15. Save file as CRF_Extinction
16. Print last Cumulative Record
- Lever Pressing using Fixed Ratio
17. Re-open Mag_Sniffy file
18. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment
19. Set Reinforcement Schedule to Fixed
20. Type in a number between 3 and 20 (this will be the number of bar presses Sniffy must
make in order to receive reinforcement)
21. Train Sniffy as before
22. When you believe Sniffy is well-trained, save file as FR_Sniffy
23. Print last Cumulative Record
- Lever Pressing using Variable Ratio
24. Re-open Mag_Sniffy file
25. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment
26. Set Reinforcement Schedule to Variable
27. Type in same number as you did previously in item 20
28. Train Sniffy as before
29. When you believe Sniffy is well-trained, save file as VR_Sniffy
30. Print last Cumulative Record
- Lever Pressing using Fixed Interval
31. Re-open Mag_Sniffy file
32. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment
33. Set Reinforcement Schedule to Fixed
34. Check the Seconds radio box
35. Type in a number from 10-30 (this represents the time period in seconds that Sniffy must
wait before a lever press is reinforced)
36. Train Sniffy as before
37. When you believe Sniffy is well-trained, save file as FI-Sniffy
38. Print last Cumulative Record
- Lever Pressing using Variable Interval
39. Re-open Mag-Sniffy file
40. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment
41. Set Reinforcement Schedule to Variable
42. Keep the seconds set same as in previous session (item 35)
43. Train Sniffy as before
44. When you believe Sniffy is well-trained, save file as VI-Sniffy
45. Print last Cumulative Record
-Shape Sniffy Behavior
46. Re-open Mag_Sniffy file
47. From Experiment menu, select Design Operant Conditioning Experiment
48. Set Reinforcement Schedule to Continuous
49. Under Reinforcement Action, select either Beg, Roll, or Face Wipe
50. Notice you may use Shaping Tutor to help shape Sniffy’s behavior
51. Train Sniffy to perform the behavior of choice
52. When you believe Sniffy is well-trained, save file as Shaped_Sniffy
53. Print last Cumulative Record
Sniffy Lab Report
Answer the following questions and provide appropriate Cumulative Records. Type each
question and answer (double-spaced). Make sure your name is on the first page and all pages are
stapled together.
1. Compare how well Sniffy learned using each of the 4 schedules of reinforcement (FR, VR, FI,
VI). By looking at the cumulative records, how is learning affected by these different schedules?
In which schedule did Sniffy learn quickest?
In which schedule did Sniffy take longest to learn?
Circle on the appropriate cumulative record an example of “scalloping.” Why do you think it
occurs there?
Circle on the appropriate cumulative record an example of “post-reinforcement pauses.” Why do
you think it occurs there?
2. What behavior did you shape in Sniffy? Describe how you shaped Sniffy’s behavior. Why did
you choose this approach? How and why was this experience different from when you first
conditioned Sniffy to press the lever using Continuous Reinforcement?
How would your approach to training Sniffy be different if Sniffy was real and you could train
him any way you wanted?
3. What did you learn from this lab and how could it be applied to your own life?