UCI Special Collections & Archives ISAAR (CPF) / EAC-CPF Record Creation Guidelines (Draft) These guidelines specify both the content of ISAAR (CPF) records created using Word templates, as well as data entry practices for xEAC. They will be refined as testing of EAC-CPF records both in an XML editor and the SNAC interface occurs. The structure of this document is based on the four information areas defined in the ISAAR (CPF) content standard: Identity, Description, Relationships, and Control. Each descriptive element along with its ISAAR (CPF) element number and EAC-CPF tag is listed in table form. Notes regarding ISAAR (CPF) record content and xEAC data entry are given in adjacent columns. 5.1 Identity Area <cpfDescription> <identity> Element/Tag Name 5.1.1 Type of entity <entityType> ISAAR (CPF) “person” or “corporateBody” only. xEAC (Identity tab) Select Entity Type from drop-down menu if creating new record from database homepage or within <cpfRelation> for another entity. 5.1.2 Authorized form of name <nameEntry> Use LCNAF name if available. If not, create a heading using DACS. Click “+Import VIAF Data” option at top of screen if authorized name available. Select authorized name in VIAF; opt to import Names, Other Record Ids, and Exist Dates. This should be done whether creating a new record from the database homepage, or going into a new record created through <cpfRelation>. All entity records should have imported VIAF data when available. 5.1.3 Parallel forms of name <nameEntryParallel> If the entity does not have an authorized heading, enter the devised name in the Part field. Enter exist dates in Description tab (see 5.2.1 Dates of existence below). Automatically populated when data imported from VIAF. N/A 5.2 Description Area <cpfDescription> <description> Element/Tag Name ISAAR (CPF) xEAC (Description tab) 5.2.1 Dates of existence <existDates> If exist dates are not part of the LCNAF authorized heading, record birth and death dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. Dates automatically populated when data imported from VIAF. If the name entry is devised, click “+Dates of Existence” and “+Date Range.” Enter the FromStandard and To-Standard dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. Language(s) used <languageUsed> ; multiple languages wrapped in <languagesUsed> Added value element afforded by EAC-CPF. List the language(s) in which the creator did his/her work. Can add a brief 1-2 sentence descriptive note explaining language usage. 5.2.2 History <biogHist> Biography; can copy directly from finding aid if available. Enter multiple language entries in wrapper <languagesUsed>. Use <descriptiveNote> if including 1-2 sentence description. Do not need a <descriptiveNote> for each language; one can be encoded within <languagesUsed>. Enter each paragraph of the bio separately within a <p> tag. If sources used to create original bio in finding aid are listed, include as citations in <citation xlink:href=anyURI> tags linking to surrogate records for those sources. 5.2.3 Places <place>; multiple places wrapped in <places> If creating new bio, include sources used in <sources> element. Include place of birth, death, residences, important places in career, etc. Limit to most prominent 5. Select broadest applicable geographic location (i.e., city proper rather than specific suburb or neighborhood), if the more specific location does not have an authorized heading. Can provide specific location name in a <descriptiveNote> tag. Use LCNAF for authorized geographic name; search here for linked data record: http://id.loc.gov/. Enclose search term in quotation marks to retrieve most relevant result. May want to use exact term as listed in LC Authorities: http://authorities.loc.gov/. This is generally easier to use. If geographic name is not in LCNAF, search Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) at Enter multiple place entries in wrapper <places>. Use <descriptiveNote> tag to provide more specific description about a place. *Latest implementation of xEAC should support LCNAF geographic names. Need to test this feature once local instance is operational. http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocab ularies/tgn/index.html. 5.2.5 Functions, occupations and activities <occupation> <function> *Document the URI for each place name. Each personal entity will have 2 occupations lists. List One: Identify up to 5 broad occupation terms associated with entity. Include a descriptive note regarding relevance of selected terms and which ones are described in more detail (i.e. positions held). List Two: Record most important 5 job titles held (official title and institution where employed) and associated place, dates, and occupation term (e.g. Directors (administrators)) for each one. Group job titles associated with the same occupation term together. Use Getty AAT for occupation terms. Click on “Semantic View” to get linked open data view. Source URI is listed at top of record. *Document the URI for each occupation term used. 5.2.8 General context <generalContext> Use to document schools of thought the entity belonged to. No limit on the number of schools included. Use for personal entities only. Use LCSH for authorized topical headings; search here for linked data record: http://id.loc.gov/. Enclose search term in quotation marks to retrieve most relevant result. May want to use exact term as listed in LC Authorities: http://authorities.loc.gov/. This is generally easier to use. Use <occupation> for persons and <function> for corporate bodies. Enter multiple occupation entries in wrapper <occupations>; multiple function entries in wrapper <functions>. To encode data in the first list, click “+Occupations”. Enter each broad term in its own <occupation> tag by clicking “+Occupation.” Make sure Interface Type is set to Getty AAT and search for term. Automatically populates AAT terms when searched and exports associated URIs. Encode descriptive note by clicking “+Descriptive Note” and “+Paragraph.” *xEAC occasionally will not be able to retrieve the appropriate term. When this occurs, a term will need to be added by hand in the XML file, hence documentation of URIs in the ISAAR (CPF) record. To encode data in the second list, click “+Occupations.” Encode each job title associated with the same broad AAT term AND the same place in one <occupation> tag by clicking on “+Occupation.” In order to capture the granularity needed, click on “+Descriptive Note” and enter each job title in its own <p> tag by clicking “+Paragraph.” Click “+Place Entry” to enter the place of the jobs listed. Repeat <occupation> tag steps for each occupation/place combination. Click “+Date Range” or “+Date Set” and enter the range of years covered by the jobs listed. Not currently supported in xEAC. Will need to be added by hand in XML file. Each school of thought must have its own <generalContext> tag. Use attribute @localType to include LCSH URI (i.e. <generalContext localType= “[value]”>). Wrap term in <p> tag within <generalContext>. Insert between <biogHist> and <occupations>. *Document the URI for each topical heading used. Use the top one listed in the LC authority record on id.loc.gov. 5.3 Relationships Area <cpfDescription> <relations> Element/Tag Name ISAAR (CPF) 5.3.1 Name of related entity (authorized form of name) <cpfRelation>; <relationEntry> Use LCNAF name if available. If not, create a heading using DACS. xEAC (Relations tab) Click on “+CPF Relation.” If adding a new entry to the database, enter the name in the Relation Entry field. You will then have the option to create a new EAC-CPF record for that entity. After clicking “Create Record,” generate a Record ID and select the Xlink Arcrole (“associatedWith”) and Xlink Role (“Person” or “Corporate Body”) from the available drop-down menus. If adding an entry that already exists in the database, click the “@” symbol above the Relation Entry field. Interface Type is Internal Link. Click on the “Search” button to display all existing entries. After selecting the appropriate one, select the Xlink Arcrole (“associatedWith”) and Xlink Role (“Person” or “Corporate Body”) from the dropdown menus. Populated when Xlink Arcrole (“associatedWith”) is selected. 5.3.2 Category of relationship <cpfRelation cpfRelationType="[value]"> ; we are using <resourceRelation xlink:arcrole=“[value]”> 5.3.3 Description of relationship <descriptiveNote> “associative” only. May opt for another category later. Brief description of how the entities are related. No more than 1-2 sentences, unless content is highly important and not covered in other areas of the record. Use one <p> tag within <descriptiveNote>. If more than 1-2 sentences, use multiple <p> tags. 5.3.4 Dates of the relationship <cpfRelation>/<date> or <dateRange> or <dateSet> YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. If a single date range, use <dateRange>. Enter the From-Standard and To-Standard dates in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. If multiple dates or date ranges with gaps in years, use <dateSet>. Click “+Date” to enter a single date and “+Date Range” to enter a range within <dateSet>. Enter all dates in in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. 5.4 Control Area <control> Element/Tag Name ISAAR (CPF) xEAC (Control tab) 5.4.1 Authority record identifier <recordId> N/A 5.4.2 Institution identifiers <agencyName> N/A 5.4.3 Rules and/or conventions <conventionDeclaration> N/A Automatically populated when data is imported from a controlled vocabulary. 5.4.4 Status <maintenanceStatus> N/A Automatically updated, but can be changed via drop-down menu of options. 5.4.5 Level of detail <localControl> N/A N/A 5.4.6 Dates of creation, revision, or deletion <maintenanceEvent>/ <eventDateTime> N/A 5.4.7 Language and script <languageDeclaration> N/A Automatically generates maintenance Event Type, Event Date/Time, and Agent Type. If the Agent Type is set to “human”, then you need to enter your name in the Agent field in order to save changes made in any part of the record. Maintenance events are created any time a record is altered. N/A 5.4.8 Sources <source>; multiple sources wrapped in <sources> List all sources consulted in preparing the ISAAR (CPF) record content. Format as bibliographic citations. Not currently supported by xEAC; Control tab has a heading for “Sources” but no means of entering data. Will need to be added by hand in XML file. Cite finding aid (if the biography was taken directly from it). Within <source>, wrap individual bibliographic citation in <sourceEntry>. No formatting within <sourceEntry>; text only. Enter multiple source entries in wrapper <sources>. N/A N/A. May opt to use later. 5.4.9 Maintenance notes <maintenanceEvent>/ <maintenanceDescription> An automatic ID can be generated for new records created through <cpfRelation>. Records created through database homepage need IDs to be manually entered. To be programmed in database. Publication Status <publicationStatus> N/A Added-value EAC-CPF tag. Default setting should be “inProcess”. All should be set to “inProcess” until ready to export. Can then change to “approved”. Relating Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families to Archival Materials and Other Resources <cpfDescription> <relations> Element/Tag Name 6.1 Identifier and title of related resource <resourceRelation>; <relationEntry> ISAAR (CPF) Title proper of the resource. Include a URI to the resource itself or its surrogate record. Include all related CTA archival collections; use finding aid URIs. Include up to 5 publications from the CTA book collection; use ANTPAC record URIs. 6.2 Type of related resource <resourceRelation xlink:role="[value]"> 6.3 Nature of relationship <resourceRelation resourceRelationType="[val ue]">; we are using <resourceRelation xlink:arcrole=“[value]”> 6.4 Dates of related resources and/or relationships <resourceRelation>/<date> or <dateRange> or <dateSet> Identify type of resource using an AAT term. When the appropriate term is located using http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocab ularies/aat/, look it up using the SPARQL endpoint: http://vocab.getty.edu/. *Document the URI. “creatorOf” or “subjectOf” are noted in the EAC-CPF tag library. We are adding “editorOf”. xEAC (Relations tab) Click on “+ Resource Relation.” Enter the title proper of the resource in the Relation Entry field and click on the “@” symbol. This opens a dialog box labeled “Establish Relationship”. Enter the resource or surrogate record URI in the Xlink Href field. *Note: We will not be using the import from DBpedia option at this time, as resources included are beyond the scope of the pilot project. In the “Establish Relationship” dialog box, enter the URI for the resource type in the Xlink Role field. In the “Establish Relationship” dialog box, select the Xlink Arcrole from the drop-down menu. *Default value is “creatorOf”. Need to add “subjectOf” and “editorOf” to xEAC settings. Date(s) of related resource only. Use YYYY, or If a single date range, use <dateRange>. Enter the YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. From-Standard and To-Standard dates in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. If multiple dates or date ranges with gaps in years, use <dateSet>. Click “+Date” to enter a single date and “+Date Range” to enter a range within <dateSet>. Enter all dates in in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format.