Mr. Ruben A. Burgos
PHONE: 229-6605
OFC HRS: 9:30 am – 10:30 Tuesday and Thursday -- OTHER TIMES BY
Course Description:
This course is an interdisciplinary analysis of the role of police in a democratic society; emphasis on historical development of police institution, cultural attributes, accountability, occupational socialization, police-behavior, and selected current issues.
Course Goals:
To learn, explore, and comprehend through a variety of lecture, discussion, and interactive activities. To successfully complete this course, a student will possess and display a basic understanding of the role of police in a democratic society, the historical development of police as an institution, cultural attributes of police, accountability, occupational socialization of police, and police-behavior.
REQUIRED #1 – Roy Roberg, Kenneth Novak, et al, Police and Society (Fifth Edition) Oxford
Press ISBN 978-0-19-977256-8
REQUIRED #2 - Steven G. Brandl & David S. Barlow, The Police in America – Classic and
Contemporary Readings Thomson/Wadsworth ISBN 0-534-62376-X
D2L: D2L shall be used for this course. It is your responsibility as a student to check D2L daily.
Important announcements may be made to the class on the course/section home page from time to time. You shall be held responsible to read and understand any announcements, and you will be held responsible for any information, action, etc. that an announcement may require of you.
Announcements may be updated, or deleted, or changed at any time at the sole discretion of the instructor.
6 quizzes and 2 exams will be administered .
Quizzes : There will be Four quizzes which will be given in D2L . Each quiz will count for 10% of your final course grade . The dates and times of which each quiz will be open are posted on the schedule in the syllabus. You will be allowed only one attempt at each quiz. Each quiz will be timed. The clock on the quiz does not stop once you have started the quiz. Make sure that any and all matters of personal necessity have been taken care of before attempting any quiz. It is important to understand and remember that if you do not save your answers and D2L autosubmits your quiz or exam when time runs out, you may receive a zero on that quiz or examination.
There will be no make-up of any quizzes missed by the due dates except under very exceptional circumstances (the instructor is the sole judge as to what constitutes very exceptional circumstances) . The dates and times available to take quizzes or examinations in
D2L are very clearly stated in the “Schedule” section of the syllabus. No excuse of ignorance as to date and time will be accepted. There will be NO reminders by the instructor to complete your quizzes– it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to remember to complete the quizzes.
Examinations: There will be a Midterm Examination that will count for 30% of your final course grade . The Final Examination will count the remaining 30% of your final course grade, and will not be cumulative . The form the Examination takes will be decided solely by the instructor. The Examination may take the form of a Blue-Book Examination taken in the classroom, a Scantron Examination taken in the classroom, a D2L form of Examination taken on-line, or any other form of examination as the instructor may choose.
The type of examination, and the time or time of availability of the examination will be announced at least one week prior to any examination.
Only documentable excuses will be accepted. If allowed you must schedule and take a make-up within one week of your return to class.
Grades will be based on a total of 100 points. Your total number of points determines your grade. There will be no opportunity in this course for so-called "extra credit." The grade scale is:
93% thru 100% = A
90% thru 92% = A-
87% thru 89% = B+
83% thru 86% = B
80% thru 82% = B-
77% thru 79% = C+
73% thru 76% = C
70% thru 72% = C-
67% thru 69% = D+
63% thru 66% = D
60% thru 62% = D-
0% thru 59% = F
Cell Phones, Pagers, etc.: Cell phones, pagers, and any equipment, electronic or otherwise, capable of communicating with another person by voice, text, or any other means, including but not limited to cell phones, PDA’s, computers, or other equipment capable of communicating by means of radio waves, infra-red, or any other means, are subject to the following conditions in class:
During a lecture: The device(s) shall be in a silent, or vibrate mode, so as not to disturb your classmates. It is improper to answer or carry on a conversation in class on your device. In some very few, very limited cases of extreme importance exceptions may be allowed if the matter is discussed prior to class with the instructor. The Instructor is exempt from these requirements.
During Quizzes or Examinations: Any and all devices shall be stowed away in your purse, backpack, or otherwise not visible or accessible to you, and without fail they will be turned off .
Any devices that are visible shall be deemed as cheating. The Instructor is exempt from these requirements.
Cheating / Academic Misconduct: The university has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others’ academic work. Anyone deemed by the instructor to be cheating shall receive a failing grade for the course, and shall be referred to the University for appropriate discipline. Any and all quizzes, examinations, papers, assignments, or responses with “clickers” or on D2L, shall solely be done, submitted, or used by the student who will receive credit for the quiz, examination, paper, assignment, or response.
Any violation of this policy will be deemed cheating by the student submitting the quiz, examination, paper, assignment, or response, and also be deemed cheating on the part of the student receiving credit for the quiz, examination, paper, assignment, or response. The instructor will be the sole decision-maker as to the cheating in regards to the failing course grade.
University authorities will be the decision-makers in regard to University discipline.
Accommodations are provided for students who are registered with the Student Accessibility
Center (SAC, Room 112 of Mitchell Hall) and make their requests sufficiently in advance. For more information, contact Student Accessibility Center (SAC, Mitchell Hall 112, phone 229-
6287) or go to their website:
. Students who need accommodations due to disability are also encouraged to discuss their needs with the instructor early in the semester.
Jan 26
Course/Syllabus Introduction ----
28 Roberg – Police in a Democracy C-1
Brandl - The Functions of Police in Modern Society 92-109
Feb 2/4 Roberg - Police History C-2
Brandl - The Evolving Strategy of Police 5-25
Brandl - The Evolving Strategy of Police: A Minority View 26-45
9/11 Roberg – Legal Issues
Feb 13 Quiz 01 opens on D2L
16/18 Roberg - Community Policing
Brandl - Broken Windows
23/25 Roberg – Police Management C-5
Mar 1 Roberg – Organizational Change
3 Roberg – Selection and Development
4 Quiz 2 opens
10 *** MID-TERM EXAM***
15/17 Spring Recess
22/24 Roberg – Field Operations
29 Roberg - Behavior and Misconduct
31 Brandl - The Asshole
Brandl -The Causes of Police Brutality
April 1 QUIZ 3 opens
5/7 Roberg – Force and Coercion C-10
12/14 Roberg – Accountability and Ethics
19/21 Roberg – Diversity
22 QUIZ 4 opens
26 Roberg – Stress and Office Safety
28 Roberg – Emerging Issues
May 3/5 Brandl – Improving Policing: POP 353-374