NAMI IOWA 2013 Spring Newsletter

Iowa's Voice on Mental Illness
Spring Issue 13
In This Issue
Compromise is Achieved!
NAMI Winter
On March 25, the Senate heard from both sides of the Medicaid expansion bill, Senate
Life Connections File 296. It was approved 26-23.
Recent Graduates
Affiliate News
Proponents believed the bill would help many Iowans who currently cannot afford health
insurance. Opponents believed passing the bill would add to the federal debt. Governor
Clinical Trials
Legislative News
Branstad was not confident Washington would come through with the promised federal
money to pay almost all costs and then Iowans would be stuck with the funding.
Royce White
The Governor introduced his own health care plan - Healthy Iowa Plan - but Democrats
say it does not cover mental health care and it would ultimately cost more than
Program Report expanding Medicaid and would cover fewer Iowans. The Governor's plan would replace
Integrated Health the current Iowa Care program.
More on Vets and
Research Study
Vaccines and
Abilify FreezeDried
Affordable Care
Act of Iowa
Suicide Prevention
Employment for
the Disabled
The bill next went to the House where continued debate continued and time ran out as
the session ended and lawmakers continued to work without pay to come to a possible
A compromise was finally reached on May 22. One key component is that Iowans will
not be responsible for funding if the Federal government does renege on its promise to
The bill still needs to be approved by the federal government but Pam Joachim (DDubuque) said officials have indicated a willingness to consider the proposals.
This legislation will be called Iowa Health and Wellness Plan.
Click HERE for a full Des Moines Register report.
Treatment Teams
Change Day
NAMI Winter Advocate 2013
Suicide News
SSRIs and
Click on link to view the Winter 2013 NAMI Winter Advocate;
Click on link below to download the Advocate:
Recent Graduates
On the weekend of April 20-21,
Please share
who may be
interested in
15 new family support
group facilitators were trained. Graduates
include Terri Elliott, Russ and Grace
Sivadge, Barb Sanders, Wendi Cooper,
Randy and Bonnie Nesler, Sue Ann Peck,
Gerry and Ruth Peterson, Jamie Krueger,
Jerry Krueger, and Tamee DeCoursey.
They represent the areas of Bettendorf, Hartford, Indianola, Iowa City, Middletown,
If you know Des Moines, Kelley, Cedar Falls and Ames.
would Congratulations to all 15!
receive our
please have
them contact
us with their
Emailing or
"going green"
as we call it,
is the only
method we
distribute our
-and time!
Call the NAMI
IOWA office
to find out if
there is a class
scheduled for
your area in
2013 or go to
www.namiiow and click
on Education
Life Connections
Life Connections is in the business of helping those with mental illness reconnect with
the world around them and start the road to recovery. Its mission is to aide those with
mental health issues by providing counseling, peer support, training and resources
which have a positive effect on recovery. It was founded in 2010 by Dr. Braden Daniels,
Administrative Director. Recently, Todd Noack was hired as an Operation Director.
It is currently involved in training Peer Support Specialists. These trained individuals,
who are diagnosed with a mental illness, help someone else with mental illness in their
recovery process by providing support. Both benefit from this approach. Those trained
work in community mental health centers, integrated health homes, recovery centers,
veterans' service centers, workforce centers, and VA inpatient psychiatric units.
The peer support specialist approach first began in Iowa in 2006 when The Iowa
Department of Human Services targeted a mental health block grant to create a network
of peer support specialists throughout the state. This network was called the Iowa Peer
Support Training Academy and training began.
Life Connections hopes to train many more peer support specialists as the need is great
and increasing. They have established some lofty goals and hope to meet these though
collaboration with other organization, developing a website, educating agencies on the
role of peer support, and creating a list of trained specialists.
If you wish to find out more about Life Connections, call Todd Noack at 563-726-3244 or
Evidence-based Therapies - Are They For You?
According to a recent article by Harriet Brown, science section writer for the New
York Times, therapists often do not use evidence-based therapies in treating their
patients. These therapies include cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical
behavior therapy and family-based treatment. Studies have found these therapies
to be effective but few therapists are actually using them in their practice.
If you want to find a therapist who is using these newer therapies, Brown says
experts suggest asking these questions of a potential provider:
- What kind of trainings have you done?
- What professional associations do you belong to? (A cognitive behavioral
therapist might belong to the Ass. for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies)
- What do you do to keep up on the research for treating my condition?
- How do you know that what you do in treatment works?
To find out if - Do you consider yourself and your approach eclectic? (if yes, they are less likely
any trainings to adhere to evidence-based treatment)
are scheduled, - What manuals do you use?
go to
- What data can you show me about your own outcomes?
www.namiiow and click To read the full article by Ms. Brown go to
on Trainings
Affiliate News
Iowa Plan
Annual &
NAMI Greater Des Moines
Have started a new family support group in Indianola facilitated by Grace and Russ
Sivadge. They meet on the fourth Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 PM at First
United Methodist Church (307 W. Ashland Avenue).
NAMI Dubuque
Held their annual mental illness awareness campaign in May handing out iris flowers at
Latest NIMH area grocery stores.
Marijke Hodgson, NAMI IOWA Educational Coordinator and Walk Manager, spoke at
their May 21 educational meeting.
NAMI North Iowa
Are sponsoring morning coffees at the Mason City Public Library.
NAMI Scott County
Is now selling NAMI apparel, such as polo and tee shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and caps
as well as some non-apparel items. Available to order on their website.
NAMI Johnson County
Held their NAMIWalk on April 27. After the walk there was a kite event to get children
and their families outside participating in a family activity as it is important that families
are active together because those families that spend time with one another are at a
lower risk for child abuse.
NAMI Great River Support Group
Participated in "Day of the Child" in Burlington distributing mental illness/NAMI material.
Had a puppet theme and provided activities based on this theme.
NAMI Blackhawk County
Cedar Valley Derby Dames (as in roller skating) donated $1 of every ticket sold at the
May 18th bout against the Push-Up Brawlers to NAMI Blackhawk County.
Keep up on all the latest activities of several of our affiliates who have online websites:
NAMI Central Iowa -
NAMI Dubuque -
NAMI Greater Des Moines -
NAMI Johnson County -
NAMI Linn County -
NAMI Scott County -
Or online on Facebook:!/pages/National-Alliance-on-Mental-Illness-NAMI-of-NorthwestIowa/170803556267971
Finding A Clinical Trial
To search out clinical trials on all topics by state, go to
For more studies, go to
Watch as one family shares its experience participating in clinical trials at
NIMH and how they were able to use what they learned in the study in their
own community. Click arrow to start.
From clinical trials to classroom commitment, NIMH expertise
benefits students
More State Legislative News
The House passed a law establishing a mental health
advocate's office in state government. The office would be
located within the Department of Inspections and Appeals.
Advocates would keep in regular contact with mental health
patients and medical personnel, review cases and visit
individuals after they've been committed.
The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.
It appears the mental health unit at the Fort Madison prison will be closing as the Senate
voted 27-18 to approve a justice systems package that did not include any money to
keep the Clinical Care Unit open. Some of the 200 inmates in the Clinic have been
moved to facilities at Clarinda and Coralville.
Source: Des Moines Register
Update on Handbooks
The NAMI IOWA Children's Mental Health Resources book has been a popular and
useful resource for professionals and the public alike. Our quantity of available books
has been greatly depleted but the requests for the book continue. In an effort to continue
to get the information in the book to those who need and use it, we have now made it
available online!
You can go to our website - - and download the whole book, one
page or any number of pages. Look for the picture of the book cover in the lower right
corner of the homepage, and click on it to download and then print what you want. Or go
to Resource Books on the bar at the top of the homepage, click, then click on the large
cover of the book, download and print.
Our Handbook of Mental Illnesses book is not available to download on our website
but we hope to offer that option in the very near future. Copies of the book are still
available to pick up in our state office or to request be sent to you. There is a
small shipping charge if booklets are mailed.
If you have any questions about this book or wish to order any, please call the NAMI
IOWA state office at 800-417-0417 or 515-254-0417 or email to
Both books were funded by the Iowa Department of Human Services through its contract
with Magellan Behavioral Care of Iowa for Iowa Plan for Behavioral Health Medicaid
Community Reinvestment.
Royce White Raising Awareness
Royce White, former Iowa State Cyclone basketball player
and current NBA's Houston Rockets member, was in Des
Moines recently to discuss his own battle with an anxiety
disorder in an effort to raise awareness of mental illness.
He held a press conference at the State Capitol and then spent time visiting with
senators and representatives. He also made an appearance at a grade school, talking to
the young kids. That evening he joined in a health forum panel at Creative Visions. NAMI
IOWA partnered with several other agencies to bring Royce to Des Moines to spread his
message which he hopes will break the stigma that keeps individuals from having open
conversations about mental illness.
Royce will continue to tell his story and raise awareness as he tours across the country.
October 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013
We thank all the following individuals and companies that gave so generously to
Individual Donors
Cathy Bullock
Joye & Gordon Chizek
Senator Charles E. & Barbara Grassley
Barb Haffner
John Hagge
Patte Henderson
Carl & Mary Holvik
Constance McCain
Judith Meyers
Patricia Nelson
Chad & Heidi Quist
Lindsay Walker
Soo Lee, Ron, & Jane Waltz
Janice Kupfer Davis Estate
Business Donors
Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, Inc.:
Carrie Dunnwald
Community Foundation Greater Des Moines:
From their "anonymous" fund.
Community Health Charities Iowa, Inc.
Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines:
Matching donation for Laura Stein - employee
Magellan Health Services
Pfizer, Inc.
State of Iowa Employees - Iowa One Gift Program
The ARC of East Central Iowa
The Offender Council - State of IA Ft Dodge Correctional Facility
United Way- Employees (Truist):
Principal Financial Services: Arlene Anderson, Sharon Brandt-Edwards,
Patricia Brown, Gayle Feldotto, Carmen Gomez, Jean Liles, Danielle Meyer,
& Jennifer Sellers
JC Penny: Anonymous.
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc:
Anonymous donor and Anonymous Eli Lilly donor
United Way of West Central Connecticut, Inc:
2011 Barnes National - Distribution Field sales
Wells Fargo Comm Support Campaign:
Anonymous, Teresa Ayers, Linette Hadley, & Joanne Jouris.
Memorial Donations
In Memory of Ed Piotrowski:
Edward Piotrowski Estate
In Memory of Thomas Varilek:
Sean Gibbons
In Memory of Phillip Sand:
Bob Meeker & Marsha Acord
Sue & Mark Anton
Addison & Janet Ault
Rick & Sandi Auseth
Bill & Doris Bacher
Brett & Heidi Blanchard
Ann & Guy Booth
Doug & Amy Brenengen
Dave & Connie Carver
Kelli Chapman
Ray & Sona Christensen
Jim & Linda Cnossen
Bill & Ruth Deskin
Marilynn Faber
Susan Fisher
Mary & Don Fox
Shirley & Jim Frimmel
Sheila Gatewood
Don & Marcia Goettsch
Sandy & Chuck Gough
Cot & Kay Graber
Deanna Parish & Scott Gray
Pat & Larry Griffith
Ed & Madonna Hartl
John & Marsha Heims
Doug & Hayley Heims
Janet & Eugene Hogden
Ed & Becky Holstrom
Mike & Jackie Holveck
Kristi & Keith Hurley & Family
Shawn ( McGowen) Janssen
Donna & Darrell Jordan
Kristi Keast
Tim & Christine Kreel & Family
Fred & Marion Lehman
Paul & Coke Lindsey
Steve & Doris McElmeel
Dick & Joyce McGowan
Tom & Gwen McMahon
John & Mary Jane McWilliams
Jeff Meeker
Bill & Marilyn Meyer
Russ & Kaylene Miller
Steve & Ruth Miller
Mike & Cindy Montgomery
Joe Mrstik
Fred & Ann Niehause
Marla Nikodim
Rick & Irene Olney
Harry & Sherryl Osborn
Dick & Linda Peters
Howard & Linda Peterson
Terry & Susan Pisark
Chad Reckling & Family
Ruth Reckling
Randy Reinhold
Mike & Jodi Russell
Dick & Judy Sand
Vernon & Arlene Sand
Barb & Alan Shepley
Mary Smith
Jayne & Gary Stanley
Karen & Mike Stewart
Matt & Teresa Stewart
Joann Tanberg
Jim & Nancy Taube
Sandy Treash
Justin & Kim Tucker
Sharon & Perry Wendel
Jo Wilch
Mary Jayne Wilkey
Larry & Rita Willer
Gary & Carolyn Williams
In Memory of Margaret Wells:
Mitch Blanding
In Memory of Christopher Wright:
Steve & Nancy Bobenhouse of Living History Farms Race
Honorarium Donations
In Honor of Greg Heinzeroth:
Phillip Engen
(Walk contributions received during this time were not included and will be published in
the NAMI IOWA Walk e-blast coming soon.)
Education Program Update
Education classes are the cornerstone of our mission. NAMI IOWA has been busy this
past year holding more trainings to provide people the opportunity to become teachers.
Our affiliates have been holding more classes and reaching out to people with mental
illness and their families.
Thanks to all our trainers, teachers, and mentors for all their work. Thanks also to
support group facilitators.
Thanks to our new trainers who attended Train the Trainer in Washington, DC. They are
Tracey Fischels, Terri Miller, Grace Sivadge, Chris Gammel, Jim Goodrich, and Brent
We have had people from around the state attend our trainings. We are trying to reach
out to new areas, and have people interested in starting new affiliates. Some of the
groups who would like to form affiliates are located in Burlington, Independence, and
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, please contact me. We provide training,
materials and advertising. Teaching can be very rewarding.
Marijke Hodgson
NAMI IOWA Education Coordinator
Integrated Health Homes
Beginning in July of this year, Magellan Behavioral Care of Iowa will administrate
Integrated Health Homes (IHH), a new support for individuals with a serious mental
illness. An IHH is a team of professionals working together to provide whole-person,
patient-centered, coordinated care for adults with a serious mental illness and children
with a serious emotional disturbance.
The IHH model will start in five counties in Iowa - Dubuque, Linn, Polk, Warren and
Woodbury - with plans to phase across the state to all counties in Iowa throughout 2013
and 2014.
To read all about the IHH, go to
Vets' Partners Struggle, too
When veterans are diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), Studies
suggest that it is not just the veteran that struggles day to day. Partners of the veterans
also face risk of mental and physical disorders.
University of Utah researchers looked at two groups of male veterans - one group had
been diagnosed with PTSD, the other group had not. Results of the study found couples
dealing with PTSD had a greater amount of emotional and relationship stress than the
group who did not have PTSD. Also, the partners of those with PTSD had more
increased blood pressure, heart rate and indicators of cardiovascular heart disease risk
than the other group.
Resource: vetsptsd/52354.html
Research Study on Gambling
The University of Iowa is seeking individuals with a history of a gambling
problem to take part in a follow-up study examining variations in gambling,
health and other behaviors over time. They are seeking people with a
compulsive gambling problem who are either under age 40 or are 60 years or
People who volunteer to enter the study must agree to be contacted every 6
months through 2015 to answer questions about their gambling, health and
other behaviors. The initial interview will last approximately 3-4 hours. People
will be compensated $75 plus travel and parking expenses. Follow-up
interviews will take 30-60 minutes and are conducted by phone. People will be
compensated $35 for each follow-up interview. You do NOT need to visit Iowa
City to take part in the research. They will be happy to come to your town to
meet with you for the initial interview.
Please contact Brett @ 319-384-4600 if interested.
Vaccines and Autism: No Correlation Found
In 1998 Andrew Wakefield, a British doctor, published a paper linking autism and
early childhood vaccines (mumps, measles, rubella - MMR). His study
subsequently was discredited. Nonetheless, many parents since then still have
concerns about the relationship and therefore, fail to have their children
A recent study from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) found
no link. The study was published online March 29 in the Journal of Pediatrics.
To read more, go to
Related story from the New York Times May 23, 2013:
More than 10 years after Dr. Wakefield's discredited study, Britain is "experiencing
serious outbreaks of measles that look to be a delayed consequence of a failure to
vaccinate infants and young children."
Read full article at:
New Version of Abilify Approved
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a freeze-dried version of
Abilify (Abilify Maintera) that allows for a long-acting effect when reconstituted with
water. It is administered as a once-a-month injection to treat schizophrenia. Otsunka
Holdings Co. and H. Lundback A/S had previously applied for approval but it was
rejected last year due to a deficiency at a sterile water supplier.
Affordable Care Act in Iowa
To learn how the new health care law will impact Iowans, go to
Suicide Prevention Bill
Janet Petersen (D-Des Moines) introduced a bill this session to provide for suicide
prevention and mental health awareness training for all Iowa teachers as part of
their teacher's license renewal. The bill was passed by the Senate but died in the
House. Later the bill was attached to a health and human services bill (SF446) by
Senator Jack Hatch as an amendment. It was voted on by the Senate April 18 and
passed. It now needs House approval.
Community Conversation on
The Iowa Department of Human Services, the Iowa
Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and the Iowa Coalition for
Integrated Employment are co-sponsoring five public forums
on Iowa's disability services array, hosted by Iowa service
providers. All the forums are being held in early June.
Click HERE for more information on these forums.
Families as Part of the Treatment Team
Family members often find themselves frustrated with the lack of ability to share
in the treatment plan for their loved one. They are often told by mental health
providers that due to confidentiality law (specifically HIPAA) they cannot be told
anything about their loved one's diagnosis or treatment. The truth is that family
members and providers alike often do not have an understanding of the HIPAA
Privacy Rule and this can lead to misinformed actions.
Both family members and providers should review the Privacy Rule and have a
good understanding of what is and what is not possible as family members can be
very valuable as an active and caring member of the treatment team for their loved
For an answer on what the rule allows, go to
DSM-5 Released
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was released
May 18th. It is currently offered in print edition only
but will be available in an electronic version later this
To read more about the DSM-5, go to
Advocating Change Day Breaks Records
The Capitol rotunda at the Statehouse was alive with change this year. Annually,
Advocating Change Day is held to bring advocates on disability issues to the statehouse
to talk to their representatives. According to reports, this was a year unlike any year in
the past. Advocates turned out in record numbers - at least 600 by those counting. And
there was no apathy to be seen as advocates combed out to visit with the legislators and
legislators reportedly were more than willing to actually take time to visit and listen to
what was being said. There are a number of issues of great importance to be discussed
this year from possible Medicaid expansion, to mental health redesign funding, to
reducing or eliminating waiting lists, plus housing, transportation, and other issues.
In addition to the work done by the advocates, there were also awards to be given out:
Angie Plager of Cambridge was awarded the 2013 ID Action Advocate of the
Dave McCalley of Cedar Falls was the recipient of the 2013 ID Action Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Advocates continue to work the other 364 days of the year fighting for the rights of the
(Source: April issue of Infonet Iowa)
More Suicide News
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says there is not enough evidence that suicide
screening prevents suicides, siting only a limited amount of evidence basis for suicidespecific screening. The Task Force is a volunteer panel of national experts in prevention
and evidence-based medicine.
Recently reported in Psychiatric News was news of a new intervention for people who
attempt suicide that "focuses on the bedside problem-solving in the emergency
department and follow-up contact after leaving the hospital." It is called Problem-Solving
Comprehensive Contact Intervention (PS-CCI) it "may enhance engagement in
outpatient treatment and reduce risk of future suicidal behavior."
Source: Psychiatric News Alert, May 7, 2013
A rather substantive increase in suicide rates in middle-aged Americans was reported
recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In adults aged 35 to
64, there was a 28 percent increase. The largest increase involved non-Hispanic whites,
and American Indians and Alaska Natives. Largest increase also found in those rates
involving hanging/suffocation, poisoning, and firearms.
The report did not give any reasons for the increases but it did note the importance of
prevention efforts for this age group.
Source: Psychiatric News Alert, May 3, 2013
SSRIs Adversely Affecting Surgical Outcomes
A recent retrospective study of 530,416 patients at 375 hospitals found the patients
receiving selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) before, during and after surgery
were more likely to have obesity, chronic pulmonary disease or hypothyroidism as well
as depression. And when SSRIs are associated with surgery, the risk for adverse
events, such as bleeding and in-house mortality, is higher.
A larger prospective study is needed to study this further.
To read an abstract, go to
Upcoming Events
2013 Peer Support Summit
Monday, June 24, 2013
Plymouth Congregational Church
4126 Ingersoll Avenue
Des Moines
For information, call 712-242-0049 or go email
May is National Mental Health Month
"Together We Can Make a Difference"
2013 NAMI National Convention
June 27-30, 2013
Grand Hyatt Hotel
San Antonio, TX
Registration Available Now at
"Empowering Connections through Recovery"
Iowa Empowerment Conference 2013
August 13-15, 2013
Airport Holiday Inn
Des Moines
Registration information to follow in May
8th Annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
September 15, 2013
Des Moines Area Community College
Contact Steph McAdam at 515-225-6585 or email
Autism Society of Iowa 2013 Fall Conference
Friday, September 20
Sheraton Hotel
West Des Moines
Registration to begin July 1
"Focusing on Redesign"
2013 Mental Health Conference
October 1-2, 2013
The Meadows Events & Conference Center
7th Annual IOWA NAMIWalk
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Farm Bureau Campus
West Des Moines
Contact Info
NAMI IOWA (National Alliance on Mental Illness - Iowa)
5911 Meredith Drive, Suite E
Des Moines, IA 50322-1903
515-254-0417 or 800-417-0417
FAX 515-254-1103
Nancy Hale: Executive Director
Peg Shelton: Editor
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NAMI IOWA | 5911 Meredith Drive | Suite E | Des Moines | IA | 50322-1903