School-to-Work & Independent Living Transition Model – A Student-Driven Approach Developed by Pamela Russell, May 2007 SOAR Transition Services Student + Opportunity + Achievement = Results Muscle Shoals City Schools Muscle Shoals, Alabama Meets IDEA & NCLB Mandates Procedures, Standards, & Expectations Teacher: Mrs. Pamela Russell Required Materials/Supplies: Room: CFT Campus Home Phone: 383-3492 CFT Phone: 389-2660 MSHS Phone: 389-2682 Central Office: 389-2676 (1) 2” Binder (gray, black, dark blue—preferably with clear plastic covering) (2) Page protectors (100) (3) USB Drive Academic Portfolio: Students are required to keep selected assignments prescribed by their Individualized Education Plan in a portfolio. These areas may involve reading, math, transition, behavior, etc. The portfolio will be reviewed by the IEP Team and utilized in planning for the next school year. Career Portfolio: Students will construct a career portfolio which will be helpful as they pursue admittance into the Coop Programs and/or Coordinated Studies. Although their will be specific types of items required for the career portfolio, students will use their own organizational skills and creativity in constructing the portfolio. The career portfolio MUST portray a professional appearance that will be eye-appealing, as well as impressive in its organization and content to a prospective employer. Assignments may not be placed in the career portfolio with a score below 85%. Assignments will receive a check plus if the product is acceptable and a check minus if not. A check minus will constitute a rewrite or redo in order that the student may receive credit. The student will be required to make a presentation of the career portfolio to a selected panel of adults, who may include parents, teachers, principals, prospective employers, etc. Contents of portfolios may vary from student to student; however, EVERY student’s portfolio MUST contain the following items: *Copy of Birth Certificate *Copy of Drive License *Selected School Work *Copy of Transcript *Discipline Report *Copy of Social Security Card *Completed Job Application *Resume *Community-based Evaluations *Attendance Record The career portfolio will be graded using the following criteria: _____ Appearance/Neatness (35 points) _____ Content (35 points) _____ Organization (30 points) Self-Directed Individualized Education Plan (IEP): Students should assume responsibility for their future. Therefore, they will be expected to take a self-directed approach to the development and implementation of their IEP. The teacher will provide instruction and support to students in guiding them through the process of assuming responsibility for their future. Students will be expected to take a leadership role in their spring IEP meeting. There will be a portion of the Transition Services class that will be devoted to teaching self-advocacy skills and prepare students for this activity. 1 Oral Presentations: Students will be required to participate in presentations about various assigned topics. Grades will be assigned using the following criteria: Eye Contact Volume Articulation Grammar Content Poise Organization Creativity Written Communication: Students will participate in various writing activities which will include, but are not limited to, letters, resumes, job applications, journals, newsletters, etc. Reading Activities: Students will participate in various reading activities. These activities will include, but are not limited to, reading from newspapers, magazines, literature, textbooks, Accelerated Readers, research, Internet, etc. Student of the Month: Each month the teacher will obtain an average of grades students accumulate for various activities such as class work, homework, tests, and participation. The student with the highest average will earn the title of Student of the Month. Students earning title of Student of the Month will be highlighted on Student of the Month wall for the following month (e.g., pictures, biography, etc.). Student of the Month winner’s names will be placed in a drawing box and at the end of the semester the teacher or designated person will draw a name. The name drawn will be the winner of a nice prize. Participation: Students will begin each month with a perfect score of 100 for participation. They may lose points for each infraction that occurs in any of the following areas: o Attendance (-1 point for each excused absence. -2 points for unexcused absences.) o Punctuality (-1 point for 1st tardy. -2 points for each additional tardies.) o Attitude (-2 point for 1st offense. -3 points for 2nd offense. -5 points for 3rd offense.) Class Procedure/Structure ENTERING CLASSROOM: Deposits books, coats, and other belongings at designated location. Sign in at designated table. Obtain books, notebook, pencil, and other materials relevant to daily agenda. Sharpen pencils and be prepared to begin class. Be seated at designated table or desk and prepare for Warm Up activity. DURING CLASS: Participate in warm up activity review. Complete all other activities listed on the board under daily agenda following teacher directions. Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom except for emergencies. In an emergency: o Obtain permission from the teacher before leaving o Sign out o Use appropriate classroom pass LEAVING CLASSROOM (when the bell rings): Return books, notebooks, pencils, and other materials to appropriate area. Obtain books, coats, and other belongings from designated location. Sign out at designated table. Load bus and return to high school. 2 STUDENTS MAY NOT TAKE A ZERO FOR AN ASIGNMENT. ALL assignments are an IMPORTANT part of this class and are assigned in order to meet high school and/or individual educational plan requirements. They MUST be turned in for students to receive credit. Failure to make up or complete an assignment will result in an incomplete grade for the nine-weeks. Once a student turns in the assignment, it will be graded, averaged with other grades for the particular nine weeks, and the incomplete grade will be replaced with the averaged grade. EXPECTED CLASROOM BEHAVIOR (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) Be punctual to class. Demonstrate self-respect and respect of others in class. Assume responsibility for class assignments and necessary materials. Refrain from all acts of dishonesty. Participate in classroom activities. CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) Warning Teacher/Student Conference Teacher/Parent Conference Detention Referral to Principal/Assistant Principal STUDENT: My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to honor the classroom rules and standards for this class __________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ________________________________ Date PARENT: My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to encourage my child in honoring the classroom rules and standards for this class. __________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature 3 ________________________________ Date