8 February 1999

Bridge Street, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AF
Telephone: 01842 752840 Fax: 01842 750220
Headmaster: G J Price MA (Oxon)
22nd October 2014
Dear Parents,
Year 7 History Visit to Norwich Castle Tuesday 25th November 2014
We have arranged for Year 7 to spend the day at Norwich Castle on Tuesday 25th
November 2014. During the day, the students will be taking part in a variety of activities
around the Castle Keep that will involve and support the work they have been doing in
both History and Maths. As Year 7 have been studying medieval castles in their History
lessons, the visit is an excellent chance for them to see a real castle. The link with their
Maths work is perhaps more intriguing! Norwich Castle will be under siege and the
students will be using their mathematical skills to work out how to defend the Castle
most efficiently and how to preserve water and food supplies. A number of medieval
re-enactors will be guiding us through the day.
We will travel to Norwich by coach and leave TGS at 9am, after morning registration. We
will return by the end of the school day, so that students travelling home by bus will be
able to do so.
The students will be inside the Castle all day, so will be warm enough wearing their
school uniform. They will need to bring a packed lunch to eat whilst we are there.
The cost of the day will be £7 (cheques made payable to ‘Thetford Grammar School’) and
I would be grateful if you could complete the form below and return it with the payment
to the School Office by Friday 14th November 2014, at the latest.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Kathrin Elders
Trip Organiser
Year 7 History Visit to Norwich Castle Tuesday 25th November 2014
_______________________________ (name of child) Form 7__
will be able to visit Norwich Castle on Tuesday 25th December. I enclose £7 in payment.
Signed ___________________________________ Date ____________________
Registered Charity No: 311263