RNA Protein Synthesis and Gene Alteration Notes

Name _______________________________________ Date ________________ Mod ______________
Protein Synthesis and DNA Alteration Notes
Structure of DNA and RNA
DNA structure
o Double-stranded helix
o Nucleotide bases are G, C, A, and T
A pairs with _______
o Sugar-phosphate backbone
 Sugar found in DNA is called _______________________.
C pairs with _______
RNA structure
o Sugar-phosphate backbone
 Sugar found in RNA is ____________________
o Nucleotide bases are G, C, A, and U (uracil)
In RNA T is replaced by _____________.
o Forms of RNA
Draw Each kind of RNA Below
mRNA- ________________________RNA
o encodes amino acid sequences
tRNA- _________________________RNA
o brings amino acids to ribosomes during
rRNA- ________________________RNA
o makes up the ribosomes along with
Protein Synthesis
The sequence of nitrogen bases directs protein formation
DNA -> complementary DNA -> RNA -> amino acid sequence -> protein
Replication- occurs in ________________
 DNA molecule makes a copy of itself
 Enzyme unzips double helix
 Enzymes base pair exposed bases on each strand
 Base pair rules:
 C and G base pair
 A and T base pair
 A complementary strand of ____________ is made and transported out of the nucleus to
the cytoplasm
Name _______________________________________ Date ________________ Mod ______________
Protein Synthesis and DNA Alteration Notes
Transcription- occurs in __________________
 Complementary DNA used to make ______
 Base pair rules:
 C and G base pair
 T base pairs with A
 A base pairs with U
3. Translation- occurs in ____________
 ____________ bases in RNA (codons) code for
amino acids (follow codon chart on page 303 in
Amino acids are then polymerized (put together to
make a long chain) by ribosomes to make
Proteins determine traits!
DNA Alterations
The effects of DNA alteration can be beneficial and harmful to individuals, society, and the environment
o Beneficial: allows for ____________
Harmful: results in ____________, disease, and/or death
o An error occurs at some point during ____________ ____________
 Example: a change in DNA base sequence results in production of the wrong protein
Chromosomal abnormalities- identified by ____________analysis
o Chromosome shape
 Part of the chromosome may be duplicated, deleted, inverted, or translocated
Chromosome number
Error during ____________results in wrong number of chromosomes in gametes and therefore
wrong number in zygote
 Examples: ________ ________________and Sex chromosome disorders
Genetic engineering
o ____________ ____________- removing genes from one organism and inserting them into the DNA
of another
o ____________ ____________- DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources
o ____________- using one cell to produce cells that are genetically ____________