wu-fellow-fall-2013 - Pomona College Women`s Union

Dear Prospective WU Fellow,
Thank you for applying to be a Women’s Union Fellow! We’re very excited about the potential
collective and individual growth we will experience this coming semester. The Women’s Union is a
dynamic organization that changes in focus and tone depending on who is involved. The WU
includes the all-student WUster staff, the WU Fellows, our Advisor, and all students, faculty, staff,
and community members who visit our space and engage with us in any way. People come to the
Women’s Union to have a safe space, study, socialize, make use of the library and our other fantastic
resources (DVDs, craft supplies etc), and, perhaps most importantly, attend the fabulous, thoughtprovoking events we coordinate. The Women’s Union was founded as a progressive organization,
and WUsters uphold the commitment to creating a safe space on campus while also promoting
dialogue about the ideals and complex issues highlighted in our mission statement. We are located
in the 2nd story of Walker Lounge in a large sunny room filled with comfortable couches and chairs,
as well as on the web at http://womensunion.wordpress.com/.
The mission of the Pomona College Women’s Union is to, within a global context, secure positive
changes for women in their personal and political lives and to work toward deconstructing genderbased constraints. We will engage the Claremont Colleges while extending our reach into our
surrounding communities. The WU is committed to providing space and programming involving all
genders, tailored to the diverse needs of women. In order to fulfill these commitments, the WU will
exercise an active position against interlocking systems of oppression based on, but not limited to,
race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, and ability.
The Women’s Union Fellowship is predominantly educational in nature. The position is a learning
opportunity for Pomona College students who have an interest in the WU’s mission and its related
fields to pursue independent study in this area. During the course of the fellowship, the WU Fellow
will work on an individual project of the Fellow’s choosing related to the WU’s mission, in close
collaboration with and under the supervision of WU senior staff. The project should employ WU
Fellow’s critical thinking and analytical skills, and at the end of the Fellowship, the Fellow is
expected to submit a report or poster on the project.
Additionally, the WU Fellow is encouraged to attend staff meetings, retreats and the Thursday Noon
discussions, and to assist in building the greater WU community. The WU Fellow may also take part
in planning events that support the WU’s mission statement. Because this is a fellowship rather than
an employment position, the amount of time the student devotes to meet fellowship requirements is
up to the student. In addition, the WU Fellow is not required to perform work for, or otherwise
provide services to, the WU or to Pomona College.
The WU Fellowship is a competitive process. WU Fellow applicants must be in good standing, and
must submit an application, including an essay, to the WU. The essay should explain, in 500 words
or less, the applicant’s project proposal and how it will further the WU’s mission. WU Fellow
applicants will be interviewed by WU senior staff. WU senior staff will award WU Fellowships at the
beginning of the Spring semester for the spring, and the spring fellowship will end the day following
the last final exam of the Spring Semester.
Semester Fellowship Stipend: $500
Applications are due on Friday, September 13 If you have any questions, please email us (the CoFacilitators) directly at grace.wielebinski@pomona.edu or Joaquin.estrada@pomona.edu
We look forward to seeing you in the Women’s Union!
Women’s Union Fellowship Application
Fall 2013
Name: __________________________________Email: _____________________________________
Year: ______________ Campus Box: ______________Phone: _______________________________
Questions: (Please answer on a separate sheet)
1. What is your project proposal and how sill it further the WU’s mission? (500 words or less)
2. Do you have previous experience at the WU?
3. What kind of budget do you imagine for your project (additional stipend funds may be provided for
supplies)? What supply costs do you anticipate?
Please use this space for anything else you feel we should know.
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ___________________