CONCISE ACTIVITY PLAN OF IRRAS PARTNERS: DRY SEASON 2012-13 BAU – SABOR, BHAGALPUR Experiment 1: Effect of tillage, establishment methods, crop residue addition and bio-priming on sustainability and productivity of rice-lentil cropping system for rainfed drought-prone areas. Rice - lentil is a prominent cropping system of Bihar under rainfed agriculture or water scarce condition. Shortage of irrigation water and labour during peak periods make transplanting and manual weeding costly, invariably causing delays in farm operations. Moreover, puddling as a prerequisite for rice transplanting deteriorates the physical properties of soil. Puddling forms a compacted layer (plough pan) that restricts percolation of water causing waterlogging and resists root penetration and growth of the following crops such as lentils in rainfed systems where land preparation is done quickly to restrict evaporation of soil moisture. Land preparation becomes difficult and requires more energy to achieve proper soil tilth for sowing of succeeding crops in dry season. To solve this problem, rice seedlings may be planted after rainfall without puddling at saturation level of soil on clean field which can save the soil from harmful effect of puddling on succeeding dry season crop. Similarly, now-a-days, conservation agriculture (CA) practices like zero tillage, residue incorporation, and bio-priming are becoming popular as they help to save labour, energy and time without sacrificing on overall system productivity. These practices maintain the soil tilth and the next crop after rice gets more time to grow as sowing is possible at optimum dates. Therefore, on the basis of above facts an experiment has been planned on establishment methods of rice and their effect on lentil under rice-lentil cropping system in rainfed condition. Design: RCBD; Replication-03 Treatments 1. PTR- CTL (Puddled transplanted Rice – Conventional Lentil ) (check) 2. PTR- PCL (Puddled transplanted Rice – Para Conventional Lentil )(check) 3. SRI- CTL ( System of Rice intensification- Conventional Lentil) 4. SRI-ZTL (System of Rice intensification- Zero Till Lentil) 5. PTR-ZTL (Puddled transplanted Rice- Zero Till Lentil) 6. UPTR-ZTL (Unpuddled transplanted Rice- Zero Till Lentil) 7. UPTR-ZTL (Unpuddled transplanted Rice- Zero Till Lentil ) + 25% crop rice residues 8. UTPR-ZTL (Unpuddled transplanted Rice- Zero Till Lentil ) + 25% crop residues + Bio- priming 9. UTPR- (6” water level)- ZTL (Unpuddled transplanted Rice- Zero Till Lentil) + 25% crop residues 10. UTPR --(6” water level)- CTL (Unpuddled Transplanting Rice- Conventional Lentil) + 25% crop residues 11. Dummy plot 12. Dummy plot Variety –Lentil- HUL-57 Observations Plant height Number of branches Nodulation No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain and Straw Yield Biological yield Harvest Index Soil moisture regime observation Economics Experiment- 2 Effect of chemical weed management on growth, yield and weed dynamics in lentil Weeds infestation causes 30-40 % losses in dry season crops. In pulses, crop losses due to weeds ranging from 60-70 percent at farmer’s field are common and deteriorate the quality of the produce coupled with poor resource use efficiency (2009-2010 Annual Report of AICRP on Weed Control, RAU, Pusa). This problem gets more intensified due to increasing problem of immense labour shortage during peak periods. Lentil is short stature crop and slow growth at initial stage favours heavy weed infestation. Under given circumstances farmers need alternate production system using chemical weed management that is more efficient, less labour-intensive and shows quick response enabling farmers produce more at less costs. Thus, chemical weed control is major prerequisite for improved lentil productivity and production using new molecules of herbicide. Variety –HUL-57 Design- RCBD with three replications Treatment: 10 Treatments Rate (g/ha) Time of application T1-Imazethapyr 20 15 DAS T2-Imazethapyr 40 15 DAS T3-Imazethapyr 20 30 DAS T4-Imazethapyr 40 30 DAS T5-Pendimethalin 750 PE T6-Pendimethalin fb Quizalofop-ethyl- 750+50 PE/POE T7- Imazomox 30 30DAS T8-Metribuzin 250 PE T9-Weedy check T10-Weed free PE - Pre-emergenc; POE - Post-emergence Observations Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation-No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain and Straw Yield Biological yield Harvest Index Economics Observation on weeds dynamics Weed count Weed dry matter Weed control efficiency Weed index Residual effect on lentil crop Visual toxicity symptoms Economics Experiment -3. Evaluating different cropping patterns and tillage methods in rainfed drought-prone situation With the availability of new short duration drought tolerant rice varieties like Sahbhagi dhan and popularization of zero tillage practices it has become possible to plant various pulses and oilseeds crops either solo or mixed and low water requiring cereals like barley in time during last week of October or in early November under rainfed situation. Zero-tillage reduces the time for land preparation and planting, and saves fuel, water and labour costs in both timely planting and late planting. It also improves the efficiency of fertilizer, and reduces wear and tear on the tractor. This experiment has been planned to test various low water requiring crops after short duration rice variety Sahbhagi dhan using zero tillage and convention tillage soil configuration options for rainfed drought-prone areas. Treatments Tillage (Main plot) T1-Zero tillage T2-Conventional tillage Cropping System (Sub -plot) C1-Linseed C2-Chickpea C3-Lentil C4-Mustard C5-Lathyrus C6- Barley C7- Chickpea +Mustard C8- Lentil +Mustard Design- SPD; Replication-03 Varieties used Chickpea– Udai Lentil- HUL-57 Mustard- Pusa Bold Linseed- Garima Barley -K-18 Lathyrus- Local Observations Plant height Number of tillers/branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation-No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain and Straw Yield Biological yield Harvest Index Soil moisture regime observation Soil density Economics RAU, PUSA, SAMASTIPUR Experiment 1: Comparative evaluation of wheat varieties and establishment methods under submergence- prone rainfed lowland ecosystem In recent years emphasis is shifting towards submergence- prone rainfed lowland ecology which offers a great potential in enhancing productivity and production of ricewheat cropping system. During recent years, the International Rice Research Institute has made considerable progress in developing rice varieties with increased tolerance to submergence stresses. These tolerant varieties reduce farmers’ risk and stabilize rice productivity. They mature early when submerged. Similarly, many new high yielding wheat varieties have been recently released by national systems that can fill well into the location specific requirements of rice-wheat system. There is a great need to introduce these new varieties to enhance the production of flood-prone ecosystem of Bihar. There is no doubt in the fact that farmers can substantially increase the rice-wheat system productivity by using best management practices developed by research institutions for these varieties. There are enough Bihar specific evidences that cultivation of rice through system of rice intensification (SRI) can increase grain yield by two folds as compared to current yield levels. Similar claims are being made for system of wheat intensification (SWI) also and Bihar govt is putting lot of emphasis on it by offering huge subsidies on it. However, this SWI method of wheat has not yet been tested and documented properly by research institution and universities. In this context, this study has been planned to evaluate the performance of wheat varieties grown using BMP and SRI methods in terms of its grain productivity. The main components of System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) production techniques are as follows: a. Seed Treatment: Materials required for seed treatment 25 kg seed /ha (as per recommendation) 50 lt water (heated up to 600C) Vermi-compost @ 12.5 kg Gud (Jaggery) 10 kg Cow urine 10 lt Bavistin Add seed to water (heated up to 600C). Collect and discard the seed floating on water surface. Mix vermin-compost, gud & cow urine and leave it for 8 hrs. After filtering it with cotton cloth, add Bavistin 2g per kg seed (as per BMP recommendation for wheat production) and leave it for 12 hrs. b. Seed rate: In this production system, the requirement of seed is very less as compare to general production system i.e. 25 kg seed/ha only. c. Time of sowing: It is same as in common wheat production and it may vary for variety d. Spacing: Row to row and plant to plant is 20 cm. e. Depth of sowing: 2-3 cm is recommended and in any case it should not be more than 5 cm depth of soil. f. Method of sowing: It should be sown in line 20 cm apart. g. Manures and fertilizers: i. With last ploughing- Apply vermi-compost 10 q/ha or FYM-50 q/ha, DAP-67.5 kg/ha and MOP-34 kg/ha and mix well with the soil. ii. After first irrigation- Mix 100 kg urea with 10 q of vermi-compost and broadcast. iii. After third irrigation- 37.5 kg urea and 32.5 kg MOP should be applied. h. Irrigation: i. After 15 days of sowing first irrigation must be given because after that emergence of new root starts and if there is moisture stress then drying of roots may occur. ii. Second irrigation should be given at 25 days after sowing iii. Third irrigation should be given after 35-40 days of sowing iv. Next irrigations on 60, 80 and 100 days after sowing may be applied as per requirement of crop if needed. i. Weed management: i. Weeder or Small/narrow spade after 2-3 days of first irrigation applied ii. Weeder or Small/narrow spade after 2-3 days of second irrigation applied iii. Weeder or Small/narrow spade after 2-3 days of third irrigation applied Design: SPD with 4 replications Treatments: 10 Main plots: Establishment methods- i. BMP; ii. SWI Sub-plots- Varieties (T); Five T1- PBW 343; T2- PBW 373; T3- HD 2824; T4- DBW 14; T5- HD 2733 Plot size: 3m X 3m Observations: Plant height Number of tillers per sq meter Dry matter portioning Yield attributes Test weight (g) Grain yield, straw yield and biological yields (qt/h) Harvest Index Report insect/pest and diseases B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Experiment 2: Evaluating the performance of timely and late sown varieties of different dry season crops grown using zero tillage and conventional tillage methods Rice followed by wheat/gram/rye or mustard are prominent cropping patterns being followed in submergence-prone areas of Bihar. Timely crop establishment has great role for improving and stabilizing yield of these dry season crops. The time available after rice season is a limitation under submergence-prone ecosystems because most of the rice varieties are medium to late maturing. Different varieties of these dry season crops are available now for timely and late sown conditions that can fit well in the system. One of the major advantages of ZT over CT during dry season is that it facilitates 7-10 days early seeding besides reducing cost of cultivation and providing better scope for utilization of underutilized /unutilized or rice-fallow lands thereby enhancing overall system sustainability and profitability. Keeping these facts in mind, this experiment has been planned to test improved normal and late sown varieties of these dry season crops grown using ZT and CT methods. Design: SPD with 3 replications Treatments: 14 Main plots: Tillage options (2) 1. Conventional Tillage 2. Zero Tillage Sub Plots: Timely and late sown varieties of different dry season crops (7) 1. Wheat: PBW 347 (Timely) 2. Wheat: PBW 373 (Late) 3. Wheat: PBW 373 (Very Late) 4. Rye: Rajendra (Timely) 5. Rye: Suflam (Late) 6. Gram: BG 372 (Timely) 7. Gram: BG 372 (Late) Plot size: 3m X 3m Observations: Wheat: Plant height Number of tillers per sq meter Dry matter portioning Yield attributes Test weight (g) Grain and Bilogical yields (qt/h) Harvest Index Report insect/pest and diseases B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Chickpea: Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index Disease and pests incidence B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Rye: Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index Disease and pests incidence B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Experiment 3: Effect of chemical weed management on growth, yield and weed dynamics in Rye and Gram. Weeds are menace for any crop in general and oilseeds or pulses in particular. Very few herbicides recommendations for gram and rye are found really effective under actual field conditions. At present only Pendimethalin is popular among farmers to control weeds of these two crops, though it too has with many limitations. It is a pre-emergence herbicide and has been found very effective for controlling the broad spectrum weeds but only up to 15-20 days after sowing. New weeds emerging after this period inflict heavy losses to grain yield and quality of these crops. Of late, a gradual shift in weed flora due to climate change is also being increasing noticed in submergence-prone areas of Bihar. Hence, it is required to test and recommend the doses and schedule of new herbicides for gram and rye specifically for rainfed lowland ares of Bihar. In this context, this experiment was laid out to test the potential of available new herbicides and to recommend suitable herbicide schedule to control post-emergent weeds in gram and rye crops. Design: SPD with three replications Treatments: 14 Main plot: Dry season crops (two) 1. Gram: BG 372 2. Rye: Rajendra Suflam Sub-plots: Herbicide combination (7) T1. Metribuzine 250 g ai/ha PE fb Metribuzine 250 g ai/ha POE T2. Metribuzine 250 g ai/ha PE fb Quizalofop 50 ml ai/ha POE T3. Imazathypr 40 g ai/ha POE T4. Pendimethalin 1 lt PE fb Imazathypr 40 g ai/ha POE T5. Pendimethalin 1 lt PE fb Metribuzine 250 g ai/ha POE T6. Weed free (Twice 20 &40 DAS) T7. Weedy Check Observations: Chickpea: Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Rye: Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Observation on weeds Weed count Weed dry matter Weed control efficiency Weed index Experiment- 4. Evaluating the performance of bio-agents against lentil diseases Different microbes are reported to improve plant health and to suppress root rot and wilt problems which are the major problems of lentil crop in Bihar. These microbes are also reported to promote the plant growth therefore their effect would be also evaluated on their ability to increase the tolerance to drought and ultimately on plant yield. Lentil: Variety KLS 216 Design: RCBD with 3 replications Treatments: 10 T1 -Soil application of S1+FYM T2-Soil application of S2+FYM T3-Soil application of S3+FYM T4-Soil application of S4+FYM T5-Seed treatments with S1 T6-Seed treatments with S2 T7-Seed treatments with S3 T8-Seed treatments with S4 T9-RDF (control) T10- Nothing applied (control) Observations: Record germination and seedling mortality (pre and post emergence damping off or root rot) per unit area Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Disease and pests incidence (disease rating as per standard protocols) Isolation of the pathogen from the infected plants (if possible) Although there is no parameter for drought, these crops are cultivated in rainfed areas, their drought tolerance will support the plant health and in case there is a prolonged drought spell, their effect will be evaluated on yield parameters. ICAR- RCER, PATNA Experiment 1: Varietal evaluation of lentil grown using zero tillage and conventional tillage methods following puddled and un-puddled transplanted rice. Puddling as a prerequisite for rice transplanting deteriorates the physical properties of soil. Land preparation becomes difficult and requires more energy to achieve proper soil tilth for sowing of succeeding crops in dry season and it may cause some negative impact also on succeeding dry season crops, especially on pulses which require a good root growth for better nitrogen fixation. As an alternative practise, rice seedlings can be planted after rainfall without puddling at saturation level of soil on clean field which save the soil from harmful effect of puddling and encourages good growth of succeeding dry season crop. Keeping the above facts in mind, one experiment was started during Kharif 2012 to test rice genotypes using puddled and unpuddled establishment methods. It was planned to test the overall effect of puddled and unpuddled rice on the productivity of succeeding lentil crop. In rice-lentil system, early crop establishment has great role for improving and stabilizing yield of lentil. Farmers normally go for surface seeding of lentil to avoid delay in planting and to harness maximum benefits of residual soil moisture. However, the same benefits can be achieved through use of conservation agriculture option of zero tillage (ZT) with significantly enhanced grain harvest of lentil over what is achievable through surface seeding. ZT reduces the cost of cultivation by approximately Rs 2,500-3,000/ha, facilitates early seeding (7-10 days), provides better scope for utilization of underutilized /unutilized or rice-fallow lands and enhances system sustainability and profitability. In contrast, conventional system increases the cost of cultivation, delay the planting, reduces the yield and responsible for less utilization of underutilized/ fallow lands. Therefore in this experiment we will test the effect of zero tillage and conventional tillage on various varieties of lentil and the overall effect of puddled and unpuddled rice on the productivity of succeeding lentil crop. Environment (a): Lentil in un-puddled transplanted rice field (UPTR-Lentil system): Design: RBD; Replications: 3 Treatments: 10 a) Lentil varieties: 5 i. Arun, ii. PL 406 iii. Mallika, iv. Pusa Baibhav v. Shivalik b) Tillage: 2 i. Zero Tillage ii. Conventional Tillage Plot Size: 5mx5m= 25 m2 Environment (b): Lentil in puddled transplanted rice field (PTR-Lentil system): Design: RBD; Replications: 3 Treatment: 10 a) Lentil varieties: 5: V1. Arun V2. PL 406 V3. Mallika V4. Pusa Baibhav V5. Shivalik b) Tillage: 2 i. Zero Tillage, ii. Conventional Tillage Plot Size: 5mx5m= 25 m2 Observations Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index Report of insect/pest and diseases B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Experiment 2: Comparative evaluation of wheat varieties and soil configuration methods under rainfed drought-prone ecosystem Wheat is an important dry season crop in Bihar but its’ planting is always a trying situation as the preceding rice crop influences the timely sowing of wheat. With the introduction of new short duration drought tolerant rice varieties like Sahbhagi dhan and popularization of zero tillage practices it has become possible to plant wheat crop in time especially in drought-prone rainfed areas of Bihar. It is now a widely accepted fact that zero-tillage reduces the time for land preparation and planting, and saves fuel, water and labour costs in both timely planting and late planting. It also improves the efficiency of fertilizer, and reduces wear and tear on the tractor. Therefore keeping these facts in mind, this experiment has been planned to test various new wheat varieties grown using zero tillage and convention tillage soil configuration options for rainfed drought-prone areas. Design RCBD with 3 replications Treatment: 10 Wheat varieties: 5 V1= PBW 343 V2= HD 2733 V3= HD 2824 V4= HD 1761 V5= PBW 373 Tillage: 2 i. Zero Tillage, ii. Conventional Tillage Plot Size: 5mx5m= 25 m2 Fertilizer dose: Timely sown wheat: 120:60:40:25 (N: P: K: Zn) Observations: Plant height Number of tillers per sq meter Dry matter portioning Yield attributes Test weight (g) Grain yield, straw yield and biological yields (qt/h) Harvest Index Report insect/pest and diseases B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit Experiment 3: Assessing the response of lentil, chickpea and wheat to bio-fertilizer application The different microbes are reported to improve plant health, increase the tolerance to drought and to suppress root rot and wilt causing pathogens which are major problems of dry season crops in Bihar. Three separate experiments have been laid out to test various bio-agents on chickpea, lentil and wheat as these are expected to help in quick germination, strong seedlings vigour and better stress tolerance in young plants and ultimately enhance the yield. (A) Lentil: variety: PL 406 Treatment: 9 (different bio-fertilizer treatments including control) Replication: 3 (B) Chickpea: variety: Samrat Treatment: 9 (different bio- fertilizer treatments including control) Replication: 3 (C) Wheat: variety: HD 2824 Treatment: 13 (different bio-fertilizer treatments including control) Replication: 3 Observations: Although there is no parameter for drought, these crops are cultivated in rainfed areas, their drought tolerance will support the plant health and in case there is a prolonged drought spell, their effect will be evaluated on yield parameters. Wheat trial: Record germination and seedling mortality Plant height Number of tillers per sq meter Dry matter portioning Yield attributes Test weight (g) Grain and Bilogical yields (qt/h) Harvest Index Report insect/pest and diseases B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Chickpea trial: Record germination and seedling mortality (pre and post emergence damping off or root rot) per unit area Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index Disease and pests incidence (disease rating as per standard protocols) B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Disease and pests incidence (disease rating as per standard protocols ) Isolation of the pathogen from the infected plants (if possible) Lentil trial: Record germination and seedling mortality (pre and post emergence damping off or root rot) per unit area Plant height Number of branches Dry matter accumulation Nodulation –No of nodules/plant, dry weight of nodules Yield attributes Grain yield, Straw yield and biological yield Harvest Index B/C and Economics: (Total return-Total expenditure= Net profit) Disease and pests incidence (disease rating as per standard protocols) Isolation of the pathogen from the infected plants (if possible) Experiment 4: On-farm seed production of latest varieties of lentil and chickpea Seed of latest varieties of lentil and chickpea that have performed well in previous year trials will be multiplied at ICAR farm. Lentil Variety: 2 (Shivalik & Arun) Chickpea Varieties: 2 (Samrat & JG 14) KVK, Aurangabad The average grain yield of lentil and chickpea under rainfed agriculture or water scarce condition in Bihar is very low compared with potential yield. Many factors are responsible for this low productivity including shortage of supplementary irrigation water, improper nutrient management, use of traditional varieties, improper plant protection major etc. The time availability for sowing lentil and chickpea depends on the wet season crop. With the introduction of high yielding short duration drought tolerant verities of rice in wet season, it seems worthwhile now to look for the suitable dry season varieties of lentil and chickpea that fit well in cropping pattern of the area. Therefore on the basis of above facts these on-farm trials have been planned for varietal evaluation of lentil and chickpea. Moreover, a separate on-farm trial to judge area specific major nutrient elements requirement for lentil has been commenced using nutrient omission concept. The result will give an idea what are the major nutrients needed by lentil for better system productivity and may be used as a base data for nutrient manager in future. On-farm trial 1: Evaluation of lentil varieties Varieties: i. Ranjan, ii. Arun, iii. HUL-57, iv. Vabhaw L-4147 Replications: 5 (No of trials) Observations: Plant height at every 30 days Number of branches in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Number of pods in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Nodulation-No of nodules/plant Number of grains in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Yield of grain in each plot (q/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) Trials are conducted at farmer’s field as well as at KVK’s farms. On-farm trial 2: Varietal evaluation of chickpea to identify the varieties that suit well to the rice based rainfed agricultural system Varieties: i. PG186, ii. PG362, iii. P-256, iv. JG-14 Replications: 5 (No of trials) Observations: Plant height at every 30 days Number of branches in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Number of pods in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Nodulation-No of nodules/plant Number of grains in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Yield of grain in each plot (q/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) Trials are conducted at farmer’s field as well as KVK’s farm. On-farm trial 3: Response of lentil to different doses of nutrient combinations Nutrient Management trials were conducted to see the influence of major nutrients on Lentil. This helps in customising the fertilizer requirement of the area. Nutrient Treatments: 5 1. T1- (RDF+K+S) 2. T2- (T1 – N) 3. T3- (T1 – P) 4. T4- (T1 – K) 5. T5- (RDF only no S) Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF)- 20 and 40 Kg of N and P per ha Replications: 4 (No of trials) Variety: Arun Observations: Plant height at every 30 days Number of branches in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Number of pods in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Nodulation-No of nodules/plant Number of grains in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Yield of grain in each plot (q/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) KVK Madhopur Wheat is an important dry season crop in Bihar but its’ planting is always a trying situation. Its production is always uncertain under rainfed lowland as the preceding rice crop influences the timely sowing of wheat. Some good rice varieties are late maturing hence time for wheat sowing is restricted. The farmers who grow sugarcane face the same situation for wheat planting. It is worthwhile to find the most suitable new wheat varieties that fit well into the location specific climatic conditions. Hence, a varietal trial with different wheat varieties has been planned. In addition a separate nutrient omission trial to test area specific need of wheat for major nutrient elements has also commenced. This will give an idea what are the major nutrients needed by wheat and the data generated may be used for nutrient manager in future. On-farm trial 1: Varietal evaluation trails of wheat Treatments: 4 Varieties: 1-PBW 343, 2- HD 2733, 3-K 307, 4- HD 2824 Replication-5 (2 at KVK and 3 at farmers’ fields) On-farm trial 2: Assessing the response of wheat to different doses of nutrient combinations. Treatment-5 Recommended Fertilizer dose (RDF): 120-60-40-25 N- P2O5-K2O and ZnSO4 Kg/ha T1- No N, 100% P & K T2- No K, 100% N & P T3- No P, 100% N & K T4- 100% NPK T5- 100% NPK with Zn Replication- 4 (No of trials) Observation: Plant height at every 30 days Number of tillers per sq meter Length of spike (cm) Number of grains per spike ( randomly selected 10% spikes from each plot Number of grains in 1 m2 Weight of grains in 1 m2 Weight of 100 grains (g) Yield of grains each plot (qt/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) KVK- Sitamarhi -Pupri Lentil is an important legume crop in Bihar. The average grain yield of lentil in Bihar is very low compared with potential yield. Many factors are responsible for low productivity including the improper nutrient management, use of traditional varieties, improper plant protection, etc. Sowing time of lentil depends on the duration of rice variety. With the introduction of new stress tolerant rice varieties like Swarna-Sub1in wet season, it has become necessary to test new varieties of lentil that can adjust well in cropping pattern of the area. Therefore some on-farm trials have been planned to evaluate varieties. Moreover, the major nutrient elements requirement for lentil is being judged separately through nutrient omission trials. On-farm trial 1: Varietal evaluation of Lentil Variety: 5 T 1: Arun T 2: PL- 639 T3: IPL- 406 T4: K- 75 T5: Deshi Lentil (Local Check) Replications: 5 (2 at KVK and 3 at farmers’ field) Experimental Design: RCBD Observations: Plant height at every 30 days Number of branches in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Number of pods in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Nodulation-No of nodules/plant Number of grains in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Yield of grain in each plot (q/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) On-farm trial 2: Response of lentil to different doses of major nutrients Lentil is major pluse crop in Sitamarhi district, however it productivity is still very low. Most of the farmers are cultivating this crop with without using fertilizers. The various research reports have indicated that use of P @ 40-60 kg/ha is very effective. Application of K at around 20kg/ha is also found beneficial in sandy or eroded soil. Sulphur is unlikely to be deficient if fertilizers containing S impurities are applied to other crops in the rotation. We have planned this on-farm trial using NPK&S as appropriate combination as treatments. Treatments:5 Full dose of NPK and S is 20, 40, 40 and 20 Kg/ha T1 : NPK & S (full dose) T2 : PK & S (full dose) T3 : NK & S (full dose) T4 : NP & S (full dose) T5 : NPK (full dose) No. of Replication: 4 (No of trials) Variety: Arun Observation: Plant height at every 30 days Number of branches in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Number of pods in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Nodulation-No of nodules/plant Number of grains in 1 m2 (average of 4-5 samples of 1 m2 from the plot) Yield of grain in each plot (q/h) Report insect/pest and diseases B/C (yield at demonstration plot/yield at farmers plot) ………………………………… …….end………………………………....