FPP No.: ………………. Coupe: .……………… LANDSCAPE EVALUATION SHEET Name ………………………………………………………. Date ……………………… Note: See also the FPA process for visual landscape special values assessment and planning information sheet on the FPA website. MAIN VIEWPOINTS In the table below, list the key public viewpoints and locations from where proposed operations are likely to be seen. To define Landscape Management Objectives (LMOs), complete each category across the table and refer to Chapter 2 of A Manual for Forest Landscape Management for guidance. (For Distance Zones see pp. 52-5; for Public Sensitivity levels see Table 2, p. 51; for Scenic Quality levels see pp. 49, 160, 172-183; and for LMOs see Table 3, p. 54.) Recommended or allowable LMOs:– ‘A’ = Inevident Alteration, ‘B’ = Apparent Alteration, ‘C’ = Dominant Alteration. Other sources of information include Public Sensitivity maps held by Forestry Tasmania and companies, and Forestry Tasmania’s GIFT database for Scenic Quality on State Forest. LMOs for State Forest are shown on Forestry Tasmania Landscape Priority Zone maps. Viewpoints or viewing locations Distance Zone Public Sensitivity Scenic Quality Skyline Affected? LMOs 1) fg mg bg 1, 2, 3 H, M, L Y or N A, B, C 2) fg mg bg 1, 2, 3 H, M, L Y or N A, B, C 3) fg mg bg 1, 2, 3 H, M, L Y or N A, B, C (Circle or Bold options above) The following information should be gathered and used in the analysis of visual effects: A FPP map, preferably at 1:10 000 scale, showing the proposed operation areas (including boundaries), and the approximate heights of any retained patches of trees that have screening or amenity values (including on adjoining properties); A 1: 25 000 scale viewpoints map; Panorama photographs of the scene and telephoto views of skyline zones (for proposed coupes at the rear of Foreground out to Background distances); An aerial photo (if available); Seen-area analysis and 3D analysis of critical views showing the proposed coupe and skyline effects; Detailed management prescriptions to limit impacts and achieve good visual results as required. VISUAL REVIEW Describe the following in the text box below:For the scenery visible from the representative viewpoints listed above, describe the visual character and key features of the area, including current impacts and other elements in the surrounding landscape. Describe the prominence of the proposed operations to the viewing public giving details of the visual aspects of the operations, viewer types and local community concerns regarding forestry. If the exposure and level of impact of a proposed operation is difficult to estimate and/or where skylines will be affected, computer based Seen-area and 3D analysis will be required from key viewpoints to improve understanding of the likely changes and required prescriptions (see the section on Predictive Visual Analysis below). 2012/115769 FPA Evaluation Sheet – Landscape V.1.0 (Sept 2012) 1 of 2 FPP No.: ………………. Coupe: .……………… Summary of Visual Review PREDICTIVE VISUAL ANALYSIS Use sketches on photos and/or 3D simulations from key viewpoints to help predict the expected visual impact of the proposed operations. This will illustrate aspects such as viewing exposure, strong or rectilinear shapes, large scale, potential for strong visual contrasts, etc. For roadside operations, consider what exposure or scale the harvesting or plantation establishment will present at the initial stage and in the long term. Design practices and measures to be integrated into the operations to reduce visual effects and improve their presentation to the viewing public. PRESCRIPTIONS List prescriptions to minimise the visual effects of the operations. (For examples of principles and practices to minimise visual disturbance, see Chapters 4, 5 & 6 of A Manual for Forest Landscape Management). Ensure that the final prescriptions are inserted into relevant sections of the FPP. ADOPTED LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE What visual results are expected from the proposed operations, as seen from each viewpoint? Once the general viewing exposure and impact level has been determined this should be rated with respect to the LMO levels described in A Manual for Forest Landscape Management pp. 42-45. Viewpoints and effects expected Adopted LMOs (A, B or C) 1) 2) 3) FPA MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Landscape evaluation sheets will be completed to demonstrate planning processes have been followed. The completed evaluation sheets will be keep with all FPP planning documentation, and presented when requested by the FPA for assessment purposes, or in the case of investigations. 2012/115769 FPA Evaluation Sheet – Landscape V.1.0 (Sept 2012) 2 of 2