Final Review Sheet

Review Sheet for Final
Remember your Final is June 2nd
Chapter 1
Synoptic Gospels
“Q” Source
St. Paul considered himself to be a __________________________________ before he converted to “the Way.”
God made a covenant with _____________________________ that continues today and is fulfilled in Jesus.
Name the four things that the Council of Jerusalem came up with for Gentiles to follow to become a member
of the Jesus Movement.
A)_To abstain from____________________________________
B)_To abstain from____________________________________
C)_To abstain from____________________________________
D)_To abstain from ____________________________________
Chapter 2
10. Atheism
11. Diocese
12. Martyr
13. Hellenistic Jews
14. Edict of Milan
15. Constantine
16. Stephen
17. After Gentiles converted they became what type of Jews?
Chapter 3
18. Creed
19. Homoousious
20. Catechumens
21. Vulgate
22. Deuterocanonical
23. Who developed a liturgy still in use by the Byzantine Church today?
a. St. Paul
b. St. John Chrysostom c. St. Ignatius
24. _______Sacraments are effective signs of what?
a. Initiation
b. belief
c. grace
25. _______ Who was the leader of the Council of Nicea?
a. St. Paul
b. Constantine
c. Arius
26. _______ Constantine made what agreement with Licinius that granted religious freedom to Rome.
a. Edict of Rome
b. Edict of Milan
c. Edict of Constantine
27. _______Who Inspired Saint Augustine to become Christian?
a. Jesus
b. St Jerome
c. St. Ambrose
28. _______ Who wrote the Vulgate?
a. St. Augustine
b. St. Jerome
c. St. Ambrose
Chapter 5
29. Charlemagne
30. feudalism
31. Lay Investiture
32. Simony
33. Celibacy
34. Divine Orders
35. Tithing
36. _______ The Vikings targeted what type of places when they raided?
a. Villages
b. monasteries c. Castles
d. farms
37. _______ Who was the leader of the Heathen Army?
a. Alfred the Great
b. Leo III
c. Charlemagne d. Ivar the Boneless
38. _______ Who was the Pope that Crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor?
a. Alfred the Great
b. Leo III
c. Charlemagne d. Ivar the Boneless
39. _______ Who was the leader the built fortifications to defeat the Vikings?
a. Alfred the Great
b. Leo III
c. Charlemagne d. Ivar the Boneless
40. _______ In the feudal system, what was the name of the farms the lords lived on?
a. Villages
b. Manors
c. castles
d. towns
41. _______ In the feudal system, the serfs depended on whom for protection.
a. The King
B. themselves
c. the church
42. _______ What is the name for the covered walkways in a monastery?
a. Hallways
b. cloisters
c. greens
d. causeways
43. _______ The Catholic Church founded Oxford and what other university in England?
a. Exeter
b. London
c. Cambridge
d. Queens
44. Richard the Lionhearted
45. Saladin
46. Pope Urban II
47. Battle of Jerusalem
48. Acre
49. Mamluks
50. Gothic
51. Romanesque
52. Negative Theology
53. Union of Florence
54. Battle of Jerusalem
55. Spiritual Exercises
56. What were the years for the crusades?
a. 1100-1200
c. 700-1200
57. Other than diet what was the other medical advancement post-crusades?
a. Modern Hospitals
b. amputations
c. penicillin
d. heart surgery
58. Pre-Crusades the architecture of Cathedrals was mostly?
a. Gothic
b. Greek
c. Romanesque
d. dark
59. The goal of the crusades was what?
a. To gain control of the Holy Land
b. defeat the infidels c. make money
60. What is the name of the church control by two Muslim families?
a. Church of Jerusalem
b. Our lady of the Holy Land
c. Church of the Resurrection
d. Church of the Holy Sepulcher
61. ______ After the fall of Constantinople power in the Eastern Church shifted to what city?
a. Athens
b. Rome
c. Florence
d. Moscow
62. _______ What is the name of Michelangelo’s sculpture of Jesus in Mary’s arms in Rome?
a. David
b. Jesus’ Death
c. La Pieta
d. the Pity
63. _______Renaissance means:
a. Rebirth
b. Revival
c. Recreate
d. Rerun
64. _______What year did the Muslims leave Spain?
a. 1300
b. 1291
c. 1492
d. 1512
65. _______Who was the founder of the Jesuits?
a. Aquinas
b. Ignatius
c. Urban
d. Boniface
66. _______What was one of the main reasons for a lack of priests in the middle ages?
a. Plague
b. lack of interest
c. marriages
d. money
67. _______In 1302, Pope Boniface issued what type of statement stating that all rulers are subjects of the pope
and their obedience was necessary for salvation.
a. Papal Infallibility
b. Papal Bull
c. Papal Cry
d. Papal Horse
68. _______Pope Urban VI excommunicated the leaders in Avignon leading to what?
a. The Great Western Schism
b. Great Eastern Schism
c. The Great Papal Fight
69. ______Which name was fought over and eventually it was determined that was not pope and his name could
be used again in the 60s?
a. Pope John Paul II
b. Pope John XXIII
c. Pope Gregory XII
d. Pope Leo v
Protestant Reformation
70. Martin Luther
71. Indulgences
72. Sola Scriptura
73. Ninety-Five Theses
74. Diet of Worms
75. Transubstantiation
76. Justification of Faith Alone
77. Peace of Augsburg
78. Huguenots
79. Theotokas
80. King Henry VIII
81. Justification of Faith and Good Works
82. Act of Supremacy
83. John Calvin
84. _______The Council of Trent was seen as the start of the:
a. Orthodoxy
b. Catholicism
c. Counter-Reformation
d. Middle Ages
85. _______ The Council of Trent established that each diocese must contain:
a. a hospital
b. a seminary
c. a monastery
d. a town
86. _______ After the Council of Trent each bishop was required to live:
a. in Rome
b. in the capital
c. within the diocese they served
d. within the country they served
87. _______ The council of Trent published what documents to help people understand the faith?
a) the catechism and lectionary b) the lectionary and the missal c) the catechism and the missal
88. _______What do the Lutherans believe about the Eucharist?
a. Transubstantiation
b. consubstantiation
c. Real Presence
Vatican II and Pope John XVII
Know all the Vatican II documents on pages 342-345 (This will be a matching section)
89. Pope John XVII
a. As pope, he quickly surprised people by naming 23 new cardinals
i. Broke a long-standing tradition that there be no more than 70 cardinals at a time
ii. Named cardinals to the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, and Africa for the first time
90. Pope Paul VI
91. Due to this illness, Pius XII let the number of Cardinals dwindle to 51
i. Out of these 51, 19 were over the age of 78 at the time of the conclave
92. papa de passagio
93. auditors
94. Briefly describe why this council was different than the previous 20 ecumenical councils
Short Answers
Briefly describe the Beliefs of Mary in Catholicism
Briefly explain the reasoning behind moving the papacy to Avignon
Illustrate in a triangle the feudal system with the parallel church structure beside it (note: You should have two