updates to agenda - Accreditation Canada

Day One
Monday, March 23
08:00 – 09:00
Breakfast and registration
09:00 – 09:30
Welcome and opening remarks
Harbour Foyer
Harbour Ballroom
Dawne Barbieri – Master of Ceremonies
Wendy Nicklin – President and CEO, Accreditation Canada
Dr. Bob Bell – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
09:30 – 10:30
Harnessing organizational energy for transformational change
Harbour Ballroom
Dr. Helen Bevan – Chief of Service Transformation, NHS Institute for Innovation and
Improvement, UK (live via video)
Sponsored by HIROC
10:30 – 10:45
Networking break and exhibits
Harbour Foyer
10:45 – 10:55
Poster viewing
Harbour Foyer
11:00 – 11:45
QI workshops: A series of workshops led by select organizations sharing their quality
improvement initiatives
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
1. Moving the big dots: Cultural change through quality improvement and patient
safety framework
Tina Mah – Vice-president, Planning and Performance Management, Grand River
Claudette DeLenardo – Corporate Director, Planning & Quality, Grand River Hospital
11:45 – 12:45
Pier 2
Culture change in residential care: Lessons learned
Ann Marie Leijen – Executive Director, Cheam Village Complex Care Centre
Pier 3
Valuing the patient’s experience: Evaluating an innovative ehealth platform, tickit,
to collect patient entered quality data
Kimberly Hunter – Manager, Quality and Patient Safety, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health (CAMH)
Sascha Garrey – Director of Marketing and Communications, Shift Health Paradigms
Pier 6
Reducing medication interruptions
Mary Lynn Johnston – Director of Care, Lakeshore Lodge
Elizabeth Juraschka – Quality Improvement Advisor, City of Toronto, Long-Term Care
Homes & Services
Pier 7
Sustainable process for pressure ulcer prevention and management in acute care
Valentina Constantinescu – Patient Safety Facilitator and Betsy John Wound Care
Specialist, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Pier 8
Building capacity through the mental health series
Maureen Fedorus – Mental Health Manager, Community Division, Children’s Hospital
of Eastern Ontario
Pier 9
Lunch and exhibits
Harbour Foyer
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12:45 – 13:45
Die young … at an old age
Doctors without boredom
Harbour Ballroom
The Wise Quacks – Dr. Dave Hepburn and Dr. Rob Sealey
Dr. Dave Hepburn and fellow sidequack, the side-splitting Dr. Rob Sealey, host the popular
national radio program "Wisequacks" heard weekly across Canada. In their presentation,
“The New Science of Happiness,” participants will learn why changing how we deal with
stress, problems, difficult people, and road rage is critical to being balanced and happy.
13:50 – 14:35
Accreditation Canada workshops: New elements of the Qmentum program that support
your quality improvement journey
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
Evidence review: Organizing successful submissions
Christopher Dean – Quality Assessor, Accreditation Canada
Pier 2
Client- and family-centred care and engagement through the Accreditation
Canada program
Paivi Kattilakoski – Accreditation Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Dawne Barbieri – Director of Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research,
North York General Hospital; and Accreditation Canada Surveyor
Pier 3
Management and disclosure of patient safety incidents: Revisions to the Required
Organizational Practices
Heather Howley – Health Services Research Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Julie Langlois – Accreditation Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Pier 8
Measurement for Improvement: Guiding you in the delivery of quality,
safe services
Caroline Proulx – Health Services Research Specialist with Accreditation Canada
Heather Garnett – Vice-president, Patient/Resident Services & Chief Nursing
Executive, Almonte General Hospital; and Accreditation Canada Surveyor
Pier 9
14:35 – 14:50
Networking break and exhibits
14:50 – 15:35
QI workshops: A series of workshops led by select organizations sharing their quality
improvement initiatives
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
Harbour Foyer
Using learning circles to improve quality culture
Amy Fish – Director of Quality and Clinical Services, Donald Berman Maimonides
Geriatric Centre & Jewish Eldercare
Stefania Iapaolo – Quality and Accreditation Specialist, Donald Berman Maimonides
Geriatric Centre & Jewish Eldercare
Pier 7
SAFE: More efficient and effective event reporting
Jennifer Foster – Director, Client Experience & Outcomes, Toronto Central CCAC
Pier 3
Mental health at work
Christine Devine – Wellness Specialist,Toronto East General Hospital
Pier 6
Introduction of electronic incident reporting for a health authority
Stella van Rensburg – Manager, Quality and Risk Management, Beaufort-Delta Health
and Social Services Authority
Andrew So – Implementation Specialist, RL Solutions
Pier 8
Integrating quality with sustainability while improving practice and the patient
Pier 2
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Tracey Black – Area Director, Alberta Health Services
15:40 – 16:40
Piloting a new model of interprofessional team: Transforming the culture of oral
health care in long-term care
Elizabeth Currie – Regional Manager, Clinical Services, Revera
Networking reception
Pier 9
Harbour Foyer
Join the conversation using #QualityConf2015
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Day Two
Tuesday, March 24
08:00 – 09:00
Breakfast and registration
09:00 – 9:40
Opening remarks and Leading Practices
Harbour Foyer
Harbour Ballroom
Dawne Barbieri – Master of Ceremonies
Wendy Nicklin – President and CEO, Accreditation Canada
09:40 – 10:40
Organizational transformation: The pathway to excellence
Harbour Ballroom
Sister Mary Jean Ryan – SSM Health, Missouri, USA
This presentation will address the importance of engaging the workforce of the future, and
bringing forth the leadership that resides in all of us in order to achieve organizational
10:40 – 10:55
Networking break and exhibits
10:55 – 11:05
Poster viewing
11:10 – 11:55
QI workshops: A series of workshops led by select organizations sharing their quality
improvement initiatives
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
12:00 – 13:00
Harbour Foyer
Harbour Foyer
The interprofessional improvement team: A key approach to ensure excellence in
cancer care
Dr. Carolyn R. Freeman – Physician Champion, Quality, McGill University Health Centre
Patricia Lefebvre – Director of Quality, Patient Safety and Performance, McGill
University Health Centre
Pier 9
Using VTE audit data to improve VTE prophylaxis in Alberta
Keith King – Accreditation Advisor, Quality and Healthcare Improvement, Alberta Health
Pier 8
Citoyen à part entière : l’expérience en santé mentale de l’usager
Adam Mongodin – Adjoint DG, Qualité, Performance, Risque, Évaluation, Institut
universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal
Pier 6
A home care approach to medication reconciliation
Rosanna Dolinki – National Senior Manager, Clinical Practice, CBI Health Group
Julia Sommers – National Director, Training, CBI Health Group
Pier 3
Implementing effective strategies to reduce restraint utilization
Ranjit Calay – Director of Nursing, Bandale Acres
Margaret Aerola – Administrator, Bandale Acres
Pier 7
Excellence in patient care: Hospital/home care system integration
Lisa Levin – Vice-president, Community Relations and Communications, Circle of Care
Phillip Plotnik – Vice-president, Business Development, Mount Sinai Health System
Pier 2
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13:00 – 13:45
Accreditation Canada workshops: New elements of the Qmentum program that support
your quality improvement journey
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
Evidence review: Organizing successful submissions
Christopher Dean – Quality Assessor, Accreditation Canada
Pier 2
Client- and family-centred care and engagement through the Accreditation Canada
Paivi Kattilakoski – Accreditation Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Dawne Barbieri – Director of interprofessional Practice, Education and Research,
North York General Hospital; and Accreditation Canada Surveyor
Pier 3
Management and disclosure of patient safety incidents: Revisions to the Required
Organizational Practices
Heather Howley – Health Services Research Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Julie Langlois – Accreditation Specialist, Accreditation Canada
Pier 8
Measurement for Improvement: Guiding you in the delivery of quality, safe services
Caroline Proulx – Health Services Research Specialist with Accreditation Canada
Heather Garnett – Vice-president, Patient/Resident Services & Chief Nursing Executive,
Almonte General Hospital; and Accreditation Canada Surveyor
Pier 9
13:45 – 14:00
Networking break and exhibits
14:00 – 14:45
QI workshops: A series of workshops led by select organizations sharing their quality
improvement initiatives
(Participants select one of the following workshops to attend)
14:45 – 15:45
Harbour Foyer
Strategic board development: Multi-year education plan and recruitment/succession
Nancy Gale – Director, Strategic Communications and Stakeholder Relations,
Mississauga Halton CCAC
Pier 9
Bringing data to life with business intelligence
Bethany McCormick – Director, Quality Management, Guysborough Antigonish Strait
Health Authority
Pier 8
Transforming the ordinary by celebrating the extraordinary: Creating a new narrative
for the accreditation journey
Yelena Potts – Quality and Patient Safety Consultant, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Rachita Saini – Accreditation Coordinator, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Pier 2
Redesign of the medicine program from the ground up: Blending theory, method, and
staff engagement for groundbreaking results
Trisha Lawson – Clinical Practice Manager, Windsor Regional Hospital
Patient videos - Toronto East General Hospital
photoVOICE: Improving the patient experience at the North Bay Regional Health
Tamara Dube-Clarke – Patient and Family Partnered Care Coordinator, North Bay
Regional Health Centre
Working smarter to achieve sustainable improvement
Pier 3
Pier 6
Pier 7
Harbour Ballroom
The demand for improved health care is increasing, as are activities to make it happen.
Health care organizations have to respond to this increased demand. Their response can
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result in real, sustained improvements, but can also lead to an overburdening of the system
and care providers. At this presentation we will discuss this issue and provide you with a
model and a tool to enable Highly Adoptable Improvements.
Dr. Chris Hayes – Medical Officer, Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI); Medical Director,
Quality and Performance, St. Michael’s Hospital
Sponsored by HIROC
15:45 – 16:00
Closing remarks
Harbour Ballroom
Wendy Nicklin – President and CEO, Accreditation Canada
We extend our sincere thanks to our generous sponsors:
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