Template B TSI WORKPLAN TEMPLATE (To be submitted by 30 February 2013) Workplan Template This is a template workplan that you may choose to use. If you have an existing workplan that you prefer to use you can do so. However your work plan must include all of the items shown. Example – Outcomes 1-4 One activity may fulfil more than one “Common Service” (see yellow highlight). Equally you may have more than one activity which counts towards a “Common Service”. A service may have further indicators in addition to the KPIs (see blue highlight) Service / Activity Provide organisational “diagnostic” tests to groups to help them identify weaknesses and how to improve them Relevant procurement opportunities are promoted to organisations via e-bulletin Volunteer brokerage activities to assist local potential volunteers to access volunteering opportunities. Outcome and Common Service 4.6 Performance Indicators Target / Timescale # of organisations supported 20 / year 3.1 # of opportunities shared # social enterprises supported # volunteers registered # volunteers placed 15 / year 1.1, 1.5 5 / year 500 / year 250 / year 6/12 mth output Example – Outcome 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 We will: Understand the landscape of community, third sector and volunteering activities in our local area by collecting intelligence and maintaining a database of local third sector organisations, volunteers and volunteering opportunities, including the MILO Core Minimum Fields. Use the intelligence to develop and deliver services in response to community need. Engage relevant stakeholders in the design, delivery and review of policies and services. Develop communications strategy and plans to improve our reach to stakeholders, to raise our profile, to promote our services and values. The communications plans will take consideration of the range of needs of different audience groups. Approach / Status / Plan All organisations are surveyed once every three years with 1/3 of organisations sampled in each year. This is done through a combination of printed, face to face, online and telephone surveys. Our knowledge of the sector enables us to design services that meet the needs of the breadth of the sector. It also enables us to target services to those whom we can make the biggest difference. We include our local networks in the design of our services to ensure they are fit for purpose. We also consult the wider sector on our operational plan. Our communications strategy is currently being developed by a working group of staff, board and clients. It is intended that the strategy will be in place by May 2013 with implementation complete by November 2013. OUTCOME 1A: MORE PEOPLE HAVE INCREASED OPPORTUNITY AND ENTHUSIASM TO VOLUNTEER Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output OUTCOME 1B: VOLUNTEER INVOLVING ORGANISATIONS ARE BETTER ABLE TO RECRUIT, MANAGE AND RETAIN VOLUNTEERS Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output OUTCOME 2: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPS AND GROWS Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service OUTCOME 3: THIRD SECTOR ORGANISATIONS ARE WELL MANAGED AND DELIVER QUALITY SERVICES Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output OUTCOME 4: THIRD SECTOR ORGANISATIONS FEEL BETTER CONNECTED AND ARE ABLE TO INFLUENCE AND CONTRIBUTE TO PUBLIC POLICY Service / Activity Outcome and Common Service Performance Indicators OUTCOME 5: THE THIRD SECTOR INTERFACE IS WELL MANAGED AND EFFECTIVE 5.1 5.2 We will: Understand the landscape of community, third sector and volunteering activities in our local area by collecting intelligence and maintaining a database of local third sector organisations, volunteers and volunteering opportunities, including the MILO Core Minimum Fields. Use the intelligence to develop and deliver services in response to Approach / Status / Plan Target / Timescale 6/12 mth output 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 community need. Engage relevant stakeholders in the design, delivery and review of policies and services. Communication and Promotion Develop communications strategy and plans to improve our reach to stakeholders, to raise our profile, to promote our services and values. The communications plans will take consideration of the range of needs of different audience groups. Promote the impact the sector has on the communities we live in. Partnership Working Develop partnership approaches and identify opportunities for partnership working locally, regionally and nationally to achieve better outcomes. Engage local community representatives, Councillors, MSPs, MPs and others. Work positively with Voluntary Action Scotland and our peers in the network. Equalities Develop flexible responses to meet different needs; e.g. opening times, drop-in facility, outreach locations, telephone helplines and online facilities. Make our services, publicity materials and premises as accessible as possible. Be proactive in engaging all of our stakeholders. Focus limited resources towards those who need them most Internal Management Implement monitoring and evaluation procedures for continuous improvement. Treat our people well, ensuring a good working environment, good conditions of employment and recognition for people's contribution.