Melc placement plan and follow-up

Mingo Extended Learning Center
PIacement Plan and Follow-up
MELC administration, faculty and program advisory council members communicate and
work cooperatively to find placement for our graduates. Finding jobs or helping students
transition into college determines each program’s effectiveness towards meeting student
career goals. Positive placement is one of MELC’s primary goals in its strategic plan.
West Virginia Department of Education requires its Adult and Technical Education
programs to meet state standards in positive placement. This data is sent to the Federal
government as part of the Carl D. Perkins accountability for federal funds. The COE and U.S.
Department of Education for Title IV requires placement data reports, too. Therefore,
MELC’s faculty and administration understands the importance of providing placement
services for its students.
Students have a shared responsibility in this process for successful placement to occur.
Therefore, students must practice completing applications, developing their interview skills,
complete an electronic portfolio, and maintaining their certificates and /or license.
Personnel Responsible for Placement Services
Financial Aid Advisor/Counselor
1. Establish a job placement communication network among faculty, advisory council
members, area business leaders, students, and alumni.
2. Prepare students for job finding skills and job readiness skills.
3. Positive placement and follow-up procedures are conducted and data is reported to
accrediting institutions.
Objectives Goal 1
Promote placement services offered to students, alumni, and faculty.
Involve area employers in keeping curriculum relevant to industry
Instructors describe available career services and how to access services.
Describe available career services and how to access services during
financial aid exit counseling,
Develop relationships with area employers through advisory council
membership and meet at least twice annually.
Assist area employers interested in hiring students and maintain a file of
employment openings.
Students will do clinical or work based experiences when appropriate.
Programs have occupational advisory council meetings and meet at least twice annually.
Members have input in curriculum, equipment purchases, and information on current
changes in industry standards. Advisory council members participate in surveys required
by their program accreditors and/or regulatory agencies. Most programs have work-based
experiences and students have the opportunity to see job postings on bulletin boards at
these facilities. Potential employers observe students and often contact instructors and
request students to apply.
Objectives Goal 2
Instructors teach job readiness skills. These include practice on how to
complete applications, mock interviews, completing electronic portfolio, and
maintaining certificates and or license.
Instructors scheduled time in the curriculum to practice job preparation
skill development and the importance maintaining certificates and/or
Instructors will conduct practice mock job interviews and how to complete
job applications.
Instructors will teach students how to do an electronic portfolio.
WVDE requires completers to have an electronic portfolio and this data must be submitted
as part of the skill development requirement. Students will be more likely hired if they
present an electronic portfolio in an interview.
Objectives Goal 3
Conduct annual graduate follow-up information on graduates for submission of
placement data for accrediting and/or regulatory agencies.
Compile placement data for use in meeting state and accreditor/regulatory
agency reporting requirements.
Use data obtain for use in institutional and program strategic plan to improve
Have students complete a graduate follow-up form as part of their exit
counseling for requirement of financial aid.
Contact each graduate after six months and inquire about how effective was the
program in obtaining a job.
Use the data for the completion,, placement, and licensure portion of the annual
report for the Council on Occupational Education (COE).
Use the data for the completion, placement, and credential for the WVDE
placement data report and other regulatory agency reports.
Summarize placement data for use in the strategic plan to improve program
Maintain placement data records in the student services file in the Counselors
office for five years.
Data is share with the administrator, faculty, and occupational advisory council
members to show effectiveness of each program in meeting the industry job
market and accrediting and/or regulatory agencies.
Graduate follow-up data forms and placement verifications forms completed
during follow-up are maintained in students services file in the counselor’s
office. Information will be used for the COE annual report and other state and
regulatory agency reports. Placement data is shared with faculty and advisory
council members. Data is used to improve the programs effectiveness in
meeting student career goals and the job market. Data is filed in the
counselor’s office for five years. Data is use to plan program improvement and
addressed in the school’s strategic plan.