University Libraries AAG Agenda, Handouts/Documents/Minutes April 14, 2015 Room 216 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM In Attendance: ☒Rosann Bazirjian ☒Kathryn Crowe ☒Cathy Griffith ☒Beth Bernhardt ☒Mike Crumpton ☒Gerald Holmes ☒Agnes Kathy Bradshaw ☒Mary Krautter ☒Tim Bucknall ☒Dallas Burkhardt for Sarah Dorsey ☒Armondo Collins ☐Orolondo Duffus ☐Melvina Ray-Davis ☒Mary Jane Conger ☒Christine Fischer ☒Michelle Courtney ☒Keith Gorman ☐Barry Miller I. Update on spending the $98,000 in one time money for public technology – Tim Bucknall About 17 University Libraries staff who work outside of ERIT attended one of three open sessions to share their ideas on how to spend the one time money for public technology. All ideas that met the criteria were compiled. Kathy Crowe and Tim met with the student group. They had three key wish list items: 1) double monitors on PCs, 2) more laptops, and 3) more collaboratories. Per #3, we wouldn’t be able to construct collaboratories with walls, but the students indicated that they want dividers similar to the arrangement in the DMC. The Public Services Heads had a few additional items. They drafted a plan with subgroups assigned to look at several kinds of purchases. Ideas were brought together, and decisions will be finalized once furniture pricing is available after a meeting on Thursday. The update included information Tim shared on the BTS main blog posts on April 2 Public Technology Money Spending Plan After reviewing and discussing the feedback from staff sessions and student focus group, ERIT and the Public Service Heads (along with Mike and Kathy) have created the following general guideline for spending the $98,000 in one time public technology money. It is only a "general guideline" at this point because some things may change as we get more pricing info and make decisions on more implementation details. We plan to - add 3 machines to the DMC Design Lab - add another cluster of 4 public machines in the DMC - add 24 new laptops for check-out from Access Services - on the first floor, add 20 more PCs. Add double monitors to most sit-down stations outside of ROI on the first floor. Exact location, configuration, and furniture for the PC's will be discussed at the Idea-thon. - Monitors and PCs for 4 collaboratories to be created with partitions (not hard walls) somewhere in the tower on a non-quiet floor. Details await further discussion. These will include whiteboards, 5 chairs, PC and monitor. - Large recharging station that recharges many types of devices and allows people to lock their device into a cabinet while recharging. Details under investigation. - Replace and expand collaboratory monitors and digital signs. An additional list of miscellaneous items is prioritized for purchase as funds are available. Ordering will start later this week or early next week. II. Furniture plan for tower – Mike Furniture specifications are in Purchasing. Furniture is a component of the $98,000 public technology funding. They will transition some faculty rooms on T2, T3, and T4 to student study rooms. We have a few already in place, and they are popular spaces. The rooms will include a table, 2-3 chairs, and a mounted white board. The windows on the doors will be unobstructed. The rooms could be used by one to three people, and students can use the scheduler to reserve one. We expect to be able to promote them in the fall. City Transfer will be back to remove some furniture from the tower; Ann and an Access Services group will identify damaged and dirty pieces. Lower level carrels will be moved to the quiet floors; double carrels will be moved to non-quiet tower floors. The aim is to have a consistent look with suitable pieces that fits user needs. DMC furniture will be cleaned. There was brief discussion about adding a coffee kiosk. Beans Boro is working on a proposal. They provide the coffee served at Scuppernong Books. This will be part of the conversation at the Idea-Thon. III. Update to lower level – Mike The DMC will close May 11 for the project. The space will be completely closed to the public through the summer. Library staff will have limited access. DMC staff will move to T2 temporarily, and that will include some service space. DACTS is closed this summer as usual. The intention is to be open in the lower level at the start of the fall term. The plan for the lower level was approved Friday by the Board of Governors. Wednesday is the final design meeting. Bids open May 7, and a contractor will be selected. Contractors do not know the budget as they put together their bids. Five or six of the items are alternates, so we don’t know if all of them will be included in the bids. Furniture will be ordered after approved and will be stored in the DMC until it’s time to put it together. IV. Real Learning Connections project proposals – Mike Mike is working with Nora Bird (LIS) on the proposal letter. We have had some great projects; selected projects fill an organizational need. Learning objectives are developed for the student and the librarian, and feedback is provided to the LIS faculty. As an example, the management course expanded the time spent on discussing assessment after insights from a project were shared. The School of Education provides a tuition waiver, and the University Libraries offer a stipend from the student wage budget. A call for proposals will be going out. Project work is conducted from September through April. There are tangible benefits and outcomes. An example of a project is the web redesign project that Terry Brandsma and Ingrid Johnston are working on. Year-end presentations will be open to library staff. The RLC students can be involved beyond just their project work, attending departmental meetings for instance. V. BTS recommendations – Michelle Behind the Stacks Taskforce Recommendations Final_1.docx See the attached document. There was general discussion about the suggestions outlined in the document. This will be discussed at our next all-personnel meeting. Changes on BTS will be done over the summer as ideas are worked out. Anyone can be given access to post items to the main blog. Cheryl can give rights to anyone who needs to post minutes. Add-on features to SharePoint may be considered. Changing to a different product, such as Blogger or WordPress, may not work due to security issues; one function of BTS is to provide a platform for archiving minutes and documents, and that is not offered with the suggested products. SharePoint has many features that we do not use. Including dates to the posts directly on the main page was mentioned by many survey responders and focus group attendees as a desirable improvement. Training could be developed on using the web site and for people who would like to post on the blog. Staff time is a consideration when determining what updates are made and what regular upkeep of the site could entail based on improvements implemented. Kathy Crowe will meet with task force members Kathy Bradshaw, Michelle Courtney, and Cheryl Cross along with Armondo to consider next steps. Gerald suggested that the Staff Association may be able to use the site in some way, such as voting on the holiday project. VI. Round robin Armondo announced that the final short film event is scheduled for April 30 Gerald commented that the usual summer change in committee membership will soon be occurring, and there may be changes in the Diversity Committee. Please let him know if there is a change from your department. The committee meets on 4/15/15, and they will have a May meeting before a summer break. Gerald also talked about seeking grant funding for Latino programming through ALA. He will be coordinating with Alianza UNCG Latino Association. The AAG retreat is scheduled for June 16. c.fischer 4/15/15