UT Arlington Psychology Degree Plan Effective as of Fall 2015 Overall and Psychology GPA must be a 2.25 or higher to stay in the major, once you have completed PSYC 2443 and 2444 with a C or better in each course you will be changed to full major as long as you meet the GPA requirements. 1315 2443 2444 Introduction to Psychology Research Design and Statistics I Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 1315, ENGL 1302, Math 1302 or 1315, and INSY 2303 or CSE 1301 (or passing score on CSP test) Research Design and Statistics II Prerequisites: C or better in 2443 REQUIRED CORE LECTURES (9 HOURS) Pre-Requisite: C or better in PSYC 1315 3315 Social Psychology 3322 Brain and Behavior 3334 Cognitive Processes ADDITIONAL LECTURE COURSES: (13 – 16 HOURS) BA (13 Hours) or BS (16 Hours) BA: BS: 1 course from each Group I, II, and III (9 hours) 1 Advanced Topic Course (4 hours) 1 course from each group I, II, and III (9 hours) 1 elective course from any group I, II, or III (3 Hours) 1 Advanced Topic Course (4 hours) Group I Lecture – 1 course Pre-Requisite: C or better in PSYC 1315 PSYC 3310 Developmental Psychology PSYC 3311 Adulthood and Aging PSYC 3312 Social & Personality Development PSYC 3313 Gender and Cultural Diversity PSYC 3314 Psychology of Personality PSYC 3319 Psychology of Adolescence Group II Lecture – 1 course Pre-Requisite: C or better in PSYC 1315 PSYC 3320 Behavior and Motivation PSYC 3326 Animal Behavior PSYC 3329 Behavioral Endocrinology PSYC 3356 Evolutionary Psychology PSYC 4301 Introduction to Neuroscience** PSYC 4309 Neuropharmacology** PSYC 4325 Developmental Psychobiology PSYC 4327 Behavioral Genetics PSYC 4329 Animal Learning and Cognition **Additional prerequisite of PSYC 3322 required Group III Lecture – 1 course Pre-Requisite: C or better in PSYC 1315 PSYC 3316 Environmental Psychology PSYC 3317 Intro to Clinical and Counseling PSYC 3318 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 4310 Behavior Therapy PSYC 4332 Theories of Human Learning and Memory PSYC 4335 Cognitive Development PSYC 4337 Psychology of Testing PSYC 4338 Cognitive Neuropsychology PSYC 4339 Psychology of Judgment and Choice PSYC 4357 Health Psychology Advanced Topics Course Pre-Requisite C or better in 2444 and in the 3000 level equivalent topics course PSYC 4410 Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology PSYC 4411 Advanced Topics in Personality PSYC 4412 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology PSYC 4420 Experimental Analysis of Behavior PSYC 4421 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience PSYC 4430 Advanced Topics in Clinical and Counseling PSYC 4431 Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science PSYC 4432 Advanced Topics in Health Psychology Bachelor of Arts 33 total hours of Psychology - 22 advanced Bachelor of Science 36 total hours of Psychology - 25 advanced Minor or Emphasis in Psychology Either a minor of 18 hours in a discipline other than psychology or an Emphasis in Psychology must be chosen. Minor Information about minors is found in the undergraduate catalog in the section for the desired minor. Emphasis An emphasis is a specialization in a particular area of Psychology. Course offerings in the different emphasis options are listed below. At least 18 hours of coursework must be taken in the chosen emphasis. Emphasis in General Psychology Any 18 hours of psychology 3000 or 4000 level coursework*** Emphasis Areas: (note that not all these classes are offered every semester so it might not be possible to get a specific emphasis met and so you can always change to a general emphasis) Emphasis in Clinical Health Psychology PSYC 3304 Analysis and Management of Behavior PSYC 3317 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling PSYC 3318 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 4306 Major Personality Disorders PSYC 4309 Neuropharmacology PSYC 4310 Behavior Therapy PSYC 4357 Health Psychology PSYC 4398 Honors Thesis*** PSYC 4430 Advanced Topics in Clinical and Counseling PSYC 4431 Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science PSYC 4432 Advanced Topics in Health Psychology PSYC 4181, 4281, 4381, 4161, 4261, 4361 Research or Readings*** Emphasis in Neuroscience PSYC 3329 Behavioral Endocrinology PSYC 3356 Evolutionary Psychology PSYC 4301 Introduction to Neuroscience PSYC 4309 Neuropharmacology PSYC 4325 Developmental Psychobiology PSYC 4327 Behavioral Genetics PSYC 4338 Cognitive Neuropsychology PSYC 4357 Health Psychology PSYC 4398 Honors Thesis*** PSYC 4421 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience PSYC 4432 Advanced Topics in Health PSYC 4181, 4281, 4381, 4161, 4261, 4361 Research or Readings*** Emphasis in Developmental Science PSYC 3310 Developmental Psychology PSYC 3311 Adulthood and Aging PSYC 3312 Social & Personality Development PSYC 3319 Psychology of Adolescence PSYC 4325 Developmental Psychobiology PSYC 4335 Cognitive Development PSYC 4398 Honors Thesis*** PSYC 4410 Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology PSYC 4181, 4281, 4381, 4161, 4261, 4361 Research or Readings*** Emphasis in Social and Organizational Science PSYC 3301 Psychology of Human Relations PSYC 3302 Business Psychology PSYC 3313 Gender and Cultural Diversity PSYC 3314 Psychology of Personality PSYC 4332 Theories of Human Learning and Memory PSYC 4337 Psychology of Testing PSYC 4359 Selected Topics in Psychology PSYC 4398 Honors Thesis*** PSYC 4412 Advanced Topics in Personality PSYC 4413 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology PSYC 4181, 4281, 4381, 4161, 4261, 4361 Research or Readings*** Substitutes for 2313 and 2314 of Foreign Language: CULTURAL STUDIES (not all these courses are offered so if you find a cultural class that is not on this list - notify your advisor to see if the class can count as a sub) ANTH 2322 GLOBAL CULTURE ANTH 3328 CIVILIZATIONS ANTH 3331 CULTURE AND PERSONALITY ANTH 3333 NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS ANTH 3336 ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION ANTH 3346 CULTURES OF THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST ANTH 3369 MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY ART 3302 ART OF ANTIQUITY ART 3305 EARLY CHRISTIAN & BYZANTINE ART 3320 MESOAMERICAN ART 4302 GREEK AND ROMAN PAINTING ART 4303 ROMAN ART ART 4304 THE ETRUSCANS ART 4317 THE ART OF OTHER TRADITIONS CLASS 2303 CLASSICAL ROOTS OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY CLASS 3310 INTRODUCTION TO GREEK CIVILIZATION CLASS 3320 INTRODUCTION TO ROMAN CIVILIZATION CLASS 3323 TOPICS IN CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY ENGL 3301, 3306 RUSSIAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION ENGL 4380 CLASSICAL LITERATURE ENGL 4381 MEDIEVAL LITERATURE ENGL 4388 MAJOR FIGURES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE HIST 2301, 2302 HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION HIST 3365, 3366 AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY HIST 3367 AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY HIST 3368 HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN AMERICAN HIST 3374 ANCIENT GREECE HIST 3375 ANCIENT ROME HIST 3380 HISTORY OF ANCIENT SPORT HIST 4359, 4360 HISTORY OF RUSSIA HIST 4365 HISTORY OF SPAIN & PORTUGAL HIST 4366, 4367 LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY HIST 4368 HISTORY OF MEXICO HIST 4374, 4375 AFRICAN HISTORY HIST 4376, 4377 AFRICAN DIASPORA HIST 4379 HISTORY OF MODERN CHINA HUMA 2301 HUMANITIES LING 2301 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF HUMAN LANGUAGES PHIL 3301 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY: ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY PHIL 3302 HIST. OF PHIL.: ROMAN & MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY PHIL 3315 ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION POLS 3316 DICTATORSHIP & DEMOCRACY IN LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS POLS 3317 MEXICAN POLITICS & U.S.-MEXICO RELATIONS POLS 3318 POLITICAL SYSTEMS OF EAST ASIA POLS 4327 POLITICAL IDEAS, ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL POLS 4361 POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT OF RUSSIA POLS 4362 RUSSIA & THE SUCCESSOR STATES TODAY SOCI 3326 SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE