Hurricane Katrina Investigation G10 Intro to Geography Overview Hurricane Katrina was one of the most destructive and the most costly natural disaster in United States history. It also had an impact globally on economic and humanitarian levels. You will investigate the impacts, responses, and a special interest story related to Hurricane Katrina, followed by a 1-2 page summary of your findings. Objective To understand the short and long-term effects of a major natural disaster (hurricanes/typhoons); to practice concise and precise reporting on a geographical issue. Tasks 1. Read the PDF document on Edline or the wiki titled, “Hurricane Katrina: Lessons and Implications for Catastrophe Risk Management”. From this source you should extract the following information: a. PHYSICAL QUALITIES of the storm (dates occurred, category, wind speeds, storm surge stats, flooding stats due to storm surge and rain); b. HUMAN EFFECTS (stats relating to homelessness, deaths/injuries, monetary losses, and key infrastructures damaged; also refer to how well prepared the community was prior to the event, infrastructures planned for hurricanes that failed during the event, and any substantial social issues (like crime) that occurred during the storm and/or immediately after). 2. Use the other Weblinks on Edline/wiki and info from the documentaries we watch to get the other needed information listed below: a. RESPONSE to the aftermath of the hurricane (how did the US government and local authorities respond; how did aid organizations respond, and what did the international community do to respond/help); b. SPECIAL INTEREST story. The people in the region were affected by and reacted to the hurricane in many different ways in both the short-term and long-term. Choose an article from one of the news websites and summarize the details of the story presented. 3. With the information you’ve gathered above, write a concise and precise report on your findings. Your paper should no more than 2 pages long. The final copy should be presented in MLA format (name, date class, Title, page #’s, 1.5 – 2 spacing, 12pt font, etc.). Use the 4 headings as stated above in parts 1 & 2. You can include a couple of small pictures in the paper if you want, but be sure to include a caption, figure #’s, and a reference to the pictures in the written portion. You DO NEED TO GIVE A WORKS CITED PAGE WITH THIS PAPER. Be sure to cite parenthetically within the report and provide the complete works cited page at the end of the report. Failure to do so will result in a ‘0’ on the report. Grade The grade will be worth 35 points using the rubric on the backside of this page and will be entered in the Coursework category. Remember to seek feedback on your paper and get it proofread before submitting the final copy! Hurricane Katrina Investigation RUBRIC IDEAS- Physical Qualities & Human Effects IDEASResponse & Special Interest Excellent 10-9 Good 8-7 Satisfactory 6-5 Poor/Incomplete 4-0 Clear, concise, legitimate, and precise details are given relating to the physical qualities and human effects of the disaster. All writing is in student’s own words. All research detail is parenthetically cited. Good detail is given but some detail may be too brief, too long, and/or not always precise at times. All writing is in student’s own words. 1 or 2 research details are not parenthetically cited. Some detail given, but the quality is inconsistent and/or is not precise in many places. Some writing is not in student’s own words. 3 or more research details are not parenthetically cited. Very little and/or very inaccurate detail given in regards to the physical qualities & human effects. Blatant plagiarism has occurred. Writing is not in student’s own words; no parenthetical citations. Clear, concise, legitimate, and precise details are given relating to the response. The special interest story is well summarized in the student’s own words. All research detail is parenthetically cited. Good detail is given about the response but some detail may be too brief, too long, and/or not always precise at times. Special interest story is summarized in student’s own words. 1 or 2 research details are not parenthetically cited. Some detail given about the response, but the quality is inconsistent and/or is not precise in many places. Special interest summary is included, but is not summarized sufficiently or is not in own words. 3 or more research details are not parenthetically cited. Very little and/or very inaccurate detail given in regards to the response. Special interest story summary is very poorly written or not included. Blatant plagiarism has occurred. Writing is not in student’s own words; no parenthetical citations. 5 4 3-2 1-0 Organization Main points stand out clearly. Effective paragraph/heading structures. Effective transitions. Natural pacing. Easy to follow and understand. Appropriate sequencing of ideas Paragraph/heading structure inhibits understanding at times. Few transitions. Mostly, information is orderly. No clear sense of direction. Paragraph/heading structure is random. Missing or unclear transitions Sequencing feels random. No organization Conventions Text is of the required length. Text appears clean, edited and polished. Errors in spelling or grammar are few. Text is slightly shorter or longer than specified. While readable, the text lacks polish. Errors may distract the reader’s attention. The text does not meet the required length. It is hard for the reader to focus on ideas. Errors are frequent and serious. Unacceptable presentation. Works Cited & Citation Works Cited page is included and correctly organized. Citation always follows proper format. Works Cited page is included, but might have minor errors in organization. 1 or 2 errors in citation format. Works Cited Page is included, but has major errors in organization. Many errors in citation format. Works Cited page not included. Citation format is random and/or incomplete. TOTAL /35