
231 Main Street, Suite 211 ~ Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701
(970) 867-9409 (970) 867-9053 FAX
Invitation for Bids
DUE BACK BY 1:00 PM JUNE 6, 2011
Contact for Questions: HJ Greenwood, 970-867-9409, ext. 236
Section I General Information
1) The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments (Agency) is requesting Bids for Refrigerators for the
Agency's Weatherization Program.
2) Sealed bids must be received at the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments, 231 Main Street,
Suite 211, Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 by 3:00 PM (MDT), on June 3, 2011. Successful bidders will
be notified by phone, email, or mail on or before June 17, 2011.
3) The contact person for this Invitation for Bid is Mr. H.J. Greenwood, Program Director, 231 Main Street,
Suite 211 at 970-867-9409, extension 236
4) Bids shall be typewritten or printed in ink.
5) The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments anticipates that it will replace approximately 209
refrigerators in the service delivery area consisting of the Colorado Counties of: Logan, Morgan, Phillips,
Sedgwick, Washington, Yuma, Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Lincoln and Weld counties, during the program
year which runs from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
6) Through this Invitation for Bid, the Agency is seeking bids on delivery and set-up of new refrigerators
and the removal and de-manufacture of existing refrigerators. All refrigerators will be recycled/demanufactured according to all federal guidelines outlined in the Regulatory Requirements paragraph
Conditions of the Invitation for Bids - Refrigerators
1) All bids become the property of NE Colorado Association of Local Governments and will not be returned
to the bidder.
2) All price quotes, terms and conditions contained in the bid shall remain fixed and valid for one (1)
program year, July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Two one-year extensions may be granted, with
annual re-negotiation of price quote.
3) Shipping/delivery charge must be fixed and included in the bid price for delivery to clients in all ten
counties served by the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments.
4) A person legally authorized to bind the bidder shall sign the bid.
5) Failure to furnish all information requested in the Invitation for Bids or failure to follow the format may
disqualify the bid.
6) Issuance of the Invitation for Bids does not constitute a commitment by the NE Colorado Association of
Local Governments to award a bid.
7) The Agency will notify unsuccessful bidders within 31 days after bids are received.
8) The Agency reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities.
9) The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments is exempt from Federal Sales Tax (Federal Sales
Tax No. 84-0621568), Colorado State Sales Tax (State Sales Tax No. 98-04505).
10) Successful bidder agrees to maintain all records applicable to the materials letter of award for a minimum
of four (4) years. Access to these records shall be given to the NE Colorado Association of Local
Governments, the Colorado Office of Energy Management and Conservation, or the Federal and State
government upon request.
11) Successful bidder agrees to waive the right of placing a lien upon any unit served under or through the
proposed award as a recourse for nonpayment or any other reason and specifically waives all rights and
authorities contained in the Colorado Mechanics Lien Laws, Article 22 of Title 38 CRS
12) Successful bidder agrees to comply with the letter and spirit of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act of
1957, as amended, and other applicable laws respecting discrimination and unfair employment practices
(24-34-402, CRS). Supplier shall, in the performance of his obligations under this Agreement, comply
with all applicable affirmative action and equal opportunity laws, regulations, and policies. The Supplier
shall remain in compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act and the provisions of the Contract
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
13) Successful bidder warrants that no person or selling agency or other organization has been employed or
retained to solicit or secure this bid for a compensation, or percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. For
breach or violation of this warranty, the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments shall have the
right to refuse the bid in its entirety.
14) Successful bidder agrees in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, that the bidder will be responsible
for the confidentiality of all data disclosed to them by the NE Colorado Association of Local
15) An appeals process is available. All appeals must be in writing and addressed to: NECALG Executive
Director, 231 Main Street, suite 211, Fort Morgan, Colorado, 80701. Appeals must be made within 15
days of NECALG’s decision. The NECALG Executive Director will issue a decision I written form within
30 days; all appeal decisions made by the Executive Director are final.
16) In accordance with ARRA, Small, Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise
requirements apply. NECALG will provide practicable opportunities for small and
disadvantaged businesses to compete and participate as prime and subcontractors
while ensuring that the agency procures supplies and services at fair market prices
Time Lines
1. May 13, 2011 - Mailing of IFB packets and/or electronic mailing to all interested bidder/vendors.
2. June 06, 2011 - Deadline for receipt of Proposals, 3:00 P.M., NE Colorado Association of Local
Governments office.
3. June 06 - 15, 2011 - Evaluation of proposals and Selection by Board of Directors
4. June 17, 2011 - Informal notification of award to winning vendor
5. July 21, 2009 - Formal notification to non-winning vendors.
For the
Colorado Governors’ Energy Office
General Procedures
Responsible Parties - The Program Director of the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments (Agency) shall
be responsible for writing the Request for Proposals, Invitations for Bids, and Material and Labor Price
Specifications for the Weatherization Program. The Program Director will utilize information prepared by the Office
of Energy Conservation, will review data from the prior year’s program, and will seek input from key staff, Production
Coordinator, etc., in preparing these documents. The Program Director of the NE Colorado Association of Local
Governments shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the procurement and contracting procedures
Ensuring that all reviews and approvals of the information take place
Mailing bid packages to prospective vendors, etc.
Conflicts of Interest - No employee, officer, or agent of the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments shall
participate in the selection or in the award or administration of a contract if a conflict of interest, real or apparent,
would be involved. The Executive Director in conjunction with the Board Chairman shall rule on questions
pertaining to conflicts of interest in the Weatherization program.
Reviews / Approvals - The Request for Proposals, Invitation for Bids, Specification Contracts, etc., shall be
reviewed or approved as appropriate, prior to implementation.
Executive Director - Review and approve all Requests for Proposals and Invitation for Bid documents.
Board of Directors - Review and approve contracts.
Colorado Governors Energy Office E$P Staff - Review all documents as necessary.
Procurement Procedures
The Agency shall ensure that its procedures follow those outlined in OMB A-110, as evidenced by thorough and
written documentation. State E$P policies and procedures shall also be followed.
It is the policy of the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments to maximize open and free competition in its
procurement procedures. All federal, state, and local laws shall be adhered to in administering the Agency’s
policies and procedures dealing with procurement.
It is also the policy of the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments that minority business enterprises shall
have maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of its contracts. The Agency may rely on
written representations by bidders, contractors, and sub-contractors regarding their status as minority business
enterprises, or it may conduct an independent investigation.
Procurement Methods - It shall be the responsibility of the Program Director to determine which method or methods
will be used each year to implement the Weatherization Program. One or more of the following methods, as
described below shall make procurement under the Weatherization Program:
Small purchase procedures - Small purchase procedures are those relatively simple and informal
procurement methods that are sound and appropriate for a procurement of services, supplies, or other
property, costing in the aggregate of no more than $25,000; the Agency will comply with Colorado state
statutes and its local purchasing dollar limits. If small purchase procedures are used for procurement
under a grant, price, or rate quotations shall be obtained from at least two qualified sources.
In competitive sealed bids, sealed bids are publicly solicited and a firm-fixed-price contract (lump sum or
unit price) is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming the closest with all the material
specifications, terms, and conditions of the Invitation for Bids, meets material terms and conditions of the
Invitation for Bids, and is lowest in price. In order for formal advertising to be feasible, appropriate
conditions must be present, including, as a minimum, the following:
A complete, adequate, and realistic specification of purchase description must be available.
Two or more responsible suppliers are willing and able to compete effectively for the Agency’s
The procurement lends itself to a firm-fixed-price contractor and selection of the successful
bidder can appropriately be made.
If formal advertising is used for procurement under a grant, the following requirements shall apply:
Invitation for solicitations shall be sent to all interested suppliers/vendors. Sufficient time will be
allowed to receive an adequate number of bids from suppliers/vendors prior to the date set for
opening of bids.
The Invitation for Bids, including specifications and pertinent attachments, shall clearly define
the items or services needed in order for the bidders to properly respond to the invitation.
All bids shall be opened publicly at the time and place stated in the invitation.
A firm-fixed-price contract award shall be made by written notice to that responsible bidder
whose bid conforming to the Invitation for Bids. Where specified in the bidding documents,
factors such as discounts, transportation costs and life cycle costs shall be considered in
determining which bid is lowest. Payment discounts may only be used to determine low bid
when prior experience of the Agency indicates that such discounts are generally taken.
Any or all bids may be rejected when there are sound documented business reasons for doing
so, that are in the best interest of the program.
In competitive negotiation, proposals are requested from a number of sources and the Request for
Proposal is solicited. Negotiations are normally conducted with more than one of the sources submitting
offers; either a fixed-price or cost-reimbursable type contract is awarded, as appropriate. Competitive
negotiation may be used if conditions are not appropriate for the use of competitive sealed bids. If
competitive negotiation is used for procurement under a grant, the following requirements shall apply:
Proposals shall be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources to permit reasonable
competition consistent with the nature and requirements of the procurement. The Request for
Proposal shall be solicited and reasonable requests by other sources to compete shall be
honored to the maximum extent practicable.
The Request of Proposal shall identify all significant evaluation factors, including price or cost
where required and their relative importance.
The Agency shall provide mechanisms for technical evaluation of proposals received,
determinations of responsible offeror(s) for the purpose of written or oral discussions, and
selection for contract award.
Award(s) may be made to the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal will be most advantageous
to the procuring party, price, and other factors considered. Unsuccessful offeror(s) will be
notified promptly.
Noncompetitive negotiation is procurement through solicitation of a proposal from only one source, or
after solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate. Noncompetitive
negotiation may be used when the award of a contract is not feasible under small purchase, competitive
bidding (formal advertising) or competitive negotiation procedures. Circumstances under which a
contract may be awarded by noncompetitive negotiation are limited to the following upon written
authorization of the Colorado Office of Energy Conservation:
The item is available only from a single source; or
Public emergency when the urgency for the requirement will not permit a delay incident to
competitive solicitation; or
After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate.
Evaluation of Proposal/Bids - The minimum qualifications and criteria for evaluating proposals and bids shall be clearly
described in the IFB and IFB bid packages. Basically, contracts for materials shall be awarded on best price and other
pertinent factors, while contracts for certain plumbing services; electrical and glazing services shall be awarded on ability
to meet production quotas, best price, and other relevant factors. Negotiation with offeror(s) is allowed under the IFB
process. Lastly, references, valid insurance, and licenses will be checked.
Insurance - The supplier shall maintain current liability insurance, in effect bodily injury and property damage,
current Workman’s Compensation insurance, and current licenses as applicable. Proof of such insurance coverage
and licensing shall be provided to the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments upon request and in such
form as is determined by the Agency within ten (10) working days of such request. If the supplier fails to maintain in
effect the insurance above described or if any said policy or policies are not maintained in a manner acceptable to
the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments then, in that event, the Agency shall cancel and terminate this
contract without penalty to the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments.
Compensation 1.
Upon receipt of an itemized invoice for materials, the Agency shall compensate supplier for approved
costs in accordance with the supplier’s bid proposal. In no event shall said compensation for materials
exceed supplier’s quotations.
Supplier shall submit an itemized statement with copies of invoices for all materials supplied to the
Agency on a monthly basis. Said invoices shall specify the quantity and type of materials provided. Said
invoices shall detail the materials provided to the extent acceptable by the NE Colorado Association of
Local Governments. The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments shall process payment to the
supplier within forty-five (45) days.
It is understood by the parties that the prices listed for the specified materials in the supplier’s proposal
are good for one (1) year, with the opportunity for annual re-consideration.
Term/Termination 1.
Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, the Letter of Award shall commence on July 1, 2009 and
terminate June 30, 2010.
The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments may, when the interests of the Agency so require,
terminate the Letter of Award, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the Agency. The NE Colorado
Association of Local Governments shall give written notice of its intention to so terminate the Letter of
Award to the supplier, which notice shall specify the part of the Letter of Award to be terminated and the
effective date of the termination. By exercising this termination for convenience clause, the Agency in no
way implies that it does not have, nor has it ever, breached the Letter of Award.
By giving written notice to the supplier, specifying the effective date of termination, the Agency may
terminate the Letter of Award, in whole or in part for cause, for any or all of the following reasons:
Failure, for any reason, of the supplier to fulfill, in a timely and proper manner, its obligations
under the Letter of Award; or
Billing statements that are incorrect or incomplete in any material respect; or
Inappropriate use of Agency material directives.
The parties hereto understand and agree that the Letter of Award is subject to, and contingent upon, the
continuing availability and receipt by the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments of E$P funds
from the Colorado Governors Energy Office. Suspension, reduction, or termination in any manner by the
Colorado Governors Energy Office, the Federal Department of Health and Human Services, or the
Federal Department of Energy of the grant and funds to the NE Colorado Association of Local
Governments under which the Letter of Award is made, or the portion thereof delegated under the Letter
of Award, shall result in the automatic termination of the Letter of Award.
All written notices to be given under this Section shall be given within a reasonable period before the
effective date of termination.
Protest Procedures - If a proposer/bidder is not satisfied with the results of his/her proposal/bid evaluation, he/she
must submit a protest in writing within ten (10) calendar days following notification of the decision. The protest must
include specific areas of concern that the proposer/bidder feels was incorrectly evaluated. The Executive Director
will evaluate the protest within five (5) working days. A decision will be made to either correct/amend the award or
deny the protest. If the proposer/bidder is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may appeal it to the Executive
Committee of the Board of Directors who will consider the protest appeal within ten (10) calendar days. The
decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. The proposer/bidder shall be invited to participate in all levels of
the protest process.
Other 1.
Supplier shall be bound by the terms, conditions, and requirements of all agreements between the State
of Colorado and the NE Colorado Association of Local Governments under which the funds used to
compensate supplier under the Letter of Award are derived. Supplier will be supplied with a copy of such
agreements upon request. However, neither this paragraph nor any other provision contained in the
Letter of Award shall imply a contractual relationship between the supplier and the State of Colorado
The parties hereto understand and agree that a copy of the Letter of Award, once executed, shall be
submitted to the State of Colorado, Office of Energy Conservation for filing.
Section II— Background, Overview and Goals
The NE Colorado Association of Local Governments (NECALG) is a subcontractor to provide
services under the Colorado Governors Energy Office which administers the U.S. Department of
Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program using funds from the Department of Energy, Xcel
Energy, the Colorado Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding. The intended purpose of GEO is to reduce the electric
and gas bills of residential low-income customers by providing cost-effective demand
management and energy savings through investments in energy-efficient technologies and
practices at no cost to qualified residents. NECALG provides services in eleven counties.
Colorado residents who are eligible to receive free home weatherization are offered a variety of
cost-effective energy efficiency services, as well as energy education specifically targeted to
reduce electricity consumption in their homes. The services may include the replacement of
inefficient electricity-consuming refrigerators with energy-efficient models.
NECALG under the Colorado Governors’ Energy Office (GEO) program desires to contract
with one or more vendors to supply and install energy-efficient refrigerators and to recycle and
demanufacture all replaced refrigerators.
The goal of this IFB is to set forth the context and specific deliverables of the required services,
and to solicit a detailed response from Offerors that shall include pricing and service descriptions
in the specified format.
NECALG intends to contract with one Offeror to provide services to cover the Ten Colorado
Counties of Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Yuma, Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Lincoln and
Weld counties. However, NECALG reserves the right to contract with more than one Offeror to
provide services. Contracts may or may not be awarded for refrigerator replacements in
following contract years.
Section III - Statement of Work
Refrigerator Replacement and Recycling Program: Low-income customers, through this program,
will have the opportunity to replace their old refrigerator with a new, energy efficient model. Each
unit shall be “E-Star” rated. Eligible customers will be offered a new, white, 15, 18 or 22 cubic
foot (+/-) refrigerator. Customers will only be offered top freezer model refrigerators. The
refrigerator will be a non-CFC refrigerator and approximately 10% more efficient than the current
federal standard (see Attachment A). Base models shall not include icemakers or other accessories
that increase energy usage. However, if available, the cost of optionally adding an ice maker to the
freezer compartment will be made available to the NECALG through this Agreement as an
Offeror awarded the contract (hereinafter referred to as Contractor) must purchase, warehouse and
distribute the products for the Program. All products / materials under this IFB must meet UL
standards and come with a manufacturer’s warranty for parts and labor of at least one year.
All removed refrigerators must be recycled and demanufactured according to all federal
guidelines outlined in the “Regulatory Requirements” paragraph in this section.
NECALG expects to install approximately 209 replacement refrigerators in the homes of eligible
customers. Homes will be primarily single-family residences. Refrigerators will only be supplied
and installed by the Contractor when replacement is determined to be cost effective and physically
possible. To participate in this program, customers must agree to have their existing refrigerator
permanently removed from their home to be recycled by the Contractor.
When notified by NECALG of a client with a refrigerator eligible for replacement, the Contractor
will schedule with the client a mutually convenient time to remove the old refrigerator from the
residence to recycle it (recovering ozone depleting chemicals, metals, etc.), install the new unit, and
remove all packing materials from the customer’s premises. Refrigerator pick-up and delivery
services will take place no longer than four weeks after receipt of the work order.
Under no circumstance shall the old refrigerator remain on premises of the client.
The Contractor will install a new refrigerator only after verifying that the existing refrigerator works
and is the same unit that was tested by the NECALG auditor. NECALG will include the serial
number and model of the refrigerator to be replaced in its notification to the Contractor.
Contractor shall assume the possibility of up to five failed deliveries per year regardless of cause
(including, but not limited to, a customer’s refusal to part with their current unit, insufficient room
or access to install the new unit, the old unit’s being different from the one tested by the E$P
agency, the old unit not working, etc.). Contractor bears some responsibility for verifying these
issues with the customer to its satisfaction before delivery; however, Contractor may negotiate a
charge for failed deliveries if more than five failed deliveries per year are experienced.
Contractor shall provide delivery and warranty service during normal working hours at a minimum.
Normal working hours are defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.
Mountain Time. (Offerors may propose Saturday and/or after-hours services at no additional
charge, which will be awarded extra points in the evaluation of the proposals.)
Once the new refrigerator has been installed, the Contractor shall level the unit to ensure proper
operation. The Contractor will also ensure that door hinges are on the appropriate side, instruct the
customer on refrigerator operation, deliver warranties and operating manuals to the customer, and
set the temperature controls appropriately. Replacement refrigerators will have a minimum of oneyear parts and labor warranty from the Contractor or manufacturer. The Contractor shall supply a
toll free number to report problems with the replacement refrigerators.
Warranty Services: When a warranty service call is made, the Contractor shall provide to NECALG
a complete work order signed by a qualified technician. Contractor shall be responsible for the
diagnosis of the problem, the obtaining and installation of materials and parts when required, the
repairing of equipment when appropriate and some verification that the refrigerator functions
properly before departing the residence.
Contractor shall telephonically respond to notice of required warranty work within two hours during
business hours or during the first two hours of the following business day if reported after normal
business hours.
A. Maximum Service Repair Time - Contractor shall provide a maximum repair time of eight (8) working hours from the time the warranty
service call is made by the customer or NECALG. This standard covers the case where extended warranty repairs are needed and where special
parts are not required that are not normally kept on hand.
Repair Parts - Contractor shall maintain appropriate repair parts inventory to expedite warranty repairs.
C. Replacement Refrigerator - When a refrigerator is defective, the Contractor will provide a replacement at no cost to the customer or
Method of Repair — Warranty service problems shall be resolved by either replacing or repairing the non-working part(s)
E. Warranty Service Tickets - Contractor shall provide a detailed accounting of all warranty maintenance work reported and completed. A
warranty service ticket must be prepared for all work completed and include the following information:
A statement of the problem reported,
Who reported the problem,
When the problem was reported,
Technician’s diagnosis of problem,
Name of the contractor and technician completing the work,
Description of the work completed by technician,
Description of the refrigerator being worked on (including the serial number of the
• Serial number(s) of any part(s) being repaired or replaced,
• Serial number(s) of any new part(s) added, and
• Date the problem was resolved.
A toll-free number must be available to report problems with the replacement refrigerators. This
toll free number will be printed on an attractive magnet, furnished by the Contractor, which can be
attached to the outside of the unit. During the first year of operation, the warranty must provide for
in-home servicing if required. Customers will not be required to take non-working units to a service
Contractors agree not to involve NECALG in any advertising without NECALG's express, written
permission for each such use.
The Contractor will still be responsible to NECALG for ensuring the warranty is honored by the
manufacturer (or other party including the delivery Sub-contractor) when necessary. The
Contractor shall be responsible for providing warranty parts and labor at no charge. (Offeror may
propose additional warranty coverage at no charge, which will be awarded extra points in
the evaluation of the proposals.)
A representative will be designated as primary point of contact for resolving any and all
issues concerning the refrigerator replacement program. The representative will work with
NECALG to answer questions as to how the Contractor’s program operates and to resolve
all problems that arise.
Reporting Requirements: The Contractor shall submit a report to the NECALG on a monthly basis
at a mutually agreed upon date. Report must include invoice for work completed during the entire
previous month and copies of all work orders relating to customers served during previous month.
Regulatory Requirements: All refrigerators that are replaced must be removed from the
clients’ premises at the same time that the replacement is delivered. Refrigerators that are
replaced must be properly disposed of in accordance with The Clean Air Act of 1990,
section 608, as amended by Final Rule 40 CFR 82, May 14, 1993. This Act makes it
unlawful for any person to dispose of refrigerants in a manner in which they will be allowed
to enter the environment. All pricing shall incorporate disposal costs. No refrigerator will
be replaced unless replacement is physically possible (as identified by the NECALG
auditor) and the original, working unit is removed from the site by the Contractor and
Section IV — Offeror Response Format
In order for responses to be considered, offerors must complete and submit the following
information. Proposals, which deviate from this requirement, may not be considered.
A. IFB Cover Page: Offerors must complete and sign the IFB Cover Page and
return with the proposal. Electronic submittal can be arranged.
Response/Response Format Sheet: Offerors must provide the information requested
on the Response Format Sheet and reference the appropriate letter that corresponds to each
question. (That is, the response/information for each specific question must follow the
sequence outlined on the Response Format Sheet and must be prefaced by the corresponding
letter A. through E.) Electronic submittal can be arranged.
Other Information: Please provide any other information that you feel will help
evaluate your proposal given the listed criteria provided in this IFB. Keep additional
information brief. Electronic submittal can be arranged.
Certification and Cover Sheet
I hereby certify that the attached is our bid for materials for the NE Colorado Association of Local
Governments Weatherization Program. I agree with the conditions contained in this Invitation for Bid.
Bid Name and Number:
Business Firm:
Authorized Signature:
Print Name:
Email Contact: ________________________________________________________________
NECALG respects the environment and desires to do business with vendors who share this concern.
Therefore, NECALG reserves the right not to consider any proposal that is excessive in length.
A. Provide the make and model of proposed replacement refrigerators (all replacements shall be
white). In addition, the Offeror must include the fresh volume and the freezer volume of
proposed replacement refrigerators. Offerors may only propose to install base model
refrigerators with automatic defrost and top freezer models that do not include icemakers or
other options that increase the energy usage of the appliance. (Offeror can propose refrigerators
with additional options that do not increase energy usage. This may be awarded extra points in
the evaluation of the proposals.)
All refrigerators must be at least 10% more efficient than the current NAECA maximum energy
use (kwh/year) standard. The formula for the current NAECA maximum energy use standard is:
9.8*AV+276. (Offeror may exceed the 10% above NAECA standard and be awarded extra
points in the evaluation of the proposals). This will be based on the number of percentage points
above the minimum 10% more efficient than the current federal standard (see Attachment A).
B. Provide the bid price for each refrigerator replacement. The bid price will be the
bidder’s complete and best price (i.e., it will be the entire price for refrigerators
delivered, installed and disposed of as described above). Although NECALG hopes
that all of the projected 209 refrigerators will be installed during the program year, there
is no assurance that any number of refrigerators will be installed.
The bid price should include any added fee for pick up and recycling of more than one
appliance from a customer when multiple pick-ups are specified by NECALG.
Replacement refrigerators will have a minimum of one-year parts and labor warranty
from the Contractor or manufacturer. (The Offeror may propose to provide additional
warranties at no charge for additional points in the evaluation of the proposals.)
C. Offeror shall include a detailed work plan of how they will provide service
throughout the ten county service area. Describe how Offeror will comply with all
required tasks listed in Section Ill A. This must include a description of Offeror’s
available resources, such as personnel, vehicles, warehousing, subcontractors, etc.
This must also include copies of work order forms, invoices, internet ordering and
delivery verification procedures, hours of business and other procedures by which
Offeror will carry out the Refrigerator Replacement and Recycling Program. (Any
special features that exceeds the requirements of the IFB and provides added value to
the customer may be awarded extra points in the evaluation of the proposals.)
Offeror must include years of experience carrying out similar projects and/or programs.
The qualifications of the Offeror and past experience executing similar projects,
including recycling/de-manufacturing of refrigerators will be awarded additional points
in the evaluation of the proposals.
D. Offeror shall include a detailed accounting of how replaced refrigerators will be
recycled and de-manufactured. This must include information regarding the company
will be carrying out the recycling/de-manufacturing, as well as a copy of a current EPA or
other government agency certification or licensing to recover CFC-containing refrigerants.
E. As mentioned in Section III — Statement of Work, all prices will be held firm for the first
year of the Program.
Section V - Evaluation Criteria
A. Evaluation: NECALG will judge the merit of proposals received in accordance with the
evaluation factors defined in the IFB. NECALG will review and score submitted proposals
to determine which response most accurately and clearly meets the IFB requirements;
requires only limited clarification; demonstrates a sound approach; shows good
understanding of the requirements; and has adequate qualified personnel, past experience,
and other resources to successfully complete the project.
B. Award: The award will be made to the Offeror or Offerors whose proposal(s), conforming to
this IFB, is/are deemed to be the most advantageous to NECALG, price and other factors
considered. Price constitutes only one of several evaluation criteria; therefore, the lowest
dollar price MAY and MAY NOT indicate the successful awarded vendor(s). The proposal
with the highest total score will receive the award. While NECALG intends to contract with
only one Offeror, NECALG reserves the right to contract with more than one Offeror to
provide services.
NECALG reserves the right to award on receipt of initial proposals. If award is not made
upon receipt of initial proposals, NECALG also reserves the right to proceed to request a
best and final offer (BAFO). However, Offeror must not anticipate the opportunity to make
changes to original offers.
C. Evaluation Criteria: NECALG will judge the merit of proposals received in accordance with
the criteria described in Section III— Statement of Work and the attached
“Response/Response Format Sheet” with the following maximum possible scores:
Evaluation Criteria
Maximum # Points
 Cost of product.
60 points
 Annual kwh consumption of replacement refrigerators.
20 points
 Work plan, resources (such as personnel, vehicles, warehousing, etc.),
10 points
qualifications of the Offeror and past experience executing similar
projects, including recycling/demanufacturing of refrigerators.
 Availability and ease of use of internet ordering/tracking
10 points
 Other special features or value-added services that exceed the
0 points
requirements of the IFB (Additional warranties - After-hours/ Saturday
pickups and deliveries and options that do not increase the energy
consumption of the refrigerator)
Total Points = 100
(standards for conformance)
[Final Rule: Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy Conservation Standards for
Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers, Federal Register, 62FR23 102, April 8, 1997]
Product Class
Maximum Annual Energy Consumption (Kwh) in 1/01/93
after 07/01/2001
1. Refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers-manual defrost
13.5 AV + 299
8.82AV + 248.4
2. Refrigerator-freezers-partial automatic defrost
10.4 AV + 398
8.82AV + 248.4
16.0 AV + 355
9.8OAV + 276.0
11.8 AV + 501
4.9IAV + 507.5
16.5 AV + 367
4.6OAV + 459.0
3. Refrigerators-automatic defrost and refrigerator-freezers
automatic defrost with top freezer without ttd* ice service
4. Refrigerator-freezers-automatic defrost with side-mounted
freezer without ttd* ice service
5. Refrigerator-freezers-automatic defrost with bottom-mounted
freezer without ttd* ice service
* ttd = through-the-door
AV = total adjusted volume expressed in ft3
An adjustment factor accounts for the differing electricity requirements of refrigerators and refrigeratorfreezers. The adjustment factors for these product classes are: all refrigerators-1.0; basic refrigeratOrs-1.44;
refrigerator-freezers-1.63; Other features of the refrigerator freezer, such as whether the unit has automatic or
manual defrost or through the door services, are also considered. Most refrigerator-freezers purchased in the
United States are automatic defrost with a top-mounted freezer and without through-the-door ice service.
Here is an example of how to determine the maximum annual energy consumption using this standard.
AV = fresh food volume in ff3 + (adjustment factor x freezer volume in ff3)
If the volume of the fresh food compartment is 14.5 ff3 and if the volume of the freezer compartment is 3.8
R3 and the adjustment factor far a refrigerator-freezer is 1.63, then:
AV 14.5 ff3 + (1.63 x 3.8 ff3)
AV =14.5 ff3 +6.19 ff3
AV= 20.69 ff3
Now that the AV has been determined, plug it into the formula listed in the chart above. The formula for an
automatic defrost with top-mounted freezer and without through-the-door ice service refrigerator-freezer is
16.0 AV + 355, therefore:
kWh/yr = 16.0 AV + 355
kWh/yr = 16.0 (20.69 R33) + 355
khIyr33l.04f13 +355
kWh/yr = 686.04
Note: All replacement refrigerators must meet UL-250 (1993) standard.
Note: All refrigerator units replaced must be properly disposed according to the environmental standards in
Clean Air Act (1990) section 608, as amended by Final Rule, 4OCFR 82, May 14,1993