CIDEC Seminars/Events Series: Fall 2015 Date Time Presenter Chair Presentation Title August 26th 11:30-1 Shingo Hanada Ruth Hayhoe (Wednesday) 7-105 Assessing Intercultural Competence: A Comparative Study of Japanese Students Studying Abroad (Hanada) Trevor Corkum September 9th 4:00-4:45 pm (Wednesday) 7-105 September 14th TBC 4:00-5:00 pm (Monday) Peace Lounge September 16th 4:30-6:00 pm (Wednesday) Room 7-105 September 23th WHERE IS QUEER? MIGRATION EXPERIENCES OF SEXUAL MINORITY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN TORONTO Dianne Dekker (TBC) Carly Manion To meet requirements CIDE Director Stephen Anderson and Carly Manion N/A Meet & Greet New Students Jeff Bale, Assoc Professor, CTL/OISE Carly Manion Education Reform in Hamburg, Germany in Neoliberal Times. Pan Li, Associate Professor, Liaoning Normal university, China; VS - LHAE Ruth Hayhoe (Wednesday) 11:30-1:00 pm 7-105 Hot Topics in Higher Education Research in the 21st Century” September 29th 4:30-6:00 pm Kathy Bickmore (Tuesday) Room 7-105 Jasmine Sim National Institute of Education, Singapore. Visiting Scholar CTL Reining In Citizens: Character and Citizenship Education in Singapore September 30th TBC 4:00-6:30 pm CIDESA Welcome Back Potluck (Wednesday) Peace Lounge CIDESA and Director Hosting October 14th 4:30-6:30 pm Stephen Anderson Building Schools after Apartheid (Wednesday) 7-105 October 14th (Wednesday) 6:30-9:00 pm Kai Wood Mah,PhD OAQ, Laurentian; Patrick Lynn Rivers, PhD, Art Inst of Chicago (Afield Design) CIDE SA N/A Documentary Film (Pizza Night) 15 minute safety abroad presentation NEXUS LOUNGE TBC Film TBA October 21th 11:30-1:00 pm (Wednesday) 7-107 Stephen Bahry, Visiting Scholar CIDEC Steve Anderson Interactions of Identity, Language, Place and Gender in Quality Education for All: Comparative Evidence from Eurasia (Afghanistan, Central Asia, Ukraine, West China). CIDEC Seminar Series: Fall 2015 October 28th TBC TIME TBC Abdul Waheed Khan, Steve Anderson/Glen Jones Vandra Masemann, Professor, OISE Vandra Masemann Normand Labrie, Professor, LLE/CTL, OISE Steve Anderson Mini CIDE Student Symposium CIDE Students present to meet program requirements James Corcoran, OISE Steve Anderson Issues and Challenges in Scholarly Writing for Publication: Pan-American Perspectives CIDESA End of Term Potluck CIDESA Join us to celebrate our accomplishments! Normand Labrie, Professor, LLE/CTL, OISE Steve Anderson Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme of UNESCO (TBC) Alan Daly, PhD, U of CA, San Diego Steve Anderson The Social Side of Teacher Networks: Perspective from Multiple Settings and Contexts 7-105 November 4th (Wednesday) TBC 12 noon-1:00pm November 4th (Wednesday) TBC 4:30-6:00 pm November 12th 4:00-7:00 pm Xinling Li (Wednesday) 7-105 Fisseha Yacob Belay 7-105 7-105 Growth of Open and Distance Learning/ Flexible Learning in South Asia. Another topic could be: Role of Higher Education in Building Inclusive Knowledge Societies ``All you need to know about applying for and attending conferences- CIES and CIESC in particular.`` Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme of UNESCO (TBC) Daisy Zhu (Yidan) Brittany Cohen November 25th 4:30-6:00 pm (Wednesday) 7-105 November 26th 4:00-6:30 pm (Thursday) PEACE LOUNGE December 2nd (Wednesday) TBC 4:30-6:00 pm December 9th 11:30-1:00 pm (Wednesday) 7-105 7-105 Umesh Sharma TBC PLEASE NOTE: CIDE seminars as Program Requirement: Students are required to attend and participate in 5 CIDE seminars. Students must be present in person at a minimum of 4 CIDE seminars. After December 2013, for their 5th seminar requirement, students will have the option of either attending in person or visiting the CIDEC website, choosing one seminar video to watch and then write a reflective summary of 400-500 words on it. If you choose this option, please contact the CIDEC administrator for reflective summary guidelines at Other Dates to Know: CIDE Orientation September 14, 2015 from 4:00-5:00 pm in the Peace Lounge – 7th floor. CIDESA Welcome Back Potluck September __ 4:00-6:30 pm (subject to change) Deadline for electronic submission of final doctoral theses in order to avoid fee charges for the 2015-16 Fall Session, September 15, 2015. Deadline to add Fall Session courses, September 28, 2014; Deadline to drop Fall session courses: November 2, 2015 CIES 2015 is March 8-13, 2015 Please note that CIDESA Events do not count toward CIDE program Requirements 2 All CIDEC Seminars are held in 7-105, unless otherwise indicated. THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR UP TO DATE INFORMATION, PLEASE CHECK THE CIDEC WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.OISE.UTORONTO.CA/CIDEC CIDEC Seminar Series: Fall 2015 3 All CIDEC Seminars are held in 7-105, unless otherwise indicated. THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR UP TO DATE INFORMATION, PLEASE CHECK THE CIDEC WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.OISE.UTORONTO.CA/CIDEC