Flyer Depression in Children Teens information


Depression – in children and adolescents

Everyone feels down or moody sometimes, but persistently feeling low for long periods of time could indicate something more serious.

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems. One in thirty

Australian teens will be affected by depression. There are a variety of symptoms and different people are affected in different ways. The most common symptoms reported by children or adolescents who are depressed are listed below. Some people may have one or two symptoms, others might have many more.

Symptoms checklist

Feeling sad or irritable

Vague, non-specific physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches)

Not wanting to go to school or grades dropping

Feeling bored

Alcohol or substance abuse

Increased anger or hostility

Reckless behavior

Change in friends or social activity

The following symptoms are also experienced by individuals with depression

Loss of interest in things previously enjoyed

Significant change in weight (loss or gain) or in appetite

Changes in sleep patterns – either being unable to sleep or sleeping excessively

Change in motor function – either agitation or slowing

Feeling worthless or guilty without reason

Diminished ability to think, concentrate or make decisions

Thoughts of death and dying or suicide


The most common treatments involve psychological therapy or medication.

Treatment usually involves psychological therapy and medication can be added if needed. It is important that you discuss any concerns you have with your doctor or a mental health professional, and that a treatment plan that suits your individual needs is put in place.

Places you can get support

24 hour support numbers


Kids Helpline (5 – 25 years)

Mental Health Hotline

NSW Rape Crisis Centre

Parent Line

13 11 14

1800 551 800

1300 369 968

1800 424 017

1300 1300 52

Women’s Line

24 Hour Drug & Alcohol Line

1800 811 811

1300 66 22 63


– links and resources

(Online counselling available)

(Online counselling available)

If you are worried about yourself or someone else, call Australian Psychology and Wellness Centre on 66537489 to book an appointment with one of our psychologists.
