Appendix F: Action Plan Training for College of Education [Erickson Hall] Name of Employee _____________________________________________ Date ______________ Location of Unit ___________________________ Instructor ___________________________ Title ____________________ Items Reviewed (Circle the topics covered): 1. Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Plan Overview a. Escape routes and rally points b. Special needs population evacuation c. Accountability at the rally point 2. Sheltering in Place Procedures a. Locations of shelter b. Accountability at the shelter c. Special needs population supplies d. Equipment needed 3. Secure-in-Place Procedures a. Secure locations and how to lockdown b. Accountability at the site c. Ability to silence all sound d. Special needs population supplies e. Equipment needed 4. Notification procedures a. Parents/guardians [IF APPLICABLE] b. Staff/Administration c. Police/Fire 911 Center contact College of Education, Erickson Hall Emergency Action Plan – March 2015 Page 1 of 1