Admissions Policy - Orange Tree Children`s Nursery

Admissions Policy
Orange Tree Children’s Nursery supports the academic, educational and developmental needs of children in the
community. Orange Tree only admits students that it feels are capable of bettering Orange Tree’s environment, goals and
ambitions. Right of admission is fully reserved by Orange Tree Children’s Nursery.
Orange Tree admits students with diagnosed or diagnosable special needs to a limited number of students. If any services
such as private tuition, speech & language therapy or personal assistants are required, the school reserves the right to
refuse admission on the grounds of not having adequate resources or levy these extra services at the sole expense of the
Decisions with respect to initial class placement are exclusively made by Orange Tree are designed to be academically and
developmentally appropriate.
Orange Tree Children’s Nursery can refuse admission of a student, re-enrolment or request the withdrawal of a student if:
— The student‘s best interests and needs cannot be met;
— The student‘s behavior is deemed to jeopardize the welfare of the school community;
— Educationally significant information is withheld from the school;
— School fees are not paid in accordance with Orange Tree Finance Document;
Should places be full, admission to Orange Tree Children’s Nursery will be granted following these criteria:
1st Priority: The applicant benefits from a company partnership agreement or other prior agreement with the school.
2nd Priority: The applicant is a returning student or sibling of a current student.
3rd Priority: The applicant’s family is likely to contribute to school beyond standard parent requirements.
Health and Safety Policy
Parents are asked not to send sick children to the nursery. The nurse will ask you to collect your child if it is felt that they
are physically unwell. This includes displaying symptoms of fever, mucous discharge from nose or ears, rashes and/or
general lethargy.
Please Do Not Send Your Child If He/She Has:
Diarrhea - A child who has an acute period of watery stools should be kept home and not return to the nursery until
he/she has been free of diarrhea for 24 hours. If, however your child has an allergy or condition which regularly causes
diarrhea, please inform staff at the time of enrolment.
Vomiting - A child who is vomiting should be kept home until vomiting has stopped for 24 hours. Microorganisms that
cause vomiting and diarrhea are highly contagious and will spread quickly throughout the nursery.
Fever - A child with a fever of more than 38°C should be kept home as this indicates that the child is unwell. It is advised
that the child should have a normal temperature for 24 hours and his/her activity level and appetite have returned to
normal before returning to the nursery.
Unexplained Rash - A child with unexplained rash needs to be seen by a Doctor to diagnose the cause of the rash. If the
rash is not contagious the child will be allowed to return to the nursery on presentation of a medical certificate.
Chicken Pox - A child with chicken pox should be excluded until fully recovered or for at least five days after the eruption
first appears.
Conjunctivitis - A child should be excluded until discharge from eyes has ceased, usually 48 hours after commencing
prescribed eye drops (please note that over the counter drops are not as effective in treating the symptoms of
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease -A child should be excluded until all blisters have dried.
Food Policy
Orange Tree Children’s nursery encourages healthy eating and we follow regular routine times that have been allocated
for meal and snack times. We ensure that meal times are in held in a pleasant and relaxed environment and enough time
should be available to meet individual children’s needs when eating.
All food that is sent to the nursery will be stored in an appropriate manner and in a clean and hygienic environment.
Teachers encourage group discussion, self-help skills, independence and social skills at meal times. Teachers and
assistants model and encourage in children an understanding of the importance of hygiene associated with food and meal
times as well as table manners.
The parents/guardians are to provide a healthy snack/lunch that meets the nutritional guidelines, while catering for
individual child needs. It is important to choose a nutritional diet from a variety of foods. We encourage our children to
limit deep fried foods, avoid too much sugar and eat more whole grain bread and cereals and vegetables and fruit. All
food sent with children should be labeled in a container and drinks are to be supplied in a bottle with a cover over the
Parents are asked not to send lollipops, chips, chocolate and fizzy drinks for any meal times. Junk food is not encouraged
to be part of the children’s diet.
Orange Tree has an anaphylaxis policy that bans all food with nuts and traces of nuts. Please avoid packing peanuts,
peanut butter or products that contain peanut oils. Parents should communicate with staff regarding their child’s food
intake concerns or special requirements. Families of children with special diets should provide a letter from a medical
practitioner/dietitian outlining the condition or allergy.
Sun Smart Policy
Orange tree adheres to a strict Sun Smart Policy. All children are indoors or in the shade between the hours of 12.00 am
and 2.00pm all year. The nursery provides 30+ sunscreen for the children or you may choose to provide your own. Each
family must provide a hat for their children to wear while playing outdoors. This hat is to remain at the nursery for the
children to wear while outdoors. Hats are to be worn at all times throughout the year. No hat, no outdoor play policy will
be strictly enforced for children without hats.