Sugiyama Anthropology Course Release Points form

Lawrence S. Sugiyama
Anthropology Course Release Points form Sept 15 2012-Sept 15 2013:
Faculty must earn 25 points over a three year period to receive a course release for the next academic
year. This is the equivalent of publishing one book, or 2 - 3 journal articles per year, as senior author.
Calculations for Faculty with less than three years of service will be adjusted on a case-by-case basis.
Course releases as described in the "Circumstances for Determining Equitable Work Load" (posted on
the department Blackboard site) above do not expire for 5 years and can be carried over from year to
year. Whenever a course is released the same class or an alternative within the same sub-field will be
taught as a replacement class, typically by an adjunct or a GTF.
Points from publications:
Type of Publication
Book (major press)
Edited book / textbook
Peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter
Journal article / book chapter; regional, not peer-reviewed
Newsletter & encyclopedia articles / program notes /
book reviews / conference abstracts
First Author
Joint (2nd) Author
Please list publications, with full citation and points, for articles appearing Sept 15 2012 to Sept 15, 2013
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Appearing:
2 pts Liebert M, Snodgrass JJ, Madimenos FC, Cepon TC, Blackwell A, and Sugiyama LS.*
2013. Implications of market integration for cardiovascular and metabolic health among
an indigenous Amazonian Ecuadorian population Annals of Human Biology. 40(3): 228–
2 pts Walker RS, Beckerman S, Flinn MV, Gurven M, von Rueden CR, Kramer KL, Greaves
RD, Cordoba L, Villar Diego, Hagen EH, Koster JM, Sugiyama LS*, Hunter TE, Hill
KR. 2013. Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies. Current Anthropology 54
(1): 1-8.
2 pts Madimenos FC, Snodgrass JJ, Liebert MA, Cepon TC, and Sugiyama LS*. Reproductive
effects on skeletal health in Shuar women of Amazonian Ecuador: A life history
perspective. 2012. American Journal of Human Biology. 24: 841-852.
Unclear whether the following was awarded pts last year:
2 pts McDade TW, Tallman P, Madimenos FC, Liebert MA, Cepon TJ, Sugiyama LS*,
Snodgrass JJ. Analysis of biovariability of high sensitivity C-reactive protein in lowland
Ecuador reveals no evidence of chronic low-grade inflammation. Am J Hum Biol Oct.
Total points for publications: __6_or 8, if McDade et al was not counted last year.
Points from Teaching:
First large class (enrollment of about 120): 2 points:
Second large class: 4 points:
List first large class:
2 pts Anth 330, Hunters and Gatherers.
List second large class:
Total teaching points: __2_______
Total Course Release points: __8_(or 10 if McDade et al. 2012 not counted last year.)