
Proposed new degree structure for BSc Environmental Science
Year 2
Semester One
Semester Two
Laboratory Science (20)
Field Course II (Majorca) (20)
Introduction to GIS (20)
Instrumental Analysis (20)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Personal Research Topic (10)1
Personal Research Topic (10)1
New module- intro sessions on literature review followed by essay on topic selected by student from range of themes.
Tutorial input.
Year 3
Semester One
Individual Project (20)
Environmental Monitoring (20)
Natural Hazards (20) (O)
Environmental Law and Governance (20) (O)
X-ray Diffraction (10) (O)
Separation Science (10) (O)
Vibrational Spectroscopy (10) (O)
Semester Two
Individual Project (20)
Reconstructing Past Environments (20)
Ecological Management & Nature Cons (20) (O)
Mass Spectrometry (10) (O)
Elemental Analysis (10) (O)
Light Isotope Analysis (10) (O)
Electron Microscopy (10) (O)
NB Possible need for Level 3 module descriptors for analytical modules.
Year 4
Semester One
Research Project or Placement Project (30) 1
Professional Development (10) 2
Scientific Project Management (10) 3
Natural Hazards (20) (O) 4
Environmental Law and Governance (20) (O) 4
X-ray Diffraction (10) (O) 4
Separation Science (10) (O) 4
Vibrational Spectroscopy (10) (O) 4
Semester Two
Research Project or Placement Project (30) 1
Professional Development (10) 2
Ecological Management & Nature Cons (20) (O) 4
Mass Spectrometry (10) (O) 4
Elemental Analysis (10) (O) 4
Light Isotope Analysis (10) (O) 4
Electron Microscopy (10) (O) 4
Follows MChem model, but should we have separate modules for Env Sci and Arch Sci?
Existing module LIF4008L, with new staff input.
Existing module LIF4013M, with new staff input? Or new similar module?
If not taken at Level 3.
5 Consider including a separate core literature review module at 10 or 20 credits, or even expand a LIF4013M or
equivalent, if it would pass CART, with the 60 credits of Research/Placement project focused on field/lab work?
Proposed new degree structure for BSc Archaeological Sciences
Year 1
Semester One
Human Evolution (20)
Archaeological Theory and Method (20)
Archaeology of the British Isles (20)
New 10 credit version of existing module
Content to be reviewed, possibly swap semesters
Semester Two
Science in a Changing World (10)1
Scientific Frameworks for Archaeology (20) 2
Introductory Chemical Concepts (30)
Year 2
Semester One
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Laboratory Science (20)
Professional Practice in Archaeology (10)1
Theoretical Archaeology (10)
Introduction to GIS (20) (O)
Personal Research Topic (10) (O)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10) (O)
Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and Bronze Age
(20) (O)
Contemporary concepts in Forensic Science (10) (O)
Semester Two
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Instrumental Analysis (20)
Advanced Methods in Archaeology (20)1
Bioarchaeology (20) (O)
Celts, Greeks and Romans (20) (O)
Personal Research Topic (10) (O)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10) (O)
Introduction to the principles of Forensic Science (10)
Content of Professional Practice and Advanced methods to be reviewed
Year 3
Semester One
Individual Project (20)
Human Osteoarchaeology (20) (O)
Vikings (20) (O)
Forensic Archaeology (20) (O)
Natural Hazards (20) (O)
X-ray Diffraction (10) (O)
Separation Science (10) (O)
Vibrational Spectroscopy (10) (O)
Forensic Examination and analysis of physical
evidence (10) (O)
Semester Two
Individual Project (20)
Archaeometry (20)
Reconstructing Past Environments (20) (O)
Hunter Gatherers: Past and Present (20)(O)
Mass Spectrometry (10) (O)
Elemental Analysis (10) (O)
Light Isotope Analysis (10) (O)
Electron Microscopy (10) (O)
Forensic Examination and analysis of physical
evidence (10) (O)
Year 4
Semester One
Research Project or Placement Project (30) 1
Professional Development (10) 2
Scientific Project Management (10) 3
Human Osteoarchaeology (20) (O)4
Vikings (20) (O) 4
Forensic Archaeology (20) (O) 4
Natural Hazards (20) (O) 4
X-ray Diffraction (10) (O) 4
Separation Science (10) (O) 4
Vibrational Spectroscopy (10) (O) 4
Forensic Examination and analysis of physical
evidence (10) (O) 4
Footnotes as above
Semester Two
Research Project or Placement Project (30) 1
Professional Development (10) 2
Reconstructing Past Environments (20) (O) 4
Hunter Gatherers: Past and Present (20)(O) 4
Mass Spectrometry (10) (O) 4
Elemental Analysis (10) (O) 4
Light Isotope Analysis (10) (O) 4
Electron Microscopy (10) (O) 4
Forensic Examination and analysis of physical
evidence (10) (O) 4
Proposed degree structure for BSc Archaeology
Year 1
Semester One
Semester Two
Human Evolution (20)
Field Course I (Malham) (20)
Archaeological Theory and Method (20)
Humans: Past and Present (20)
Archaeology of the British Isles (20)
Scientific Frameworks in Archaeology (20)1
Content to be reviewed, possibly swap semesters
Year 2
Semester One
Semester Two
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Introduction to GIS (20) (O)
Advanced Methods in Archaeology (20)1
Professional Practice in Archaeology (10)
Celts, Greeks and Romans (20) (O)
Theoretical Archaeology (10)
Bioarchaeology (20) (O)
Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and
Bronze Age (20) (O)
Content of Professional Practice and Advanced methods to be reviewed
Final Year
Semester One
Individual Project (20)
Human Osteoarchaeology (20) (O)
Vikings (20) (O)
Forensic Archaeology (20) (O)
Natural Hazards (20) (O)
Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and
Bronze Age (20)1 (O)
If not taken at L2
Semester Two
Individual Project (20)
Archaeometry (20) (O)
Reconstructing Past Environments (20) (O)
Hunter Gatherers: Past and Present (20) (O)
Celts, Greeks and Romans (20)1 (O)
Proposed degree structure for BA Archaeology
Year 1
Semester One
Semester Two
Human Evolution (20)
Field Course I (Malham) (20)
Archaeological Theory and Method (20)
Human: Past and Present (20)
Archaeology of the British Isles (20)
Scientific Frameworks in Archaeology (20)1
Content to be reviewed, possibly swap semesters
Year 2
Semester One
Semester Two
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Archaeology Field Course (10)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Environmental Impact Assessment (10)
Professional Practice in Archaeology (10)
Advanced Methods in Archaeology (20) (O)1
Theoretical Archaeology (10)
Celts, Greeks and Romans (20)
Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and
Field Course II (Majorca) (20) (O)
Bronze Age (20)
Content of Professional Practice and Advanced methods to be reviewed
Final Year
Semester One
Individual Project (20)
Advanced Field Course (20) (Vac) (O)
Vikings (20) (O)
Environmental Law and Governance (20) (O)
Forensic Archaeology (20) (O)
Natural Hazards (20) (O)
Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and
Bronze Age (20)1 (O)
If not taken at L2
Teaching and Learning Ctte 6.2.12
Semester Two
Individual Project (20)
Hunter Gatherers: Past and Present (20) (O)
Reconstructing Past Environments (20) (O)
Celts, Greeks and Romans (20)1 (O)