Radiobiology - jinr :: laboratory of radiation biology

Plenary presentations:
3 June
Co-Chairmen: C. Mothersill, A. A. Dmitriev
Mothersill C., Seymour C. (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) (30 min)
Bystander effects, adaptive responses and hormesis: being on the right part of the stress
response curve
Dubrova Yu.E. (Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK) (30 min)
Mutation induction in the mouse germline: a genome-wide perspective
Surinov B.P., et al. (A. Tsyb Scientific Research center of Radiology of the Hertsen
Federal Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the RF) (30 min)
The problem of the influence of low-intensity laser radiation on biologically active
Dmitriev A. P., Guscha N.I., Dyachenko A. I., Grodzynskyi D. M (Institute of Cell Biology
and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine)
Microevolutionary processes in the 30-km Chernobyl exclusion zone
Co-Chairmen: Vorobtsova I.Eu, Dubrova Yu. E.
Seymour C., Mothersill C. (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) (20 min)
Relative biological effectiveness of environmentally relevant levels of 226Ra and x-rays
on growth and on bystander effects in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas,
Rafinesque, 1820)
Vorobtsova I., Semenov A. (Fed. St. Inst. Russian Research Center for Radiology and
Surgical Technologies, St. Petersburg, Russia) (20 min)
Significance of cytogenetic study for estimation of biological effects of low-dose
irradiation of people
Moskalev A., et al (Inst. of Biology of Komi Science Center of Ural Branch of RAS;
Syktyvkar St. Un.; Engelhardt Inst. of Molecular Biology; Moscow Inst. of Physics and
Technology) (20 min)
Comparison of dose-response transcriptomics and longevity effects of gamma radiation in
Drosophila males
Hurem S. et al (Centre for Environm. Radioactivity (CERADCoE), Norway; Norwegian
Un. of Life Sciences, Vetbio, Campus Oslo, Norway; Norwegian Un. of Life Sciences,
Dep. of Environmental Sciences,Campus Ås, Norway) (20 min)
Effects of low-dose gamma irradiation during early life stages in the zebrafish model
Kuzmina N.S., Lapteva N.Sh., Rubanovich A.B. (N.I. Vavilov Inst. of General Genetics,
RAS, Moscow, Russia) (20 min)
The epigenetic disturbances in human blood leukocytes in remote period after radiation
This report can be changed by
Grodzinsky D.M. (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine) (30
Microevolution processes in anthropogenic radionuclide anomalies
Oral presentations: Radiation effects on human
Co-Chairmen: L. Baleva, I. Schmidt-Feuerhake
I.Schmitz-Feuerhake, S. Pflugbeil (German Society for Radiation Protection, Hannover,
Germany) (30 min)
Relevance of the Chernobyl research for the evaluation of genetic radiation risks in
Hadjamberdiev I., Tukhvatshin R. (Toxic Action network Central Asia and Medical
Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) (30 min)
Radioactive areas and health in Tien-Shen
Baleva L.S., Sipyaginа A.E., Karahan N. M. (Children's Scientific and Practical Center of
Antiradiation Protection Pirogov’s Nat. Research Medical Un., Ministry of Health of RF,
Moscow, Russia) (30 min)
The dynamics of apoptosis and reparation of genomic DNA indicators in radiation induced
diseases formation at children of 1 - 2 generations after the Chernobyl accident
Sokolnikov M. (Southern Ural Biophysics Institute, Ozyorsk, RF) (30 min)
Radiation epidemiology studies of Mayak workers
17.20 – 18.00
Co-Chairmen: Pflugbeil S., Sokolnikov M.
G.F. Aru, Bugay A.N., Parkhomenko A.Yu. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
Russia) (20 min)
Radiation induced changes in dynamics of neural network model for working memory
Vorobtsova I. (Federal State Inst. Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical
Technologies, St. Petersburg, Russia) (20 min)
Mix lymphocyte culture from humans of different gender – novel model for study the
radiation induced bystander effect
Oral presentations: Radiobiology effects
Co-Chairmen: Yu.E. Dubrova, A. Moskalev
Moskaleva E. Yu., et al (Natl. Research Center "Kurchatov institute", Moscow, Russia)
(30 min)
Low dose gamma irradiation stimulates proliferation of stem cells and tumor cells but
decreases the size of SP fraction
Mikhyeyev A.N. et al (Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, NAS of Ukraine,
Kiev, Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine) (30 min)
The hierarchy mechanisms of radiogormesis effects on plants
Bashlykova L.A. (Institute of Biology Komi SC UrD RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia) (30 min)
Transgeneration transfer of response to a chemical mutagen in organisms of animals after
different-time ionizing radiation
Kadukova E.M. et al. (Institute of Radiobiology, National Academy of Science, Gomel,
Belarus) (30 min)
Effect of radiation and emotional stress on behaviour of rats in the open field test
17.20 -18.00
Co-Chairmen: Pozolotina V.N., Hurem S.
Tryapitsyna G.A., et al (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk,
Chelyabinsk St. Un., Chelyabinsk, Russia; Norwegian Un. of Life Sciences (UMB), Center
of Excellence in Environmental Radioactivity (CERAD), Ås, Norway; Norwegian
Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), Norway) (20 min)
Assessment of adaptive reaction in fish to chronic radiation exposure in the in situ
Afanasyeva K.P., Aleksandrov I.D., Aleksandrova M.V. (Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research, Dubna, Russia) (20 min)
Molecular nature of the heritable gene mutations induced by γ-rays and neutrons in
Drosophila germ cells
Poster session: Radiobiology effects
Bandarenko M., Kovalenko V. (Dep. of Chemistry, Belarusian St. Pedagogical Un.; Dep. of
Organic Chemistry, Belarusian St. Un., Minsk, Belarus)
Synthetic analogs of natural phenolic antioxidants and antimutagens from raspberry and
Boubriak I.I et al (Inst. of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Un. of Oxford, Oxford, Great Britain)
The efficiency of DNA repair in the priming of sugar and red beet seeds
Budarkov V.A. (SRI St. Research Inst. Nat. Research Inst. for Veterinary Virology and
Microbiology of Russia (SRI NRIWaMR) of the Russian Academy of Agricultural
Science, Volginsky, Russia)
Phenotypic manifestations of growth disorders in progeny of hens chronically exposed to
Bychkovskaya I.B., Mylnikov S.V. (St.Petersburg St. Un., St. Petersburg, Russia)
Non-mutagenic non-targeted radiation effects as one of the mechanisms of decrease of life
span in multicellular organisms
Dyukina А.R., et al (Inst. of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, RAS, Pushchino,
Induction of genomic instability on three generations of mice irradiated by infrared light
Koryakina E.V., V.I. Potetnya (A.Tsyb Scientific Centre of Radiology of the Hertsen
Federal Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of RF, Obninsk, Russia)
Cytogenetic evidence of HRS/IRS effects in human lymphocytes and Chinese hamster
cells following 14.5 MEV neutrons and gamma irradiation
Sorokina S.S., et al (Inst. of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, RAS, Pushchino,
Combined action of ionizing radiation and food supplement's on the induction of adaptive
response and tumor growth on mice in vivo
Talalaeva G.V. (Inst. of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg,
Gomeorez is the key model transformation of living systems under the influence of low
radiation doses
Tolstykh E.I. et al. (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia;
Dep. of Radiology, Un. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA)
Local bone marrow exposure: how to interpret the data on stable chromosome aberrations
in circulating lymphocytes?
Velegzhaninov I.O., et al (Institute of Biology, Komi Science Center of RAS, Syktyvkar,
Russia; Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada)
Qualitative distinctions of dose-effect relationships between different stress responses to
ionizing radiation in normal human fibroblasts
Yushkova E.A. (Inst. of Biology Komi Science Centre Ural Division RAS, Syktyvkar,
Epigenetic effects mus-mutations in the radiation-induced activation of transposable
elements in Drosophila
Poster session: Radiation effects on human
Batmunkh М., Belov O.V., Lhagva O. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
Time-dependent yields of water radiolysis products in CA1 hippocampal neurons exposed
to high-energy ions
Bekmanov B.O. et al. (Inst. of General Genetics and Cytology, SC MES RK, Almaty,
Identification of gene variants predisposing to increased radiosensitivity ()
Belokopytova K.V. , Belov O., et al (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna; Zakusov
Pharmacology Research Institute, Moscow; RAS Inst. of Higher Nervous Activity and
Neurophysiology, Moscow)
Dynamics of age-related changes in the exchange of monoamines and their
metabolites in rat brain structures after 12C ion irradiation
Dorozhkina O.V. et al (Inst. of Biomedical Problems, RAS, Moscow; A.I. Burnazyan
Federal Medical and Biophysical Center of FMBA, Moscow; Joint Institute for Nuclear
research, Dubna, Russia)
Somatic, behavioral and cytogenetic effects after γ-irradiation in low doses
Kabirova N.R., Okatenko P.V., Koshurnikova N.A. (Federal state unitary enterprise
Southern Urals Biophysics Inst. of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Ozersk, Russia)
Mortality rates among the offspring, whose fathers were occupationally exposed to the
ionizing radiation sources
Makarenko S.A., Zamulaeva I.A (A. Tsyb Scientific Research Centre of Radiology of the
Hertsen Federal Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of RF, Obninsk,
Effects of photodynamic therapy on cancer stem cells (CSCs) in vitro
Naumov I.A., Sivakova S.P., Moiseenok E.A. (Educational Establishment "Grodno State
Medical Un.", Grodno, Belarus)
Magistracy interdisciplinary studies curriculum on human security in territories
contaminated with radioactive agents
Panina M.S., et al (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; School of Physics
and Electronics, Nat. Un. of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Mathematics Dep., Faculty
of Science, Cairo Un., Giza, Egypt)
Mathematical modeling of the radiation-induced DNA double-strand break repair in
mammalian and human cells
Pylypchuk E.P, Domina E.A (R.E. Kavetsky Experimental Pathology, Oncology and
Radiobiology Inst., NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine)
Realization cytogenetic damage in irradiated human cells for additional action of comutagen
Rusinova G.G. et al (Southern Urals Biophysics Inst. , Ozyorsk, Russia)
Dose threshold for detection of mutations in off-springs of Mayak PA workers
occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation
Severyuhin Y.S., Budennaya N.N., Lyahova K.N. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
Dubna, Russia)
Pathological and morphological changes of purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex of rats
exposed to ionizing radiation of different types
Shishkina E.A. et al. (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk;
Southern Urals St. Un., Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Statistical reconstruction of radiation background doses of rural residents of the Urals
based on EPR dosimetry of tooth enamel
Sosnina S.F., Sokolnikov M.E., Okatenko P.V. (Southern Urals Biophysics Inst., Ozyorsk,
Hematological malignancies in the offspring of radiation-exposed parents
Tolstykh E.I., Degteva M.O., Bugrov N.G. (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine,
Chelyabinsk, Russia)
Body potassium content and radiation doses from 40K to the Urals population (Russia)
Voskanyan al.(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna; Institute of MedicoBiological Problems of the RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Laser devices for reducing the radiation damage of biological objects
Discussion: Low radiation – mechanisms and effects
17.20- 17.40