Independent Reading Project: CATEGORY Name: _______________________________________ 5-4 3 2 1-0 Followed all instructions; project is neat, organized, and easy to read. Student spent a lot of time making a creative project. Followed most instructions; project is mostly neat, organized, and easy to read. Student spent time making a creative project. Followed some instructions; project is somewhat messy, disorganized, or hard to read. Student did not spend enough time making a creative project. Instructions were not followed; project is messy, disorganized, and/or hard to read. It appears as if the student did not spend any time on project. Justification of Project Student completed 6-8 x2 sentences; student justified choices and they are logical and clearly show thought and effort. Student completed 6-8 sentences; student attempted to justify choices and they are mostly logical and show thought and effort. Student did not complete 6-8 Justification is vague or sentences; student attempted missing. to justify choices and they are not logical and do not show much thought and effort. Review of Book x2 Student has a well thought out review of the book. It is clear that the student has read the book and provides enough detail and examples to prove it. Student has a review of the book. It is clear that the student has read the book and provides detail and examples to prove it. Student\'s review of the book is vague. It is not clear that the student has read the book and does not have enough detail and examples to prove it. Theme x2 Student provides a theme and elaborates by providing both examples in the book and in the real world. Student provides a theme and elaborates by providing either examples in the book and in the real world. Student provides a theme and Student does not elaborate on elaborates by providing theme or does not provide examples in the book but not one. the real world. Grammar Minimal to no conventional Some errors. Paper is typed. errors. Paper is typed. Project x2 Review of book is not elaborate enough or is missing. It is clear that the student has not read the book and does not provide any details or examples to prove it. A lot of errors that affect the Too many errors and/or paper understanding of the paper. is not typed. Paper is typed.