America in the Early 19th Century

APUSH Unit 3: America in the Early 19th Century:
Era of Good Feelings & The Market Revolution - Student Notesheet
Create a Google Doc presentation to present your group’s answers and additional assignments (as indicated). Fill in this
sheet with your own group’s answers. As each group presents, you will fill in the rest of the sheet.
Group A: Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy & Westward Expansion
(p.239, 246-47, 250-51, online sources including my website)
For each box, include answers to the following questions:
a) What were they b) How did each of these impact foreign policy AND c) How did each impact westward expansion?
Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817)
Treaty of 1818 (U.S. & England)
Adams-Onis Treaty(Florida Purchase Treaty) (1819)
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Tallmadge Amendment (1819)
The Era of Good Feelings
Add’l Assignment 1: Create a Google Docs slide for each of the boxes and include a relevant pic.
ALSO: Include a slide with a map of the U.S. and indicate which areas of the U.S. were impacted by these policies.
You can insert arrows and text boxes on the map slide to indicate the proper areas.
Add’l Assignment 2: Prepare a mini-debate/discussion where half of your group argues this era can accurately be called
the Era of Good Feelings and the other half argues it can NOT accurately be called the Era of Good Feelings.
Group B: Supreme Court Boosts National Power
Gibbons v. Ogden
Events That Led to the
(p.248-250 & case briefs on my website or other sites)
Decision by the Court
Impact of the Decision
Events That Led to the
Decision by the Court
Impact of the Decision
McCulloch v.
Dartmouth v.
Cohens v. VA
Fletcher v. Peck
What was John Marshall’s “theory” on federal & state governments?
Additional Assignment 1: Copy your answers into a Google Docs slideshow. Each case should have its own slide. ALSO:
Include a couple pictures or political cartoons that can serve as a visual aid for remembering the importance of each case.
Additional Assignment 2: Create and enact a short skit dramatizing one of the cases.
Group C (part 1): The Monroe Doctrine
(Docs on my website and other online sources & p.252-254)
Who drafted the Monroe Doctrine?
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
What events signaled a need for the passage of the M.D.?
What was the M.D.’s impact on foreign AND domestic policies?
Additional Assignment 1: Copy your answers on to a couple PowerPoint slides.
Additional Assignment 2: Create 2 political cartoons about the Monroe Doctrine: one from the European perspective and
one from the U.S. perspective. Put each of these on a separate slide. Be creative! Feel free to copy & paste relevant pics to
create your cartoon and make sure you include a relevant caption.
Group C (part 2) – The American System – Defined
(p. 240-241, resources from my website & others online)
Proposed by: ______________________
Passed during the presidency of: _____________________________________
Proposed in (identify year): _________________
What was its purpose?
Goals of the American System included:
What was to be the role of the North and East?
What was to be the role of the South and West?
What was the importance of . . .
 James Madison?
Henry Clay?
John C. Calhoun?
Describe the response to the plan by the Republicans in Congress:
Additional Assignment 1: Copy your answers on to Google Docs slides.
Additional Assignment 2: Create a slide with a flow chart that pictorially illustrates how the American System was intended
to function. Insert arrows, text boxes, and pics to illustrate the flow chart.
Group D: Signs of Progress in Early 19th Century America
(resources from my website & others online & p.297, 300-303)
Commercial agriculture
What it was
What it was
Cotton Gin
Mass Production
Interchangeable Parts
The Industrial
Textile Mills
His role in society?
Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater
Francis Cabot Lowell
Additional Assignment 1: Copy your answers on to PowerPoint slides with no more than 2 terms per slide. ALSO: Insert
pictures that can serve as a visual aid for remembering each term and each man.
Additional Assignment 2: Create and enact a short skit illustrating realities of work in an early 19 th c. textile mill.
Group E: Economic and social issues leading to sectionalism and nationalism
(~p.217, 219, 274, 279 & resources from my website & others online)
For each box, create a separate Google Docs slide with answers to the following questions:
a) Who/what were they? b)How did each contribute to sectionalism AND/OR nationalism?
ALSO: Insert a picture on each slide that can serve as a visual aid for remembering the importance of each man
(Fulton, Morse, Deere, & McCormick) and each term.
Robert Fulton
Samuel Morse
Erie Canal
Cyrus McCormick
National (Cumberland) Road
Cotton Kingdom
John Deere
Pony Express
Additional Assignment 1: Insert a map of the United States and illustrations for each thing/person (or their inventions)
on appropriate locations on the map. During your presentation, you will need to explain why you placed each thing/person
where you did.