
Morris S. Petersen - There is much we do not know about
the creation and early history of the earth. The scriptural
record is sketchy, and the record of science is incomplete.
Indeed, what we imagine to be true now about the history
of the earth may prove to be only partially true in the light
of greater knowledge. We are assured, however, that the
day will come when the Lord “shall reveal all things—
“Things which have passed, and hidden things which no
man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and
the purpose and the end thereof—
“Things most precious, things that are above, and things
that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the
earth, and in heaven.” (D&C 101:32–34.)
Until that day comes, we must rely on what we are taught
in the scriptures and what we assume to be true based on
the evidence gathered and examined by science.
We are, in fact, encouraged to obtain both scriptural and
secular knowledge in striving to learn about God and his
creations: “Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend
you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in
principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things
that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient
for you to understand;
“Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the
earth; things which have been, things which are, things
which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home,
things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of
the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a
knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms.” (D&C 88:78–
Latter-day Saints share Elder James E. Talmage’s conviction
that “within the gospel of Jesus Christ there is room and
place for every truth thus far learned by man, or yet to be
made known.” (“The Earth and Man,” Deseret News, 21 November
1931.) With these ideas in mind, let us examine briefly what
we currently know from the fossil record and compare it
with the scriptural record.
God is the creator of our earth and of all life on the earth.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. …
And God created … every living creature that moveth. …
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it
was very good.” (Gen. 1:1, 21, 31.)
Among the life forms God created were apparently many
species now extinct. Fossil-bearing rocks are common on
the earth, and these fossils represent once-living organisms,
preserved now as part of the earth’s rocky crust.
Paleontology is the branch of science that studies these
fossils to collect information about the past. But one does
not need to be a paleontologist to find fossiliferous rocks—
they are more common than most people imagine, and
almost anyone can find fossils near home. These fossils
may include microscopic invertebrate and plant remains, a
myriad of fossilized sea shells, and even the fossilized bones
of the large terrestrial animals, the dinosaurs. (Local and
national laws generally protect fossil deposits, and wouldbe-collectors should be aware of these restrictions. People
are free, however, to examine fossils in place without
removing them, thus preserving their scientific value and
meeting the intentions of the protective laws.)
As one examines the rock layers, it becomes evident that
there is a highly ordered pattern in the occurrence of fossils.
As Elder James E. Talmage, a geologist, wrote in the Deseret
News on 21 November 1931:
“Geologists say that these very simple forms of plant and
animal bodies were succeeded by others more complicated;
and in the indestructible record of the rocks they read the
story of advancing life from the simple to the more
complex, from the single-celled protozoan to the highest
animals, from the marine algae to the advanced types of
flowering plant—to the apple tree, the rose and the oak.”
The sequence in the occurrence of fossils repeats itself in
sedimentary rocks throughout the world. Furthermore,
whether they were in Australia, Africa, the Americas, or
elsewhere, the various forms of life on earth appeared and
disappeared at the same time. To the faithful student of
the scriptures, this precision reflects the ordered processes
of God, the divine Creator. The sequence of the creation of
life on earth as recorded in Genesis—first plants (Gen. 1:11–
12), then animals (Gen. 1:20–23)—is duplicated in the fossil
record: plant fossils precede the appearance of animal
This agreement shouldn’t be surprising because the God
who created this earth is the same God who inspired the
prophets. A conflict arises only when we assume that God
has revealed all he is going to reveal on the subject or forget
that scientific theories change as new discoveries are made.
We also need to remember both the purposes for which the
scriptures were given and the objectives of the scientific
Foremost, the scriptures testify of Jesus Christ and how we
may receive the blessings of salvation and exaltation
through his atonement. They reveal why (not necessarily
how) the earth was created, and what laws and principles a
person must follow to obtain eternal life. The goal of
science, on the other hand, is to learn how (not why) the
world was made and to understand the laws and principles
governing the physical world.
The different roles science and religion play is illustrated in
a study of the dinosaurs. From the fossil record we learn
that the dinosaurs were the dominant animals on earth
between 225 and 67 million years ago. Some were
carnivorous, others herbivorous. Some were small, while
others were gigantic, weighing up to eighty tons and
growing to lengths of more than ninety feet.
The existence of these animals is indisputable, for their
remains have been found in rocks all over the earth. What
eternal purpose they played in the creation and early
history of the earth is unknown. The scriptures do not
address the question, and it is not the realm of science to
explore the issue of why they were here. We can only
conclude, as Elder Talmage did, that “the whole series of
chalk deposits and many of our deep-sea limestones
contain the skeletal remains of animals. These lived and
died, age after age, while the earth was yet unfit for human
habitation.” (“The Earth and Man.”)
Of course, the findings of science and the statements made
in the scriptures are not entirely exclusive of each other.
Often, the one augments knowledge supplied by the other.
A case in point is an event in Church history when a
prominent paleontologist, through his study of fossils found
on the American continent, supported statements made in
the Book of Mormon that were disputed by some
nonmembers. A story published by the New York Tribune
on 17 November 1873 relates a meeting in Salt Lake City
between President Brigham Young and Professor O. C.
Marsh of Yale University. Professor Marsh was one of the
leading paleontologists of his time in America. His specialty,
fossil horses, was the subject of the two men’s
Brigham Young sought information concerning the
occurrence of horse fossils, especially in America. His
purpose was to answer critics who challenged the mention
of horses on this continent in the Book of Mormon.
Everybody knew, said the critics, that there were no horses
in America until the Spaniards introduced them. Professor
Marsh’s research of horse fossils, however, clearly
established the presence of modern horses in America long
before the appearance of Spanish people in America.
The Tribune article concludes with the following: “So, while
most theologians are regarding the developments of the
natural sciences with fear and trembling, the chiefs of the
Mormon religion are prepared to hail the discoveries of
paleontology as an aid in establishing their peculiar beliefs.”
discoveries. Patience and humility will eventually resolve all
questions—if not in this life, then in the next.
Fortunately, we need not know all the details of the
Creation to take advantage of the essential saving
ordinances of the gospel and conform to divine standards of
progression. The scriptures and the inspired counsel of the
prophets are sufficient to lead us back to God.
But this does not mean that science has no place in our
eternal pursuit of truth. The more we learn of God’s
handiwork, the more we come to know him and love his
works. As a Latter-day Saint geologist, I consider myself
fortunate indeed to have the opportunity to study rocks and
fossils as evidences of God’s creation of our earth.
Everything I have learned of the grandeur of the Creation
has strengthened my resolve to learn more of our Heavenly
Father and live as He would have me live.
(“I Have a Question”, Ensign, Sep. 1987. Brother Peterson was professor
of geology, Brigham Young University, and stake president, Provo Utah
East Stake. The March 1988 Ensign contained this read comment: “The
article by Morris Petersen in the September 1987 Ensign was great! Even
as a child I was frustrated as teachers discussed dinosaurs and early earth
life. I wanted so badly for the discoveries of science to coincide with the
biblical version of the Creation. I find great peace in the Doctrine and
Covenants scripture that tells us the Lord will reveal all things. Thanks for
the article. We used it for a family home evening lesson, and it was the
basis for an excellent discussion with our children.” Lynnette W. Hancock
Roy, Utah.)
Bruce R. McConkie, “Dragon” – Dragons belong to the
serpent family; they are fabulous monsters - often
represented as winged serpents breathing fire.
Traditionally fierce and relentless in combat, it is possible
that later-age concepts of them grew from memories of the
pre-flood dinosaurs. In any event, the term dragon was
applied with great propriety by John to Satan. (Rev. 12; 13:2-4;
16:13; 20:2.) As the fiercest and most dreaded of serpents, the
name is certainly appropriate for the most fierce and
relentlessly wicked of all beings. (Mormon Doctrine, 2d ed., p.
Dinosaurs Depicted in a Mural in the Manti Temple
“My favorite part of the Manti temple is the dinosaurs in
the creation room (good thing that part isn’t live!).”
“The creation room has volcanoes and dinosaurs included in
beautiful murals.” http://thetrumpetstone.blogspot.com/2011/03/ldstemple-murals-pt-2-manti-and-salt.html
The relationship between scripture and what is currently
understood in science is ever changing. Science continually
learns more about the history of life on earth, and we have
every reason to believe that much more will be learned as
research continues.
The struggle to correlate a passage in scripture with a
specific portion of scientific research has been a challenge
for centuries. But experience has shown that what a person
understands today will be modified by tomorrow’s
D&C 101:32-34 - Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when
the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things— Things which
have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things
of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and
the end thereof— Things most precious, things that are
above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the
earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven.