2016 Captain Application This application must be submitted no later than 5pm Friday, January 22nd both on homecoming.psu.edu and in 227B HUB. Name: ______________________________ Credits - Spring ‘16: _____ Fall ‘16: _____ Phone: ______________________________ Semester Standing: _______________ Local Address: ________________________ Major(s): _____________________ Email: ______________________________ GPA: ______________________________ Please rank the top three committees you are interested in: Alumni Relations Competition Distribution Management Donor Relations Finance Merchandise OPPerations Internal Development Parade Pride Events Production Public Relations Royalty Security Technology University Relations Please type your answer to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Limit your responses to 500 words per question. 1. Why do you want to be involved in Homecoming 2016? 2. In regards to your top committee choice, what captain position interests you the most? What skills and leadership experiences will make you an asset to that committee? Captain descriptions can be found at homecoming.psu.edu/captain_descriptions. 3. What changes or new ideas do you have for Homecoming 2016, both in general and with regard to your top committee choice(s)? 4. Explain the role you play in a team dynamic. How would this benefit a committee? 5. What other time commitments and priorities do you currently have, or will you have from now until October 2016 (including summer plans)? Responsibilities of all Captains include: Weekly committee meetings Write weekly, mid-year, and final reports Work closely with other Directors and Captains Participate in collaborative groups Participate in year-end wrap up meetings Participate in transition/information meetings (Spring and Fall) Attend all Captain events (workshops and Homecoming committee events) Participate in office hours Actively engage in recruitment of committee members Attend and participate in all Homecoming events Assist other committees during Homecoming Assist with security on parade day if you do not have any other assigned responsibilities. We will accept applications from January 19th to the 22nd, between 12:00pm and 5:00pm. If you are unable to make those times, please contact the Executive Director. By 5:00 p.m. on January 22nd, you will need to complete this application both online at homecoming.psu.edu and drop off the following in a sealed 9 x 12 manila envelope in 227B HUB. Please label the envelope with your name, top three committee choices, and “2016 Homecoming Captain Application”. You will sign up for an interview at that time. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered. 1. 2. 3. 4. Application Resume A list of two professional references, with contact information A typical weekly schedule including class times, other organization meetings, and work. If you have any questions, feel free to contact: Katie Gasior Executive Director Homecoming 2015 Jeff Zapletal Advisor Sarah Monteleone Graduate Advisor homecoming@psu.edu jeff@psu.edu sem359@psu.edu