Sample Guidelines for Student Re

Student Re-engagement
Sample Guidelines
Re-engagement Process
The goal of the re-engagement process is to support the student’s ability to be successful in school
when they return to school following a period of exclusionary discipline.
Through the process, the administrator and meeting attendees complete a re-engagement plan. The
re-engagement plan should be reasonable and achievable.
Re-engagement Meeting
The purpose of the re-engagement meeting is to develop a plan to re-engage the student in a school
program tailored to the student's individual circumstances (RCW 28A 600.022).
District or school staff initiate the re-engagement conference. (This meeting is separate from the
conference associated with the petition for re-admission. 1)
Schedule the re-engagement meeting with the student and the student's parents or guardians:
 Within 20 days of the student's long-term suspension or expulsion — if the suspension or
expulsion is longer than 20 days; or
 No later than five days before the student's reentry or enrollment — if the suspension or
expulsion is less than 20 days.
Re-engagement meeting participants should take into account:
1. The circumstances related to the student’s suspension or expulsion,
2. The student’s prior academic and discipline history, and
3. The severity of the disciplinary incident that led to the student’s exclusion.
Re-engagement Plan
The purpose of the re-engagement plan is to:
 Discuss the services available to the student while excluded,
 Define what the student is required to do before returning to school, and
 Identify supportive interventions that will be in place when the student returns to school.
While developing a re-engagement plan, school districts should consider:
1. Shortening the length of time that the student is suspended or expelled;
2. Exploring whether or not there are other forms of corrective action that could be more
3. Determine how the plan can aid the student as they take the necessary steps to remedy the
situation that led to the suspension or expulsion; and
4. Plan supportive interventions that support academic success, and keep the student engaged
and on track to graduate
Readmission Conference: The student and parent can initiate the readmission process at any time
(WAC 392-400-275). Please refer to district policy and procedure (#_______) to become familiar with
the readmission process specific to____________ School District.
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Student Re-engagement
Sample Guidelines
SAMPLE Re-engagement Strategies – District Specific
Academic re-engagement strategies, as developed by school staff, the student, and the student’s
parents/guardians, should be included in the re-engagement plan. During the period of
exclusion, avoid the loss of academic credit whenever possible.
Behavioral re-engagement strategies should be reasonable and related directly to the
disciplinary infraction.
Communication strategies should inform school staff, students, and parents/guardians about
services, reentry plans, and/or accommodations. Incorporate these communication strategies
into the re-engagement plan.
Address the possibility of other supportive interventions as a way to help the student
reintegrate successfully into the classroom and all aspects of the school environment.
Resources for Students
Help students and parents/guardians meet the requirements of a re-engagement plan by
building in community-specific resources that could keep the student on track. List specific
supports for issues related to the disciplinary action. For example, mental health, behavioral
assessments and support services, as well as academic supports, such as tutoring and other
academic services available through the district.
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Student Re-engagement
Sample Guidelines
Appendix A: Example Strategies to Include in the Plan
 Complete academic work as outlined in the conference
 Receive tutoring (e.g., after school, at alternative site, etc.)
 Partial-day schedule
 Meet with counseling, guidance, or other reengagement staff
 Enroll in an alternative education program
 Read a book and write a summary of learning, essay about the message, etc.
 Earn physical education credit for developing a fitness plan and tracking fitness hours.
 Credit Recovery/Completion of assignments for credit
 Navigation 101 lessons
 Complete identified behavioral assessments
 Research the school district policy and procedure that were the grounds for the disciplinary
action. Write a paper that explains the rationale for the policy, and how the student will
comply upon return to school
 Implement a partial school schedule to phase in transition
 Other, at administrator's discretion
• Engage in community service
• Job shadow
• Student log of pre-determined activities
• Upon completion of developing the re-entry plan, the school will develop a communication
plan to notify appropriate staff about the student's readmission and expectations
• Meet with appropriate school staff (SRO, campus security, counselors, etc.)
Resources for Students:
• Child/Youth/Young Adult Programs:
• Counseling:
• Programs & Support Groups:
• School/Training/Employment:
Resources for Parents:
• Behavioral/Mental Health:
• Behavioral Assessments:
• District Departments:
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