How can I earn extra credit?

How can I earn extra credit?
(You may earn a maximum of 75 pts. extra credit per 9 weeks. The points will be added
at the end of the quarter to your total points earned.)
1. You may earn additional extra credit points by participating in the games we play in
class or by winning the daily behavior lottery.
2. Draw a cartoon that has to do with a Spanish, Hispanic, or Latin American, event.
The caption must be in Spanish with correct spelling and grammar. It should have some
educational value (be about a cultural event or holiday in a Spanish speaking country,
or use vocabulary we have learned in class). Minimum size 8 x 10.
Points earned depend on the quality of your cartoon. = 5-10 pts.
3. Create a board or card game based on a location or event in Spanish, Latin American
or Hispanic American history or a category of vocabulary (i.e. food, clothing, body parts)
Card games usually require that you make sets of two or more matching cards. You
may use 3’ x 5’ index cards for your card game. For which ever format you choose, you
should provide the cards, directions for how to play and an answer key if necessary.
Points depend on quality. = 10-60 pts.
5. Create a diary written from the point of view of a character or historical person. Pick
an episode in the life of a famous Hispanic person and write about that. =15-40 pts.
6. Are you a musician or singer? Play or sing a song of Spanish or Latin American origin
for the class. Your song does not have to be memorized.= 30-60 pts.
7. Use your artistic abilities to create an art item for the classroom. Examples: a mobile,
a small sculpture, a clay figure, a poster that illustrates a grammar point, etc. in Spain or
Latin America. =15-40 pts
8. Make a piñata to hang in the class. (No store bought piñatas please.) = 15-40 pts.
9. Go to a Mexican food restaurant that has Spanish speaking waiters with your
parents. Impress your parents by speaking Spanish to the waiter. Have your parents
write a note to me telling of your stellar performance. = 10 pts. (up to 2x per semester)
10. Bring in a newspaper article about an event occurring in the Spanish Speaking
world and give a summary of it to the class.= 10 pts. (up to 2x per semester)
11. Go to the website:
Pick a lesson. Do that Lesson and earn 100% on the quiz and/or test. Print the grade
report sheet and bring it to me. =10 pts. /Lesson
12. Spend time practicing your Spanish with a Spanish speaking adult. Bring a note with
a daytime phone number for verification. = 25 pts.
13. Suggest an extra credit activity to me. I will consider adding it to this list. (Teacher
approval REQUIRED).
14. Bring a one-page typed report on any typical or special Spanish or Latin American
food and tell the class about it. =20 pts.
15. Bring a one-page typed report on a Spanish holiday or festival and tell the class
about it.=30 pts.
16. Make up a song, rhyme, or rap about the unit we are currently studying (grammar or
vocabulary). Present it to the class.=10-40 pts.
17. Write and perform a short skit in Spanish about the unit we are currently studying.
Present it to the class or record it and show it to the class.=20-60 pts.
18. Create a crossword puzzle for our current unit.=20 pts.
19. Research and teach the class how to play a game that is played in a Spanishspeaking country.=20-40 pts.