here - MIT Club of Puget Sound

 Convenes, sets agenda and presides over all meetings
 Ensures club or affinity group meets official MIT club criteria
 Selects committees and appoints chairs
 Acts as the primary liaison with the Association and is in regular contact
with their Regional Programs
 Completes Annual Reports (i.e. Presidential Report, Volunteer/Officer form)
 Attends annual Alumni Leadership Conference (ALC) or ensures club or affinity group repr esentation
the conference
 Maintains club’s checking, savings, and other financial accounts
 Pays all club or affinity group bills
 Reports regularly to the Board about club or affinity group finances
 Files appropriate tax forms and sends copies to the Association
 Provides the Association with a Treasurer’s Report at the conclusion
of each yearly term.
 Takes minutes and maintains records of all Board meetings
 Files copies of Board meeting minutes with the Association
VP, Programs
 Establishes goals for the number and type of events club or affinity group will host
 Recruits and directs volunteers for events and activities
 Creates program subcommittees as needed
 Convenes, sets agenda and presides over Program Committee meetings
VP, Membership
 Convenes, sets agenda and presides over Membership Committee meetings
 Establishes and executes an annual membership solicitation plan for the recruitment
dues-paying members
 Provides the
and retention of
Association up-to-date information including lists of dues-paying members and address
VP, Communications
 Sets
standards for club or affinity group communications pieces in accordance with Association
 Determines production procedures for club or affinity group mailings
 Learns how to maintain communications using the Association’s Encompass software platform
 Creates a communications subcommittee as needed, members of the subcommittee may include:
 Webmaster
 Newsletter Editor
 Sets standards for club’s website and newsletters in accordance with Association guidelines
 Solicits information, writes and edits material for newsletter and website.
 Works closely with the President and VP of Programs to ensure that the website and newsletter
a broad spectrum of alumni and Association interests
 Learns
how to maintain communications using the Association’s Encompass software platform
 Develops MIT10 related services or programs in
 Creates MIT10 subcommittee as needed
conjunction with the President and Program Committee
*Note: The Alumni Association defines those who received their undergraduate degrees within the
last ten years and graduate degrees within the last five years as young alumni
Inspire Coordinator
 Acts as a liaison between the Association and the Club regarding the MIT Inspirational Teacher Award
 Coordinates with the Teacher and Club to select a mutually convenient opportunity to present Teacher
with the Award
Energy Ambassador
 Acts
as a liaison between the MITEI and the Club regarding energy-related programs that might be
relevant to alumni in the Puget Sound area
Sloan Representative
 Acts
as a liaison between Sloan and the Club to keep both organizations apprised of programs relevant
to Sloan Alumni in the Puget Sound area
Ivy+ Representative
 Acts
as a liaison between the Ivy+ Network and the Club to keep both organizations apprised of
programs relevant to Sloan Alumni in the Puget Sound area