A Hurricane Named Dementia

A Hurricane Named Dementia
As hurricane season rapidly approaches, I strongly advise
caregivers on both coasts and inland to pause and read this “heads up.”
There are very few things that a caregiver of someone with dementia
can take lightly and this includes hurricane season.
I like this quote from Louisa May Alcott. “I am not afraid of storms,
for I am learning how to sail my ship.” As caregivers we are at the helm
of our loved one’s “ship,” which takes the form of his or her safety and
peace of mind. Be prepared and plan ahead.
First, realize there are two things we definitely know: these deadly
storms do not always land where predicted and the second is that, in
this case, size does not matter! Last year’s Tropical Storm Debbie (don’t
be fooled by the fact that it wasn’t even a hurricane) dropped more
rain in my part of Florida than I think I’ve ever seen, leaving major
streets and highways closed for almost an entire month. Then there
came Hurricane Sandy, which shredded the Eastern Seaboard leaving
thousands of families homeless and millions without power for weeks
upon end. Sadly, this hurricane left many casualties in its wake.
Can you imagine being without power for that long while caring
for someone afflicted with Alzheimer’s? Well, I can. In 2005, while
caring for my dad in the latter stages of the disease, Florida got hit with
four hurricanes, one after another. One of the storms left us without
electricity for a very long, and hot, 13 days. My poor father was a
complete mess, constantly wondering why nothing in the house
worked. On top of all of this, since we have a well which is run by
electricity, we didn’t even having running water! Not good. I searched
everywhere but, unfortunately for us, there wasn’t a generator left in
the entire state of Florida! We had no choice. We had to wait it out.
Lesson learned!
If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t expect to rely on
other people for assistance as they will likely be caught up in their own
difficulties and drama.
In the event of an impending hurricane or storm, individuals with
Alzheimer’s disease or any form of dementia, will most likely be
frightened, confused and uncooperative. If making the decision to
evacuate becomes necessary, this can prove to be exceedingly difficult
for those who are memory impaired, and also for their caregivers. Any
change in routine—never mind a change in surroundings—will be very
Be prepared ahead of time. Research where it is you may need to
go. If you have a friend or relative in a safe place, willing to open their
home to you, try to get there early enough so that those with dementia
can be settled into their new environment before the actual storm hits.
Be sure to prepare a checklist for a substitute caregiver, listing patients’
daily habits and anything that may help to soothe them.
Consider pets as well. My dad was very fond of our cat and
sometimes seemed to care more for her than he did for himself. I
assured him time and again that his pet’s welfare would be well looked
after, but nevertheless he could often be found obsessing about it.
In the event it should become necessary to seek out a public
shelter, your local Chamber of Commerce will have all the information
needed. But again, do your research ahead of time. Choose a safe
harbor that will best suit your needs. Keep in mind; people suffering
from dementia do not do well in noisy, crowded places. As I stated
earlier, a friend or relative’s house will be a more composed and
controlled environment for them. Even the stable individuals that are
waiting out the storm in a public shelter are going to be nervous
wrecks, worrying if their houses will still be standing when they return
home. The anxiety in that building is going to hit the ceiling and these
loved ones are going to sense it.
Please try to avoid this situation if at all possible. They will handle a
homelike environment much better so, again, don’t wait until the last
minute to design your plan. Today is the perfect day to start.