Nomen Dies Hora ______ Mythology Study Guide III Re

Nomen ________________________________________________ Dies _______________________ Hora __________
Mythology Study Guide III
Re-read and/or review all myths as needed; study guides from class may be your primary (i.e.
first and most important) resources for your test preparation.
However, n. b. there will be questions on the test that can only be answered from a solid
understanding of each myth and notes from class reading / discussion. Such questions are not
on the study guide, giving the grade advantage to those students who have diligently read and
reread myths, taken careful notes, and paid close attention during class.
VII. “Δεμητερ, Περσεφωνη, and Άδης” (i.e. Demeter, Persephone, and Hades)
How do we write Περσεφωνη’s name in Roman letters?
How do we write Δεμητερ’s name in Roman letters?
What is the relationship between those two immortal goddesses?
Which god abducts or “godnaps” Περσεφωνη?
Why does he do this to the young goddess?
How does Περσεφωνη feel about being abducted by Άδης?
How does Δεμητερ react to her daughter’s presence in the Underworld?
Περσεφωνη is free to leave The Underworld as long as she does not do what?
She eats seeds from what fruit, requiring her to spend part of each year in Tartarus?
What natural phenomenon did this myth help the Greeks to understand?
VIII. “Prometheus et Epimetheus” (i.e. Prometheus and Epimetheus)
What role does Epimetheus play in repopulating the world? (i.e. what does he create?)
What role does Prometheus play in repopulating the world? (i.e. what does he create?)
What specific weaknesses do humans have, compared to animals?
What does Prometheus steal from Ζευς to give to humans?
How did this gift from Prometheus change human life, according to myth?
How did Ζευς feel when he saw that Prometheus had given fire to humanity?
How did Prometheus trick Ζευς, thus angering him further?
What horrible punishment did Ζευς create for Prometheus as a result?
What “punishment” did Ζευς create for humans, according to the sexist Greek myth?
Who created Pandora? (write his name in Greek letters here—use your resources).
How would you write that same deity’s name in Roman letters?
After which Greek goddess did Pandora’s creator fashion her? (Greek and Roman spelling)
VIII. “Prometheus et Epimetheus” (i.e. Prometheus and Epimetheus) (continued)
What “gift” did Ζευς give to Pandora, commanding her never to open it?
What happened when curiosity got the best of Pandora and she disobeyed Ζευς’ command?
What was left in Pandora’s jar when she closed it?
IX. “Atalanta”
Why did Atalanta’s father abandon her in the wilderness?
What skill does Atalanta have that allows her to best all the boys?
What competition would any boy need to win in order to marry Atalanta?
What happens if they lost the competition?
Who finally beat Atalanta and married her?
How does he win the competition?
…And they lived happily ever after. Until… (what happens toward the end of their lives?)
X. “The Apple of Discord” (i.e. The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis)
Peleus marries Thetis, who is a minor sea-goddess known as a ____________.
Which goddess comes to the wedding looking for trouble?
What does she throw onto the table to stir things up a bit?
What does it say?
Which three goddesses go for the apple at once? (list their Greek and Roman spellings)
(a) Αφρωδιτη --
When the goddesses ask Ζευς to judge which is fairest, he passes the buck to ________.
How does Ήρα tempt Paris to get him to choose her as the fairest?
How does Αθηνα tempt Paris to get him to choose her as the fairest?
How does Αφρωδιτη tempt Paris to get him to choose her as the fairest?
Which of these three goddesses was able to win Paris to her side in the end?
Thetis, who wants immortal children, dips each of them into the ___________________.
Unfortunately, most of them are killed. Which child is not killed?
Which part of this famous Greek hero is vulnerable?
Who is Mr. Kobielnik’s boss, whom he nailed in the Achilles tendon with a cart at age 19?
Αφρωδιτη offers the best-looking woman in the world. Why is this a problem?