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Asian History
Course Syllabus
Mr. Stelzer
Phone # 6221-1445 Rm H303
Asian History is a general survey course designed to develop your understanding of the
political, economic, social and cultural processes that shaped Asian societies, with an
emphasis on China, Japan and Korea. The course highlights global and regional factors that
led to major changes in Asia. You will gain experience in your writing and research skills,
engage in analysis of historical sources and documents, and build the skills needed for a
successful transition to the tenth grade.
Course Resources/ Websites
We will use an online wiki, which contains the framework of your course (eg. unit outlines,
activities, resources, homework and assessments). You will also use it for discussions and to
upload/ post student work.
There is also a class blog which is used for more immediate communication about class,
homework, current events, missed classes, etc.
Essential Questions
This course is based on 5 essential questions
• How do humans and the environment interact?
• What characterizes causes of changes in government, expansion, and conflict?
• How do the creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems impact on society?
• In what ways have social structures changed over time?
• What does a specific culture tell us about the needs, values and desires of that society?
Course Themes
There are 6 overarching themes that link all the units together (connections may be seen
between these themes and the themes you might see in future social studies courses
Change and continuity across time and space
Cultural, religious, and intellectual developments.
Impact of interaction among and within major societies
State building, expansion and conflict
Impact of technology and economic systems on people and the environment
Development of social structures
Cornerstone Assessments
There are four "cornerstone" assessments that serve as a foundation (or cornerstone) for
learning in Social Studies:
1. Primary Source & document analysis
2. Information (Research) skills
3. Communication Skills (Writing, Speaking)
4. Critical Thinking Skills (e.g. Cause and Effect, Comparison)
Course overview
Semester 1
Introduction: Connecting with China, Japan and Korea
Historical Thinking: How Do We Know What We Know
Geography of East Asia
Shanghai Day Out
Traditional Societies
Impact of Western Imperialism: China 1750-1911, Japan 1543-1911
Semester Exam
Semester 2
New Ideas, Movements and People (Republicanism, Nationalism & Communism)
The People’s Republic (PRC)
Japan: New State, New Nation
Option Unit: Korean Identity
China Alive Research Project
Semester 1:
Major assessments
Minor assessments
Semester research project
50% (Unit Tests, Extended Response, DBQ Analysis)
30% (Short answer responses, quizzes)
20% (Shanghai Day Out Research Project)
Semester 2:
Major assessments:
Minor assessments:
70% (Unit Tests, Extended Response, DBQ Analysis)
30% (Short answer responses, quizzes)
Common assessments
Semester One:
1 Document Analysis
1 Extended Response
Shanghai Day Research Project
Semester Exam
Semester Two:
1 Document Analysis
1 Extended Response
China Alive Research Project
Semester Grade Breakdown
Semester 1: 80% Semester 1 + 20% Semester Exam
Semester 2: 80% Semester 2 + 20% China Alive Research Project
I will be using the common cornerstone rubrics (agreed upon and implemented by the 9th
grade Asian History team) to track students’ progress in all summative major and minor
assessments. Formative assessments are developed by individual teachers to help students
prepare for the summative assessments.
A binder with dividers (reading and in class notes, handouts, research notes,)
Notebook or binder paper
Blue or black pen
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to understand and follow the expectations outlined in the student
handbook. In particular, I would like to highlight the following:
 Be on time. I expect you to come to class prepared and on time. All students must be
in their seats and beginning work on the prior knowledge questions when the bell
rings. Come to class with all the necessary materials.
 Respect. I expect you to treat yourself, others and school property with respect.
 Respecting yourself means finding opportunities to do your best in my class—come
mentally and physically ready to learn
 Respecting others means listening to others, considering their needs and giving them
the opportunity and encouragement to do their best in this class.
 Respecting the teacher means listening to directions and following them the first time
they are given.
 Respecting your environment means keeping the classroom clean and in order.