Goal A - Gallaudet University

As of November 19, 2013
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
Goal A (Modified)
Goal A: Grow Gallaudet’s enrollment of full-time undergrads, full- and part-time graduate students, and continuing education
students to 3,000 by 2015
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
Objective 4
Expand all undergraduate
Expand all graduate
Expand the ELI program by
The Center for Continuing
recruiting to become “top of
recruitment to become top of
reaching out to all constitutes
Studies will increase
mind” for all deaf and hard of
mind for all deaf, hard of
that support ESL learning.
enrollment of students in
hearing, and hearing students
hearing, and hearing students
professional studies courses
seeking deaf/HH-related
seeking deaf or hard of
and programs
hearing-related careers (NEW)
Associate Director of
Recruitment and Data and
Associate Director of
A.1.1 Increase enrollment of
students from all programs
serving deaf and hard of hearing
students particularly from
mainstream schools.
(Previously A.1.1)
Associate Director of
Recruitment and Data
A.1.2 Develop an innovative
media campaign to promote
Gallaudet and frame Deaf
People and their signed
languages as positive aspects of
human diversity, while
iteratively assessing the impact
of the campaign on enrollment
(attracting/retaining diverse
(Previously A.1.2)
Executive Director of Public
Relations and Communication
Interim Associate Dean of
Graduate Admissions and
Continuing Studies
Coordinator, English Language
Institute and Operations
Support Specialist
Director of Center for
Continuing Studies
A.2.1 Expand the graduate
school pipeline by increasing
the number of contacts.
A.3.1 Develop new programs to
encourage students to enroll in
a degree seeking program at
Gallaudet University after the
completion of their ESL studies.
A.4.1 Expand the number of indemand professional studies
courses and programs that
support professional
development and career
Coordinator, English Language
Institute and Operations
Support Specialist
A.3.2 Identify funding partners
with strategic goals related to
education of ESL students
Director of Center for
Continuing Studies
Operations Support Specialist
Director of Center for
Continuing Studies/ASL Program
Coordinator, Prospective
Student Services
A.2.2 Increase the enrollment of
Traditionally Underrepresented
Groups (See report from the
Office of Distance Education for
increasing Online Graduate
Coordinator, Prospective
Student Services
A.4.2 Expand niche market
programs and courses in the
areas of ASL, Deaf Studies, and
As of November 19, 2013
A.1.3 Expand the pipeline of
recreational and academic
youth programs for middle- and
high school deaf, hard of
hearing, and hearing students
by increasing the number of
prospects in the Admissions
(Previously A.1.3 with edits)
Coordinator of Youth Programs
A.2.3 Increase department
accountability to meeting new
student enrollment targets.
Dean of the Graduate School
A.3.3 Collaborate with the
Office of International Relations
and Gallaudet University
Regional Center-Pacific
strengthen international
outreach efforts and increase
international enrollment to cap
of 15% (Action Plan for A.1.6)
Chair of World Languages and
A.1.4 Increase the visibility of
the Honors program to
prospective students to enroll
students with higher ACT scores
A.2.4 Increase graduate
program offerings based on
student demand, market needs
and enrollment trends
Dean of Graduate School and
Professional Studies
A.3.4 Expand summer offerings
with an emphasis in ACT, GWE,
DRP, and/or TOEFL preparation
for current ELI students who
intend to pursue
Coordinator, English Language
Institute and Operations
Support Specialist
Shirley Myers
A.1.5 Increase enrollment of
non-traditional students
through targeted programs (i.e.
online, ADP, transfer, readmits)
(Previously Objective #2)
A.4.3 Provide courses and
programs in delivery formats,
schedules, and locations that
addresses the learning needs of
adult learners.
Director of Center for
Continuing Studies and Director
for Distance Education
A.4.4 Create appropriate
students service infra-structure
to more appropriately service
adult learners
Director of CCS Program
Services and Director of
Distance Education
A.4.5 Strengthen marketing
student service infra-structure
to more appropriately service
adult learners
Director of CCS Program
Services and Director of
Distance Education
Associate Director of Admissions
As of November 19, 2013
A.1.6 Increase enrollment of
international students to
achieve the current university
cap of 15%
(Previously Objective #3)
Associate Director of
Recruitment and Data
A.1.7 Increase enrollment of
groups (TUGs)
(Previously Objective #4)
Associate Director of
Recruitment and Data
A.1.8 Increase enrollment of
BAI/HUG students
Associate Director of Admissions
A.1.9 Consider contracting with an
Enrollment Management Group to
increase the university’s capacity to
meet its enrollment objectives
Chief Enrollment Management