Towards a diagnostic approach to climate adaptation for fisheries P. Leith1,2*, E. Ogier 1,3, G. Pecl 1,3, E. Hoshino 1,3, J. Davidson 1,4, M. Haward 1,3 1 Adaptation Research Network for Marine Biodiversity and Resources, Private Bag 129, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001 2 Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, Private Bag 98, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001 3 Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Private Bag 49, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001 4 School of Geography & Environmental Studies, Private Bag 78, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001 * Corresponding author, email: ; phone: +61 3 6226 2650 Supplementary material Table 1. Second order variables from (Ostrom 2009) interpreted in relation to adaptation in marine biodiversity and resource management. Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems The state of economic development (e.g. emerging, growing, Social economic and political settings (S) S1 Economic development declining, immature and mature) for a region or social system can influence adaptive capacity. For instance, adaptive capacity may be higher under mature or emerging economies than immature or declining economies (Allison et al. 2009; Daw et al. 2009). Indicator of socio-economic viability, and therefore broader S2 adaptive capacity, of the social system surrounding a sector Demographic (Allison et al. 2009) and an indicator of long term changes in the trends system. Sub-variables include: ageing/dwindling population, outmigration, rapid population growth, employment trends. The stability of government and the continuity of institutions, S3 Political stability organizations and structures of government as well as policy setting and instruments may assist planned adaptation. Conversely, existing arrangements may constrain adaptation (Grafton 2010); climatic changes which cause resource rents to decrease have been 1 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems found to reduce the likelihood of stable fishery agreements (Brandt and Kronbak 2010). S4 Government The existence of government settlement policies in a coastal region settlement can influence the ability of coastal communities to relocate inland policies (Brunner et al. 2004). The level of uptake of certification, labeling and other voluntary mechanisms can drive improved management, monitoring and S5 Market innovation around environmental performance. Certification incentives systems are potentially key instruments for adaptive change and may give market advantage (Gale and Haward 2011; Sainsbury 2010). Strength of media to affect markets and political decisions can be both positive and negative for management of marine systems (i.e. S6 Media can lead to rapid changes and imposition of politically tenable but organization unsustainable solutions) (Sullivan 1999; Aslin and Byron 2001). Can influence perceptions of climate change and the need to respond. RS1 Sector (e.g., water, Marine sectors include: conservation management, capture fisheries forests, pasture, (commercial, recreational and artisanal), aquaculture, and tourism. Resource System (RS) fish) Spatial, ecological, social and organizational boundaries of systems RS2 Clarity of may be well-defined or otherwise, as may access to the resource system system and property rights of users. For instance, large open access boundaries systems may experience lack of clarity of communication between users (Fidelman et al. 2012). Spatial extent of the resource system negatively influences the RS3 Size of capacity to manage the system which, in the marine context, relies resource on communication networks and technology to make the resource system* system visible, and therefore tractable, to managers and users. Climate-driven changes in larger marine resource systems, such as 2 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems pelagic migratory fisheries involving multiple jurisdictions, are more difficult to monitor than in smaller, contained resource systems, such as embayment fisheries (Miller 2007). RS4 Humanconstructed facilities Infrastructure and technology can affect efficiency of resource use. The availability and location of facilities may inhibit or enhance adaptive capacity of fishers to respond to range shifts in target species (Madin et al. 2012). Production over time will affect the size of a sector and therefore the degree to which livelihoods are dependent on the system. More RS5 Productivity of system * productive systems will tend to have ability to recover from low to high abundance in a relatively short period of time, but people depending on the system may lack ability to adjust their business practice in the short run (Fréon et al. 2008). Seasonal and interannual variability in the productivity of a fishery will tend to result in diversification of livelihoods. Strength of equilibrium in the system (i.e. the breadth of a stability RS6 Equilibrium properties domain and strength of attractor) may be low for systems nearing thresholds of tolerance (coral reefs in relation to bleaching), high for those with wider tolerance ranges (pelagic migratory fishes) or somewhere in between. Difficult to determine especially where data is not available. Factors include the level of system complexity, visibility, and capacity in monitoring and understanding system dynamics which RS7 Predictability of system dynamics * determine the ability to predict how climate change and extreme events may impact the system. Indicators of the system are essential to predictability. Marine systems have traditionally been lacking indicators because of the high cost or technical infeasibility of procuring indicators. Important to adaptation because it underpins scientific tractability of climate change (Nursey-Bray et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2012; Miller et al. 2010). RS8 Storage Storage capacity and extent of distribution channels for fish 3 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems characteristics products are particularly relevant in poorer, remote communities where they can affect the capacity to target new species in response to climate-driven range shifts (Daw et al. 2009) Location in relation to markets is important. Greater distances to RS9 Location markets means reduced options for finding alternative markets for new target species in response to climate-driven range shifts (Daw et al. 2009). Level of mobility of marine organisms is negatively related to the capacity to monitor and determine population dynamics. This has significant implications for identifying potential adaptation RU1 Resource pathways for capture and aquaculture fisheries (de Young et al. unit mobility * 2008). For instance, the impact of climatic changes on farmed oysters is more easily predicted than the impact on migratory fish species, such as tuna, or species with complex life histories, such as lobster, which migrate over great distances and depths. Resource Units (RU) A major determinant of productivity and of the speed of recovery of RU2 Growth or a stock in response to overharvesting or following substantial replacement rate shocks, such as extreme weather events, through replacement or recruitment into the fishery (Barange and Perry 2009) Climate-driven shifts in species distributions can cause profound changes in interactions between marine organisms, including RU3 Interaction increased competition or predation and changes to recruitment and among resource dispersal processes. The types of interactions and relationships units between species are a major determinant of the current and predicted effects of climatic change on ecological processes and regimes within a marine system (Johnson et al. 2011). High value resources may have more commercial interests and RU4 Economic value research funding involved in their management; therefore they may have greater adaptive capacity, although high value may provide incentive for overexploitation and increase vulnerability to climate change. Economic value might be a surrogate for other indicators 4 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems depending on the scale and distribution. Population size of the fish stock is important because small RU5 Number of units population size (especially spawners) can reduce the size of future recruitment (recruitment overfishing) and make a fish stock vulnerable to environmental shocks (Sissenwine and Shepherd 1987). Enables identification of ownership or accessibility and sometimes RU6 Distinctive easier enforcement rules (e.g. distinct marking on juveniles / markings breeding individuals or use of tags in farmed abalone to distinguish from wild caught) (Chick 2010). Highly variable distributions can mean that gradual changes in RU7 Spatial & resources resulting from changing climatic conditions are hard to temporal identify (a signal noise problem). For instance, longer term trends distribution are difficult to identify in squid fisheries due to highly variable spatial and temporal distributions (Pecl et al. 2004). Capacity, influence and legitimacy of government agencies are GS1 Government Governance System (GS) organizations critical to their ability to intervene in the functioning and adaptive capacity of systems, whether through enforcement of regulation, through support for market based initiatives, or by participating effectively in co-management arrangements (Gale and Haward 2011). NGOs (inclusive of industry, community and environmental groups) can have credible influence in discussion about institutional GS2 Non- change. The interests and value base of stakeholders or groups of government stakeholders are sometimes at odds. For instance, NGOs, organizations government agencies and resource users may all have different 'myths of nature' (Douglas 1985) and thus relate quite differently to information about marine biodiversity and resources. GS3 Network Social and supply chain linkages within a system can be described structure as network structures, either mathematically or in terms of linkages, 5 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems social capital, collaboration, or trust. Operational (supply) networks are not so important but the networks between government, industry, research and environmental NGOs are important in the context of adaptive management of fisheries (Sandström and Rova 2010). Systems of rights vary from open access common-pool resources to highly structured individual property rights (most commonly, GS4 Propertyrights systems individual quota management systems) which are closely monitored and highly regulated. The flexibility to adjust property rights is important for adaptation; where there are few fishers with tightly held property rights, these can have an enormous effect on how adaptation can proceed (Grafton 2010; Grafton et al. 2007). Local informal rules, rather than rules enshrined in legislation and GS5 Policy documents, or ‘constitutional’ rules can be important in Operational shaping behaviour. If the divergence between these an informal rules rules is significant then formal adaptation measures may be impeded (Wiber et al. 2010). GS6 Collective- Applies where fisheries are managed under collaborative or co- choice rules * management arrangements. GS7 Constitutional rules GS8 Monitoring & sanctioning processes Rules and regulations imposed through legislation and policy, for example, size limits, catch quotas, entry requirements. The extent to which the design of these rules either limits or facilitates adaptation cannot be underestimated (Daw et al. 2009). The level and effectiveness of monitoring, enforcement and compliance of marine resource use in accordance with decision rules (Kuperan and Sutinen 1998) positively influences the extent to which management regimes can be adaptive. Users (U) More users (i.e. fishers) are often harder to organize, so the issues U1 Number of linking size of resource system and productivity are also affected by users * the number of users, but this issue remains contested (Ostrom 2005). Heterogeneity or homogeneity of users can also be important 6 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems (i.e. the relative numbers of commercial and recreational fishers, or owner-operators and lease fishers) but this is a complicated variable, the effects of which also remain contested (Ebenhöh and Pahl-Wostl 2010 ). U2 Socioeconomic attributes of users The relative poverty and livelihoods options of users can have substantial effects on their approach to marine resource use. Users with a high discount rate (for instance, where poverty makes resource use obligatory to survival) will be less adaptive than those with a low discount rate (Cinner et al. 2011; Allison et al. 2009). Having a long history may lead to some inflexibility but may also U3 History of use lead to greater ability to observe change. A short history of use may lead to more openness to innovation or may lead to inappropriate use. These more local variables may be more informative about adaptive capacity (Zhang et al. 2012; Nursey-Bray et al. 2012). Location may be important to livelihood options where there is U4 Location reliance on a particular species of fish, e.g. tuna (Allison and Horemans 2006). U5 Leadership/ entrepreneurship * The ability to collaborate within sectors and between stakeholders often hinges on competent and committed leadership. Entrepreneurial leadership within government and key stakeholder groups can help build capacity and foster adaptation. Changing fishing and management practices in response to climate- U6 driven changes can be impeded by long-established norms. The Norms/social strength of linkages and bonds within a group which reflect capital * reciprocity and trust is fundamental to self-organization and facilitates adaptation (Sandström and Rova 2010). U7 Knowledge of fishery/mental models * Understanding of dynamism, equilibrium and potential for change in the fishery. A critical aspect of this is that there is coherency of mental models among resource users and managers. In the context of climate change, adaptation may be impeded by lack of legitimacy of climate science and projected impacts on fish stocks 7 Interpretation in the context of adaptation to climate change in marine systems (Nursey-Bray et al. 2012; Glenn et al. 2012). Absolute dependence on a resource as a livelihood strategy can either limit or constrain adaptation. A variety of sub variables may U8 Importance relate to these constraints or limitations including: lack of skills to of resource * do other work, identity attachment to fishing as occupation, high/entry exit costs of alternate livelihood options (Allison and Horemans 2006). Ability to take on new technologies and innovations may be U9 Technology used important to applying a systems perspective, risk management and adaptation (Mahon et al. 2008). The ability to increase unrestricted effort using new technologies (effort creep) can increase risks for overexploitation and may reduce adaptive capacity. * Second order variables which consistently affect capacity for self organization in common pool resource systems. 8 Table 2. Process for developing adaptation pathways using a diagnostic framework for a fishery Stage and core Objective Rationale Processes Outputs Establish an inter-disciplinary team. A preliminary question 1. Inter- First-pass scoping of Identifies key disciplinary system a specific fishery. variables which are Collate and synthesize secondary social, description of the description crucial to adaptation economic data & biophysical data & fishery and the settings Scope your system, & to engaging publications which structure action set the scene & relevant networks of Identify and interview key informants to within it. build the team people. identify main variables that will enable and Working hypotheses Builds inter- constrain adaptation. about: disciplinary capacity Analyse results, being inclusive of different data the structure and and social capital. and view points (using a rapid Delphi process function of the [Linstone and Turoff 1975] or similar). fishery; key variables that are crucial to adaptation, and; appropriate forms of engagement. 2. Collaborative Work collectively Deliberative process Workshop #1, stages to include: Workshop report characterization with fishery to characterize the Collectively highlight contemporary and outlining: 9 stakeholders to fishery begins to potential system changes, risks, opportunities What do we know characterize system embed adaptation and uncertainties associated with climate system changes, & not know & change and key planning. variability and other major drivers within a risks, opportunities what matters for sources of Ensures values, fishery; and uncertainties climate variability; assumptions and adaptation? Determine the divergent positions relative influence of are made apparent. Identify values and assumptions and divergent positions among stakeholders; current and potential within fishery; differences in Collaboratively disaggregate the fishery mental models and variables important to highlight 1st and 2nd order variables perspectives, values to adaptation. that constrain and enable adaptation, and assumptions, and; and; Rate the relative influence of these 1st and 2nd order variables in terms of how they constrain variables and and enable adaptation, and rate the preliminary ratings degree to which each variable is an of their importance. internal (changeable) or an external (unchangeable) driver. 3. Analysis & Identify and clarify Common ground and Research team to: Short report outlining: Grounding the state of current differences in mental What have we knowledge in models and #1, through desktop research and/or more knowledge of learned about what relation to perspectives are noted targeted empirical research, and; constraints and enables & and clarified, but Clarify the various characteristics of the enablers of uncertainties and Address key concerns raised in workshop 10 state of current constrains divergent there is no attempt fishery deemed influential and rated as adaptation within the adaptation? perspectives of here to reach important in workshop #1 in terms of how fishery; participants about consensus at this they constrain and enable adaptive capacity. key contested and the constraints and stage. consensual enablers of statements, and; adaptation within the fishery; important 2nd and 3rd order variables. Typify the fishery in terms of constraints and enablers of adaptation. Include differing views. Survey Validation Validate levels of Revise or re-affirm Do we agree? agreement with key levels of agreement or outside workshop setting, using a computer and analysis, including: contested and disagreement with assisted telephone interview; consensual key contested and Use the survey instrument to: with key contested statements; consensual statements measure levels of agreement with key and consensual Determine the and relative contested and consensual statements that statements, and; relative importance importance of resolve from the workshop process, and; of 2nd & 3rd order variables. variables. Survey fishers and other key stakeholders Report of survey results levels of agreement the relative determine the relative importance of 2nd and importance of 2nd 3rd order variables identified as important in and 3rd order 11 the workshop process. variables. 5. Defining Develop a clear Collaborative process Workshop #2, the stages of which include: Workshop #2 report & Adaptation depiction of ensures proposed Re-visit and discuss the analysis from working group Pathways adaptive capacity adaptation pathways previous stages established How do we enable within the fishery; are workable and can adaption? What Develop workable be embedded. are workable ways adaptation pathways to adapt? that are broadly Collaboratively define context appropriate adaptation pathways (using real options analysis or DMCE) as follows: detail ways of addressing the key agreed upon by constraining variables and enhancing participants. enabling variables, and; processes and protocols for embedding adaptation in management, and for monitoring and evaluation of adaptive capacity and pathway development. Set up a collaborative working group to begin to embed the adaptation pathways into the fishery. 6. Refining & Refine adaptation Deliberative process Governance of the project passes from Specific adaption plans Embedding pathways for led by a legitimate, researchers to the collaborative working group and programs, including Adaption developing adaptive core group of Researchers work in the service of the working ways of utilizing the 12 Refine adaption capacity; stakeholders ensures group to develop ways of utilizing the pathways and Refine processes that plans & programs diagnostic variables (or proxies for them) in proxies for them) in mechanisms for and mechanisms for are workable, and monitoring and evaluation of adaptation monitoring and embedding embedding these in moves towards processes. evaluation of adaptation structures and embedding them. 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