
Selected book resources:
The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course, 2nd edition Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman,
H&H, 1999
Explanations in this book are designed to be helpful for teachers, and probably only the more/most
advanced learners would find it useful.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language - Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey
Leech, and Jan Svartvik, Longman 1985,
The level of complexity of the explanations make it more useful for teachers than for most learners.
The Azar series of textbooks:
Basic English Grammar, Fundamentals of English Grammar, and Understanding and Using English
Grammar, Betty Azar, Longman
Designed as a textbook for learners, so very accessible for students.
The Grammar Dimensions series of textbooks:
Grammar Dimensions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Diane Larsen-Freeman, series editor. Heinle & Heinle.
Designed as a textbook for learners, so very accessible for students.
The Clear Grammar series of textbooks:
Clear Grammar 1, 2, 3 and 4, Keith Folse, UofM Press
Designed as a textbook for learners, so very accessible for students.
Internet resources:
Word Reference language forums:
These forums have been in existence for many years, and topics discussed are linked to the dictionaries
which are also available on the website. They include many bilingual forums as well as an English-only
forum. Instructors, students, translators, and other interested people post questions and responses here.
For forums:
Azar Grammar Exchange
Teachers and learners can make use of this online resource, but I have noticed more student questions
posted to the newsgroup.
A group of different corpora with free access offered by Mark Davies through Brigham Young University.
Most useful for teachers, as searching and isolating appropriate examples can be difficult.
My favorite is COCA, the Corpus of Contemporary American English
Compleat Lexical Tutor
A variety of different resources designed more for teachers and students. It's best to use the Tutorial in the
upper lefthand corner of the webpage; otherwise it is easy to get lost in the wide variety of functions
offered on the website.