Canadian Biome Worksheet 6 - Aquatic Biomes

Canadian Biome Worksheet #6
Name of Biome: Aquatic Biomes
Location of Biome(s): (Sketch map of Canada and describe)
Brief Description:
List the provinces that have this biome:
What are the 2 main categories of aquatic biome?
Each of the 2 categories of aquatic biome consist of sub-biomes. List 4 sub-biomes for each
category of biome:
Abiotic Factors
a. Salt Concentration for biome category #1:
b. Salt Concentration for biome category #2:
c. Describe and discuss the Abiotic Factors that exist in 3 of the sub-biomes in each main
category of aquatic biome:
Biotic Factors:
a. List types of plants found in:
List the types of plants that are found in aquatic biomes and describe 3 in detail:
Describe the structure of plants that are best adapted to this environment:
b. List the types of animals found in the aquatic biomes and describe 2 in detail: