Go to www.gams.com -Download older GAMS systems and from there download the 24.0.2 version. Project description Portfolio optimization is a cornerstone of modern finance theory, as it is very attractive in the field of decision making under uncertainty. Financial crises, economic imbalances, algorithmic trading and highly volatile movements of asset prices in the recent times have raised high alarms on the management of financial risks. Inclusion of risk measures towards balancing optimal portfolios has become very crucial and equally critical. Varied mathematical models have emerged leading towards practical risk-based asset allocation strategies. Formally, financial portfolio optimization adheres to a formal approach in making investment decisions: • For selection of investment portfolios containing the financial instruments • To mitigate financial risks and ensure better preparedness for uncertainties • To establish mathematical and computational methods on realistic constraints • To provide stability across inter and intraday market fluctuations. The major objective of this project is to study the most important portfolio optimization models used to mitigate financial risks. Descriptions: In section 1, give a brief Introduction of the project In section 2, describe the different kinds of financial risks that are faced by investors and financial institutions. In section 3 present the major risk measures used in portfolio optimization, (variance, mean-absolute deviation, Value at Risk, Conditional Value at Risk, etc.) as well as the associated mathematical formulations of the optimization models. In section 4, present the results of a practical implementation of the assigned model for the Greek (American) stock exchange. More specifically, you wish to allocate an initial budget in the stocks of the FTSE/Large Cap index (25 stocks of the S&P500, explain how you select them, or 17 industry portfolios from Kenneth French web page (http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html )) to construct an optimal portfolio. Use monthly returns for the period between January 2000 and November 2015. Conduct both static tests (efficient frontiers) as well as dynamic tests (backtesting experiments over the last 24 months). Describe the related Figures. In section 5 give a brief conclusion. References.. Deadline : Thusday, 12 January. GROUPS GROUPS NAMES MODEL DATA GROUP 1 Παπαχαραλάμπους Παρασκευή Σπρίνη Έλενα Μαρία Στυλιανοπούλου Κωνσταντίνα CVAR vs MAD S&P 500 GROUP 2 Τζιώτη Μαρία Αναστασία GROUP 3 Νικολέτα Δήμητρα Χαίρα Σάκκης Παναγιώτης Ευάγγελος Τσάμης CVAR S&P 500 MAD S&P 500 GROUP 4 Άντζα Γκρούμιτς PUT CALL S&P 500 GROUP 5 Γεώργιος Δόσης NAMES MODEL DATA NAMES MODEL DATA Βασίλειος Σκορδάς Νικολόπουλος Ιωάννης-Ραφαήλ CVAR vs MAD LARGE CAP 25 GROUP 9 Νικόλαος Σαρδέλης Γιάγκος Σαπουνάκης GROUP 6 Κωνσταντίνος Αντωνίου CVAR LARGE CAP 25 GROUP 10 Γεωργια Αργυρακη Χρυση Κλαδου GROUP 7 Δράμης Παναγιώτης MAD LARGE CAP 25 GROUP 11 Τζέμης Αλέξιος GROUP 8 Χριστίνα Κουτροπούλου PUT CALL LARGE CAP 25 GROUP 12 Άννα Μαρία Κυριτσάκη Αποστόλης Κυριακόπουλος CVAR vs MAD CVAR MAD TRACKING 17 INDUSTRY PORTFOLIOS 17 INDUSTRY PORTFOLIOS 17 INDUSTRY PORTFOLIOS 17 INDUSTRY PORTFOLIOS GROUP 13 Panagiotis Mourikis Alexandros Ntelifilippidis Konstantinos Isaias PUT CALL vs TRACKING 17 INDUSTRY PORTFOLIOS