Safe Rooms -




«Building Name»


Updated on



Building evacuation is mandatory whenever a fire alarm sounds.

Every building occupant is responsible for knowing these procedures.

[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]


[Building Name Here]

Table of Contents



General Building Evacuation Procedure

Evacuation Instructions

Active Shooter Instructions

Bomb Threat

Severe Weather

Building Emergency Instructions

Emergency Evacuation Personnel

Emergency Evacuation Personnel Duties

Procedure for Persons Needing Assistance to Evacuate

Building “Safe Rooms”

Building Shelters

Building Specific Information

Building Maps

Training and Drill Documentation

[Revision Date]

Page Number


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]


Fabens ISD Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) provides the context and institutional framework for responding to natural and human caused disasters that may affect a campus/building. It consists of a plan, which identifies key emergency responders and establishes priorities for decision making; Emergency Support Functions, which detail response steps for specific district functions, which describe response actions that must be taken in specific disasters.

This Plan is structured under the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the nationally endorsed approach to incident management and response. NIMS provides guidance for a consistent and integrated framework for the management of emergencies. Moreover, governmental emergency agencies (e.g., fire, law enforcement, health, public works, EMS) responding to an incident at Fabens ISD will follow such protocol, permitting a coordinated response. Finally, NIMS provides a standardized framework for communications and information sharing at all levels of incident management, ensuring that all affected constituents receive consistent information regarding the emergency.

This plan details emergency procedures that will be taken by the campus/departments and units within each building or campus, for EOC and ICS procedures please refer to the Fabens ISD Emergency Operations Plan.


This plan has been prepared to ensure orderly and complete evacuation of [ Insert Building Name here ] whenever an emergency occurs, or the alarm sounds. Used in conjunction with the District Emergency

Operations Plan.

The primary objectives of this building plan are to ensure that:


Everyone leaves the building safely.


A procedure to safely evacuate individuals who cannot negotiate stairs is in place.


Building occupants are accounted for after an emergency evacuation.


Personnel are selected among building occupants, with functions to ensure plan objectives are met.

For the purpose of this plan, the following are emergencies for which it will be necessary to evacuate, lockdown, or shelter in place within the building:

Active Shooter.



Bomb threats.

Inclement Weather

Release of hazardous chemical substances, in quantities or toxicity, which threaten human health (depends on chemical whether building tenants will need to evacuate or take shelter).

Building air contamination

The following are emergencies for which it will be necessary to seek shelter in the building’s designated shelter:

Severe weather

Release of hazardous chemical substances, in quantities or toxicity, which threaten human health (depends on chemical whether building tenants will need to evacuate or take shelter).


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

The plan will be updated and exercised by conducting evacuation drills as required by state safety standards. All evacuation drill documentation will be the responsibility of the Building Emergency Coordinator. The plan will be revised by members of the building emergency plan safety committee, which is comprised of staff who have volunteered to participate in the planning process.

General Building Emergency Procedures

Building personnel are likely to be first on the scene of an emergency situation within the building. They will normally take charge and remain in charge of the incident until it is resolved or others who have legal authority to do so assume responsibility. They will seek guidance and direction from local officials and seek technical assistance from state and federal agencies and industry where appropriate. The superintendent/principal or designee will be responsible for activating the FISD Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and/or Incident

Command Center:

Evacuation Instructions

Whenever you hear the building alarm or are informed of a general building emergency:

Do not panic.

Do not ignore the alarm.

Leave the building immediately, in an orderly fashion.

Classes in session must be dismissed and students directed to leave.

Follow quickest evacuation route from where you are (see posted floor evacuation diagram/map).

Do not go back to your office area for any reason.

Proceed to the designated emergency assembly point for your area. If the designated assembly point/area is unsafe or blocked due to the emergency, proceed to the alternate assembly point.

Report to your Work Area Rep at the assembly point to be checked off as having evacuated safely; also report any knowledge you may have of missing persons.

Return to the building only after emergency officials or building monitors give the all-clear signal.

Silencing the Alarm doesn’t mean the emergency is over.

Active Shooter

The guidelines below should be considered during this type of emergency, but your specific situation may require deviation from these suggestions.

If escape is possible:

If it is safe to escape from the building, do so.

Seek cover far away from the building, keeping solid objects, a car, a tree, another building, etc, between you and the gunman whenever possible.

Dial 911 when you are a safe distance away.

Be mindful of approaching emergency vehicles and obey all directions given to you by law enforcement personnel.

If you cannot escape:

Upon learning of an active shooter in the building, immediately close and lock the door to the

 room you are in. If possible, barricade the door with furniture, desks, filing cabinets, etc.

If you can do so safely, allow others to take shelter with you.


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

 Remember the safety of the many vs. the safety of the few.

 Rescue attempts should only be made if they do not endanger the lives of those already in a secured area.

 The shooter may bang on the door and yell for help as a way to entice you to open the door.

 When in doubt, do NOT open the door.

Block interior windows and/or close interior blinds whenever possible.

Turn off all radios/speakers and computer monitors and silence cell phones.

Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.

After securing the room all occupants should take cover where they cannot be seen from any windows.

Choose a location that may offer additional protection, behind desks, filing cabinets, or walls.

 Occupants should NOT group together. Remain spread apart.

Dial 911 if it is safe to do so. Give your location and a description of the shooter.

Remember that responding law enforcement personnel will not know whether or not you are a threat.

Follow all directions from officers.

 Remember that officers will not treat the injured nor evacuate civilians until they are sure the threat is neutralized. Remain calm and stay still until officers tell you to move.

Bomb threat

Threats received at any facility are very serious. It is important that all information incident be documented as accurately as possible.

DO NOT HANG UP regarding this

 Use the form titled “ Threatening Phone Call Check List ” at the end of this document.

Document the exact time of the call.

Keep the caller on the telephone as long as possible.

Record the entire conversation (If equipment to do so is available).

Notify the campus/facility administrator. The administrator will determine proper notification procedures to Central Office. Do not talk to others until the administrator/designee is located and informed.

Administrator will determine if the campus/facility is to be evacuated. If so, use the emergency signal and evacuate all students and staff using appropriate signals and procedures. Move all personnel to an open, safe area away from the buildings in a speedy and orderly manner. Remember to bring attendance sheets to take roll. Have all students take their book bags, backpacks, and purses with them.

Notify the proper authorities, FISD Superintendent and FISD Police.




Never touch or move any suspicious objects. Report their location to responding law enforcement personnel.

Office and cafeteria personnel and teachers will be observant of any suspicious objects.

Administrator/designee will sound all clear signal, after receiving appropriate public agency clearance.


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

******See Threatening Phone Call check list form ******

Severe weather

Weather conditions can change dramatically and without much warning. Inclement weather can include rainstorms, windstorms, winter storms, flooding and tornados. Being alert to developing conditions can assist in responding to such conditions in a calm and orderly manner. Monitor weather radios at all times should be “ON” at all times.

Only the Superintendent or designee has the authority to cancel school and close campuses and departments.


Site Action

The campus/facility administrator will remain informed on developing conditions via radio and television weather information.

In case the decision is made to close schools due to inclement weather, the campus administrator will develop plans to assist the safe return of students to their homes.

Superintendent or designee will determine other facility closings in advisement with appropriate staff.

In the event of telephone outage, principal/designee will designate a responsible adult to act as messenger for essential communications, use a cellular phone, radio, or neighbor’s phone if available, to keep communications with Superintendent’s office.

 Superintendent’s office will notify media if schools are to be closed or delayed start.

Have a procedure ready for dismissal of students. Notify parents as needed.

If Superintendent decides to close the schools, principals will be notified.

Building Emergency Instructions

In the event of a loss of power, water leak or flood, or other building emergency:

Call the Maintenance Department at (915) 892-892-6117 to notify them of the emergency.

Notify staff that are located near the emergency so they may take appropriate precautions.

Follow evacuation instructions, if evacuation is necessary.

Emergency Evacuation Personnel

For the purpose of this plan, emergency evacuation personnel and their alternates are regular employees who have been selected to ensure that building evacuation is carried out as planned, evacuated building occupants are directed to assigned assembly points where they will be accounted for, and persons needing assistance to evacuate are attended to.

Building emergency evacuation personnel and their alternates shall be selected among building occupants, and on a voluntary basis.

On the following page is a list of building emergency evacuation personnel, and their corresponding duties.


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

PLEASE NOTE: Assigned duties are to be carried out only if you are not putting yourself in danger or risking your personal safety

Emergency Evacuation Personnel Duties

Personnel Duties

Work Area






Maintain a current list of all occupants, including part time and student employees in immediate work area.

Ensure area occupants leave the building in cases where there is word of an emergency but building alarm didn’t sound.

Inform occupants of their duty to report to your assembly point.

Assist and/or direct occupants with limited mobility either to safe rooms, or down stairs if able to negotiate stairway.

Leave the building as soon as possible and go to your assembly area.

Check off co-workers who safely reported to assembly point from occupant list.

Collect information on missing personnel known, or suspected to still be in the building, and report to floor monitor or emergency personnel.

Monitor corridors on assigned hallway and ensure personnel are moving toward exits.

Check restrooms on assigned hallway to ensure they have been evacuated.

Make sure fire doors on enclosed stairways and exits are closed and not blocked open.

Assist and/or direct occupants with limited mobility, either to safe rooms, or down stairs if able to negotiate stairway.

Leave the building as soon as possible and ensure assigned entryway is being monitored. Report presence of anyone still on your floor to

Emergency Coordinator, or directly to Fire Dept.

Prevent re-entry into the building until emergency responders or the emergency coordinator announces the all-clear signal.

Collect information on building occupants known or suspected to still be in building from Floor Monitors and/or Work Area Reps.

Meet emergency responders at building entrance.

Report information on occupants needing assistance to evacuate and other personnel suspected to still be in building to emergency responders or On Scene Commander.

Transmit the All-Clear signal to floor monitors or other building emergency evacuation personnel.

Conduct post emergency meeting if necessary.

On Scene

Security Guard

Assist emergency responders from the fire department in gaining access to building as needed.

Help secure building and prevent re-entry

Maintain communication between emergency responders and Building officials.


[Building Name Here]

Procedure for Persons Needing Assistance to Evacuate

[Revision Date]

Any person unable to use stairs, or need assistance to evacuate, should proceed to the nearest designated “safe room” or remain in his/her office if safe. Emergency evacuation personnel will check “safe rooms”, and ensure emergency response and rescue personnel are notified if someone has taken refuge there. They will also report any person taking refuge in offices in their areas.

Building “Safe Rooms”

Reasonably “safe rooms”, unless otherwise specified, are regular rooms that are easily accessible to individuals with limited mobility, have closeable doors, are preferably equipped with a telephone and windows to the outside, and are monitored by emergency personnel (Work Areas Reps, Floor Monitors).

Two rooms per floor have been designated as “safe rooms”. These rooms are for use as a refuge by individuals who cannot negotiate stairs during evacuation, until trained emergency rescue personnel arrive to assist in their safe evacuation if circumstances warrant.

Please note that when choosing safe rooms you must consider all types of emergencies including severe weather.

Shelter In Place

In the case of an environmental hazard and/or other external hazard a better option would be to instruct all students and personnel to remain inside the building, if outside all students and personnel should be directed to return to the building and remain inside.

A Shelter in Place condition is done to isolate all students and personnel from the environmental and external hazard. Such a condition will necessitate that all ventilation systems including heating and cooling be shut down and windows closed and secured.

Building Shelters

Every building should have at least one shelter designated for severe weather or other emergency which would require sheltering in place.


[Building Name Here]

Building Specific Information

[Revision Date]

Building Name: [Insert building name here]

Work Area Reps:

The following individuals have been selected as Work Area Reps, and will carry out their duties as listed in this plan under “Work Area Reps duties.” Each Work Area Rep is responsible for designating a backup person in the event their primary Work Area Rep is unavailable at the time of an emergency.

List name, phone and/or cell phone, and email.

Office Work Area Reps Alternates Department


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

Hallway Monitors

Primary Floor Monitors and Alternates are listed below, and will carry out their duties as described in this plan.

In the event that the Primary Floor Monitor is not available at the time of the emergency, Alternate Monitors will assume those duties.

List name, phone and/or cell phone, and email.

Hallway Monitors


Primary Alternate

Emergency Coordinators

The Primary Emergency Evacuation Coordinator and his /her alternates are listed below. In the event the primary coordinator is not available during an emergency, alternate coordinators will assume responsibility in the order in which they appear, and carry out their duties as described in this plan.

List name, phone and/or cell phone, and email.

Primary: [insert name here]

1 st Alternate: [insert name here]

2 nd Alternate: [insert name here]


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

Safe Rooms

The following are safe room locations:

Hallway Safe Rooms

Designated Shelters

The following are designated shelter locations:

Hallway Safe Rooms

Evacuation Assembly Points

When the alarm sounds, all occupants within the building must evacuate and report to an assigned evacuation assembly point. The evacuation assembly points for the building are designated by room number as listed below:

Hallway Evacuation Assembly Point

See attached “Evacuation Assembly Points Map” showing location of all building assigned assembly points.

[ Attach a map to this plan]


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

Assigned Building Entrances

The [Insert building name here] has [Insert # of building entrances here] building entrances. These entrances must be monitored during building evacuation to maximize building security, limit access to emergency personnel, and ensure unsuspecting employees and visitors do not enter the building, until the all-clear signal is given.

This task is delegated to the Floor Monitors. Floor Monitors who are assigned to monitor these entrances will ensure to delegate this responsibility to someone else in case of their absence during an emergency.

Enterance: Assigned Entrance

AED Locations

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are for use when a person is having a cardiac event. AEDs are designed to be used by anyone, as the machine will guide users through the process of activating the unit.

AEDs are located in the following areas:


[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]

Building Emergency Plan Safety Committee Members

The following is a list of Building Emergency Plan Safety Committee Members. Members are responsible for annually updating and revising the Building Emergency Plan, attending safety meetings and discussing building safety issues as a group. Members are selected on a volunteer basis.

List name, phone and/or cell phone, and email.

Building Safety Committee Members:


Phone and/or Cell Phone




[Building Name Here] [Revision Date]


Time call received ___________________.

Time caller hung up _________________.

Try to get another person on the line and record the conversation (if equipment to do so is available).

What did the caller say?




Ask the following questions if possible:

1. What is your name? ________________________________________

2. What are you going to do? ___________________________________

3. What will prevent you from doing this? _________________________

4. Why are you doing this? _____________________________________

5. When are you doing to do this? ________________________________

6. What kind of material or device is it? ___________________________

7. Where is the device right now? ________________________________

8. What does it look like? ______________________________________

9. Where are you calling from? __________________________________

Caller’s Voice

Male_______________ Female______________

Young ________Middle Age _______Old _____

Rough ___________Refined__________

Accent: Yes ( ) No ( )

Voice characteristics (circle) :

Calm Disguised Nasal Stutter Angry Broken Slurred Slow

Rapid Giggling Deep Normal

Accent Stressed Loud Lisp

Crying Squeaky Excited Sincere

Unusual Phrases:





[Building Name Here]

Background Noise (circle) :

Music TV Traffic Horns

Bells Machinery Aircraft

Additional Information:

Running Motors (type) Whistles

Tape recorder other

Is the number listed? ______________________

Is it a private number? _____ Whose? _______________________________________

Did caller indicate knowledge of the facility? ____

Person receiving the call:

Name: ____________________________

Campus /Facility: ____________________

Phone #: __________________________

Date: __________________________________

Call reported immediately to: _______________________________________

Signature: ______________________________

[Revision Date]

