2012-2013 - East Central University

OUR VISION: East Central University will be recognized both within the state and
nation as a premier, comprehensive student-centered regional university, offering
outstanding academic programs and experiences for its students and contributing to the
betterment of the region and beyond.
MISSION STATEMENT: East Central University's mission is to foster a learning
environment in which students, faculty, staff, and community interact to educate students
for life in a rapidly changing and culturally diverse society. Within its service area, East
Central University provides leadership for economic development and cultural
Institutional Priority 1.
Institutional Priority 2.
Institutional Priority 3.
Institutional Priority 4.
Institutional Priority 5.
Institutional Priority 6.
Institutional Priority 7.
Institutional Priority 8.
Student Engagement Experiences
Quality Instruction and Learning
Human Capital Investment
Technology and Resources
Enrollment Management
Tribal Relationships
Collaborative Efforts
STRATEGIC GOALS for 2013 to 2017 (DRAFT):
Strategic Goal #1: East Central University will actively sustain a culture of student
success and student centeredness.
Strategic Goal #2: East Central University will pursue innovation for the continuing
excellence of its academic programs and learning experiences.
Strategic Goal #3: East Central University will strive for excellence in its collaborative
efforts in economic development, community stewardship and Tribal
Strategic Goal #4: East Central University will further develop facilities, resources, and
administrative capacity to achieve its vision, mission and priorities.
Maintain excellence in academic programs to prepare students with intellectual
capacity and workplace skills to be productive participants in a global world (IP1,
IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5, SG1, and SG2)
Objective 1:
Reassess annually undergraduate degree programs with five-year trend
averages of fewer than 12.5 majors and fewer than 5 graduates per year.
Objective 2:
Reassess annually graduate degree programs with five-year trend averages
of fewer than 6 majors and 3 graduates per year.
Objective 3:
Review and revise using assessment data as necessary the general
education program for explicit learning outcomes leading to a traditional
liberal education with a global perspective.
Objective 4:
Attract and retain a talented, diverse mix of faculty with a minimum of
70% of full-time faculty holding a doctorate.
Objective 5:
Maintain and expand incentives for faculty to encourage exceptional
performance in teaching, scholarship/creative activity, and service.
Objective 6:
Establish the Center of Undergraduate Research and Learning (CURL) by
October 1, 2013.
Objective 7:
Strengthen existing academic programs as needed through the Program
Review process, including preparation of student intellectual capacity in
all programs and work place skills in appropriate program.
Objective 8:
Maintain existing specialty program accreditations and add additional
specialty program accreditations as appropriate.
Improve student retention rates and increase the number of undergraduate and
graduate certificates and degrees awarded (IP1, IP2, IP4, IP5, SG1, and SG2)
Objective 1:
Achieve an institutional enrollment of 4,900 students in the Fall 2016
Semester by working cooperatively with Student Development and
Administration and Finance divisions.
Objective 2:
Reduce withdrawal rates by 2% annually in all departments with course
withdrawal rates above the college or school average.
Objective 3:
Provide faculty and students annually with quality academic advising
information and services.
Objective 4:
Improve the accuracy of faculty and staff student advisement in support of
retention and graduation rates.
Objective 5:
Improve the undergraduate six-year graduation rate (within the institution)
to 40% by 2016-17.
Objective 6:
Improve the one-year retention rate of beginning freshmen (within the
institution) to 68% by 2016-17.
Objective 7:
Improve the one-year retention rate of undergraduate transfer students
(within the institution) to 64% by 2016-17.
Objective 8:
Increase the number of students completing graduate degrees by 5% in
2016-17, using 2009-10 as the baseline.
Objective 9:
Improve the one-year retention rate of second year students (within the
institution) to 80% by 2016-17, using 2009-10 as the baseline.
Objective 10: Develop a minimum of ten undergraduate and graduate certificate
programs and award a minimum of 50 certificates annually by 2016-17.
Maintain a learner- and student-centered academic environment that enriches
teaching and learning (IP1, IP2, IP4, IP6, SG1, SG2, and SG3)
Objective 1:
Assess current student academic services, enhance current services, and
implement new and innovative changes in support of academic teaching
and student learning.
Objective 2:
Improve student satisfaction to a level equal to or exceeding the public
college norm by 2017 for survey items currently below the public college
norm and continue to equal or exceed the public college norm for survey
items currently equal to or exceeding the public college norm, using 201113 as the base line years for the ACT Survey of Student Opinions.
Objective 3:
Increase faculty and staff engagement with students, such as serving as
research mentors, sponsoring student clubs and organizations, etc. by 15%
by 2016-17, using data from 2010-11 as the baseline.
Objective 4:
Transform the current Service Learning graduation requirement into a
Student Engagement graduation requirement with options in Service
Learning, Undergraduate Research, Honors Program completion, and
Study Abroad.
Objective 5:
Enhance educational programs and outreach services/activities for Native
American students.
Objective 6:
Develop and offer a minimum of five additional online degree programs
by 2016-17.
Promote the University as a key component of economic development and public
cultural and arts programming and enrichment throughout the University’s service
area (IP2, IP4, IP8, SG1, SG2, and SG3)
Objective 1:
Strengthen existing Fine Arts academic programs and Fine Arts
programming in support of the Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center and
the Arts District of Ada.
Objective 2:
Use the “Making Place Matter” project to establish ECU as the leader in
cooperative economic development throughout the university’s service
Objective 3:
Capitalize on the economic development opportunities offered by the new
Conference Center and Harland C. Stonecipher School of Business
Objective 4:
Develop undergraduate and graduate certificate programs in support of
economic development and workforce development needs within the
University’s service area.
Objective 5:
Develop new undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and non-credit
programs to meet documented economic and workforce needs in the
University's service area.
Objective 6:
Strengthen the University's outreach component for economic
development and public service.
Engage faculty and staff in providing academic affairs with effective and efficient
administrative and management oversight (IP3, IP7, SG2, and SG4)
Objective 1:
Improve average faculty compensation (salary and benefits) to rank third
among RUSO institutions by 2016-17.
Objective 2:
Lead University efforts annually to make the campus a hospitable and
stimulating environment for students, staff and faculty.
Objective 3:
Engage in campus master planning to assure that the University has firstrate instructional facilities and instructional technology infrastructure.
Objective 4:
Insure that Academic Affairs is appropriately and efficiently organized
and administered.
Objective 5:
Establish “Centers of Excellence” in strategic areas for interdisciplinary
and multidisciplinary instruction and research, and administrative
Objective 6:
In conjunction with Program Review and Assessment of Student Learning,
undertake a program prioritization and resource allocation study to be
completed by December 1, 2013.