Light and Video Microscopy Randy Wayne (255 8904;; 203 Plant Sciences Bldg.) Fall 2012, 248 Pl. Sci. Bldg. Lecture: TR 1:25-2:40; Lab T 2:45-4:25 Date Lecture Laboratory August 23 August 28 August 30 The Relation between the Object and the Image Geometrical Optics: Mirrors Geometrical Optics: Lenses Nature of Light Geometrical Optics September 4 Physical Optics: Diffraction September 6 Physical Optics: Resolution Physical Optics September 11 Bright Field Microscopy September 13 Photomicrography Bright Field Microscopy September 18 Phase Contrast and Dark Field Microscopy Rheinberg and Oblique Illumination September 20 Fluorescence Microscopy Phase Contrast and Dark Field Microscopy September 25 Polarization Microscopy September 27 Polarization Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy October 2 Polarization Microscopy October 4 Polarization Microscopy Fluorescence and Polarization Microscopy October 6-9 Fall Break October 11 Interference Microscopy Polarization Microscopy (IM) Take-home Prelim Due (300 pts) October 16 Interference Microscopy October 18 Differential Interference Microscopy (DIC) Interference Microscopy October 23 Modulation Contrast Microscopy (HMC) October 25 Video and Digital Microscopy DIC and HMC Microscopy October 30 Analog Image Processing November 1 Digital Image Processing Video Microscopy and Image Processing November 6 Laser Microscopy November 8 Miscellaneous Microscopes and Accessories Confocal Microscopy (We will meet at the Plant Cell Imaging Center (PCIC) Room 104B, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) from 12-2 PM) November 13 Free Time to Work on Projects November 15 Free Time to Work on Projects November 20 Free Time to Work on Projects November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break November 27 Rare Book Library Visit November 29 Presentations of Research Projects (Could be Moved to Final Exam Time) Textbook: Light and Video Microscopy by Randy Wayne (Royalties go to Habitat for Humanity) Getting Help: Feel free to come and discuss material with me in 203 Pl. Sci. Bldg. My email address is and my telephone number is 255 8904. Expectations: Please read the lecture material before coming to lecture and the laboratory material before coming to lab. The lab will concentrate on giving you hands on experience with some of the concepts and methods discussed in lecture. Try to integrate the two parts of the course. Lecture Grades: There will be one written take-home prelim exam (300 pts) and one final paper. The final paper will be a creative writing story (300 pts). A component of the lecture grade will be subjective based on your conduct and preparedness. Lab Grades: There will be two basic components: a video project and a research project. These will be presented to the class at the end of the semester. A component of the lab grade will be subjective based on your conduct and preparedness. Research: Video Project (100 pts) Make a 5 minute video of a specimen or a process that takes advantage of video or digital microscopy in studying the movements that occur in microscopic objects (e.g. chloroplast rotation and other chloroplast movements, embryo development, cytoplasmic streaming, phagocytosis, flagellar movement, etc.). Write up a one or two page paper that describes the organism and process you are studying and the type of optics and video equipment you are using. Research Project (300 pts) Choose a project where an important or interesting question can be answered using the techniques of light microscopy you have learned this semester. Discuss your project with me by the first or second week of November. Let me know what equipment you will need for your project. You must present your research project both as a 15 minute oral Powerpoint presentation to the class and as a written report that includes (1) an Introduction that states what the project entails, what questions you are asking and why you chose the type of microscopy you used; (2) a Materials and Methods section that explains in detail the material and methods you used to that anyone could repeat your work; (3) a Results and Discussion section where you present your data as photographic prints, describe your data and give conclusions about the appropriateness of the methods you chose, the problems you encountered, how you could so the project better next time, the answers to the questions you asked in the introduction, and new questions that came up as a result of the study; and (4) References. The written report should be about 4-5 pages. Feedback: Please feel free to give any comments or suggestions you might have concerning how this course may be taught more effectively. Academic Integrity: College is a time for you to find and develop your character, interests and skills. I expect that you will be described as someone who is honest. The Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity states that, “Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings. Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded on the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. Academic integrity is expected not only in formal coursework situations, but in all University relationships and interactions connected to the educational process, including the use of University resources. While both students and faculty of Cornell assume the responsibility of maintaining and furthering these values, this document is concerned specifically with the conduct of students. A Cornell student's submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student's own. All outside assistance should be acknowledged, and the student's academic position truthfully reported at all times. In addition, Cornell students have a right to expect academic integrity from each of their peers.” Specific examples of code violations can be found at: University Days James Thurber I passed all the other courses that I took at my University, but I could never pass botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never see through a microscope. I never once saw a cell through a microscope. This used to enrage my instructor. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the involved and, so I am told, interesting structure of flower sells, until he came to me. I would be just standing there. "I can't see anything," I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fury; claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended I couldn't. "It takes away from the beauty of flowers anyway," I used to tell him. "We are not concerned with beauty in this course," he would say, "We are concerned solely with what I may call the mechanics of flars." "Well," I would say, "I can't see anything." "Try it just once again," he'd say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance----a phenomenon of maladjustment. You were supposed to see vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells. "I see what looks like a lot of milk." I would tell him. This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk. I finally took a deferred pass, as they called it, and waited a year and tried again. (You had to pass one of the biological sciences or you couldn't graduate.) The professor had come back from vacation brown as a berry, bright-eyed, and eager to explain cell-structure again to his classes. "Well," he said to me, cheerily, when we met in the first laboratory hour the semester, "We're going to see cells this time, aren't we?" "Yes, sir." I said. Students to the right of me and left of me and in front of me were seeing cells; what's more, they were drawing pictures of them in their notebooks. Of course, I didn't see anything. "We'll try it," the professor said to me, grimly, "with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. As god is my witness, I'll arrange this glass so that you see cells through it or I'll give up teaching. In twenty-two years of botany, I----" he cut off abruptly for he was beginning to quiver all over, like Lionel Barrymore, and he genuinely wished to hold onto his temper; his scenes with me had taken a great deal out of him. So we tried it with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. With only one of them did I see anything but blackness or the familiar lacteal opacity, and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amusement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks and dots. These I hastily drew. The instructor, noting my activity, came from an adjoining desk, a smile on his lips, eyebrows high in hope. He looked at my cell drawing. "What's that?" he demanded, with a hint of squeal in his voice. "That's what I saw." I said. "You didn't. You didn't. You didn't!" he screamed, losing control of his temper instantly, and he bent over and squinted into the microscope. His head snapped up. "That's your eye!" he shouted. "You've fixed the lens so that it reflects! You've drawn your own eye!" Reminder: Thatige Skepsis. That is, maintain as active skepticism and do not believe anything I say. If something does not ring true, question me and discover the truths on your own. The lab will give you a chance to experiment with many aspects of optics and microscopy. The following is a list of the things you must memorize for this class: