WHAT ARE THE COOPERATIVE EDUCATION PROJECT AND INDUSTRY PROJECTS? BIBM779 Cooperative Education Project All BAM students other than those doing Accounting (NZICA/CPA) BIBM789 Industry Project All BAM students doing Accounting (NZICA/CPA) and students doing the Graduate Diploma programme The Cooperative Education and Industry Project modules are a major feature of the Bachelor of Applied Management and Graduate Diploma programmes. The purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to experience hands-on the complexities of a working environment. Both the Cooperative Education Project (Co-op) and Industry Project consist of two parts: work placement and a research project. In the work placement you will become part of a functioning, operational team in an organisation and will be exposed to the challenges and enjoyment that come from being in a real world working environment. The research project allows you to apply the theoretical knowledge you have learnt in the classroom setting. While the work placement can take any form, the research project must relate to the major you study. The work placement and the research project together allow students the time, place and support to integrate theoretical and practical learning. Also, this experience will enable students to reflect on how they can contribute to a team. HOW DOES IT WORK? The Co-op and Industry Project take place in the final semester of study. The start and end dates of the work placement and research project, work hours and size of the project depend on the needs of each organisation. Students will have an Academic Supervisor at Wintec and a supervisor at the host organisation. Students are not paid for their work on the Co-op and Industry Project. HOW DOES A STUDENT GET A WORK PLACEMENT AND PROJECT? Students can find their own workplace and research project which Wintec will need to assess to ensure the research project meet the necessary requirements If students don’t have their own work placement and project, Wintec can find you one If students are already working this can be used for the work placement and project. Wintec will need to contact the workplace to ensure the research project meets the necessary requirements See our Q & A’s for more information.