Chapter 5 & 6 the Executive Branch and the Cabinet

World History Final Exam Study Guide
Make sure you can match the vocabulary words with the definitions from the quizzes or you may
use the textbook.
50) Prehistory
1) Alexander the
17) civilizations
33) Hebrews
51) primary
18) Claudius
34) helots
2) alliance
19) covenant
35) Hindus
3) annexes
20) culture
52) Punic
36) history
4) anthropologist
21) cuneiform
37) humanity
53) radiocarbon
5) Archers
22) decay
38) Independence
54) rebel
6) armor
23) democracy
39) Justinian
55) Sargon I
7) artifact
24) diary
40) Mycenaean
56) Senate
8) Artisan
57) silt
25) eclipse
41) New Kingdom
9) Assyrians
58) Socrates
42) nomads
26) Economy
10) bison
59) subcontinent
27) Fertile
11) bronze
44) Phoenicians
60) Theodosius I
12) Caligula
61) triumvirate
28) global
13) caste
46) plebeians
62) ziggurat
29) Governor
14) chorus
63) Zoroaster
30) Grand Canal
15) Christianity
48) pottery
31) Hammurabi
16) civil war
49) practical
32) Hannibal
64) The first villages in India and China grew up along?
65) What was one of the most important prehistoric discoveries?
66) Where did the Sumerians build their city-states?
67) The Jewish people call their scared book the?
68) Who was the first woman pharaoh?
69) The Egyptian civilization developed in the valley of the river?
Write T if the statement is true or F if it is false. You may earn a bonus point if you correctly identify the
false portion of a sentence.
70) ___________Writing was the most important development of prehistoric times.
71) ___________The first civilizations began along river valleys.
72) ___________The first dynasty of China was the Shang.
73) ___________ The Egyptians measured things in cubits.
74) ___________A monsoon is a seasonal wind that brings rain to India.
75) ___________Geography is the science that deals with land, weather, bodies of water, and plant and
animal life.
76) ___________Egyptians believed in reincarnation, the wrapping of dead bodies in cloth strips.
77) ___________The Sumerians invented writing.
78) ___________Egyptian civilization has given nothing important to the modern world. Many
79) ___________The Iliad and the Odyssey tell us about the Trojan War.
80) ___________A century is a period of a hundred years.
81) ___________Solon, a Greek leader, helped create democracy.
82) ___________A republic is a kind of government with no king in which a few people speak for the
83) ___________Constantine was Rome’s first emperor.
84) ___________The reign of Augustus Caesar is known as the “Golden Age of Rome”.