The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Character Analysis Essay Exceptional: Attention grabbing, interesting introduction with a controlling thesis, which is supported by each concrete detail in the body paragraphs. At least three, proper body paragraphs that use character analysis as commentary and does not use plot summary to prove writer’s point. Concludes with a strong, wellwritten conclusion that brings the introduction’s point back around in a smooth and logical manner. Sentence structure shows an understanding of complex, varied sentence types. Spelling and grammar rules are understood. Errors are at a minimum and never interfere with the overall flow or understanding or the reader’s enjoyment of the essay. Very Good: Interesting introduction with a controlling thesis, which is supported by each concrete detail in the body paragraphs. Good: Introduction with a controlling thesis, which is mostly supported by each concrete detail in the body paragraphs. Minimal: Introduction contains a basic thesis statement. At least three, proper body paragraphs that use character analysis as commentary and does not use much plot summary to prove writer’s point. Concludes with a strong, wellwritten conclusion that brings the introduction’s point back around. At least three, proper body paragraphs that use character analysis as commentary and does occasionally use plot summary to try to prove writer’s point. The conclusion attempts to bring the introduction’s point back around in a smooth and logical manner. At least three, proper body paragraphs that begins to use character analysis as commentary but tries to use plot summary as analysis and commentary. Conclusion restates thesis statement and awkwardly brings back issues in introduction in an attempt to bring back introduction points. Sentence structure shows an understanding of complex, varied sentence types. Sentence structure attempts a use of complex, varied sentence types. Sentence structure is not varied and relies mostly on simple sentences. Spelling and grammar rules are understood. Errors are at a minimum and never interfere with the overall flow or understanding. Spelling and grammar rules are understood. Errors are at a minimum and never interfere with the overall flow or understanding. Spelling and grammar rules are understood. Errors are at a minimum and never interfere with the overall flow or understanding.