Southwest Iowa Advanced Manufacturing Sector Board May 12, 2015 Meeting Notes Members in attendance: Larry Miller (Conductix), Rogene Smith (Conductix – on phone); Jay Gerdts (Lisle Corp); Charlie Richardson (AKS); Julie Wolf (Pella); Lynn Maschino (NSK); Ato Taylor and Jorge Zedillo (Eaton); Lucy Murguia and Kathleen (Tyson – on phone); Carol Young and Eric Kennedy (IWCC). Others in attendance: Matt Mancuso (on phone), Mark Stanley, Starlyn Isaacson, and Brenda Aguero (IWCC); Liz Carlson (IowaWORKS); Terry Bailey (Council Bluffs Chamber of Commerce); Mary Warren (M. Warren Consulting). WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Mary Warren thanked members for traveling to the Iowa Western Page/Fremont County Center in Shenandoah. New attendees Terry Bailey, Brenda Aguero and Liz Carlson were introduced. MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSION: Members were provided with a list of industry board members, education board members and community resources. Mary told members that she attended a training session on sector boards and learned that it’s considered a best practice to have economic development and public workforce development representatives attend meetings to serve as a resource for industry members. Terry Bailey from the Council Bluffs Chamber and Beth Winquist and Jason Landess from IowaWORKS have been added to the list of meeting attendees. PRIORITIZATION OF GOALS: Mary asked members to rate the short term goals that are listed in the Board Charter so that we can focus our efforts on the top priorities for members. The top 3 goals were: 1. Align the advanced manufacturing career pathway map with existing certificate, diploma and degree programs. Tied for 2nd). Increase partnerships between industry, education, community based organizations and workforce development entities. Tied for 2nd). Increase communication to all partners regarding current activities involving the industry and education, and share best practices. Mary will modify the Charter to reflect these priorities. MANUFACTURING, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE (MIA) EVENT: Liz Carlson with IowaWORKS was present to share information about a new career event that is being planned for December 2nd at the Iowa Western Center in Clarinda. Approximately 150 high school sophomores and juniors from five schools will spend a day hearing a key note speaker and attending breakout sessions led by industry representatives, including some Manufacturing Sector Board members. The intent is to make students aware of career options that don’t necessarily require a 4 year degree, and to educate them about the variety of career opportunities available in their local communities. Eric Kennedy offered to bring a robot to display at this event. This generated discussion about the importance of making connections with local schools to encourage students to tour, job shadow, and learn about manufacturing careers. It was noted that guidance counselors are often not well-informed about manufacturing and don’t offer positive and accurate information to students. Larry asked how we can make connections with school staff to boost interactions between schools and businesses. He also asked if business members could be given a list of contact people in the local schools so they can reach out to create partnerships. Mary offered to contact Natalie Harris, Iowa Western’s Coordinator of work-based learning activities to see if she could share this information. Liz Carlson said she was invited to speak to a group of guidance counselors in the past and knows they meet on a regular basis. She said she would share that contact information with Larry Miller for the group. Perhaps they would be willing to welcome some representatives from local businesses to one of their meetings. Rogene Smith commented that most schools now offer websites that students and parents can use to view grades, announcements and other information. She thought schools might be willing to place ads that businesses would sponsor with career information. It was also recommended that perhaps the schools would be willing to allow companies to come in and set up a “booth” during their parent teacher conferences to educate the parents about career path opportunities. JOB SKILLS REPORT: Matt discussed the updated Skills Report that compiled the information submitted by manufacturing companies regarding high demand jobs, corresponding skills and related IWCC training programs. He pointed out a couple of areas where training did not adequately address skill needs, including machinists, electro mechanical and industrial maintenance tech. He said that Iowa Western’s Instructional Council is examining some existing programs to determine if they should be revamped to better address the needs of businesses. Making such changes can be a lengthy and costly process, so educational institutions need to determine labor market needs and student interest to ensure program success. Larry commented that there is a pressing need for workers with these skills now, so we need to generate solutions sooner rather than later. Short term trainings and apprenticeships are options to consider. Julie Wolff of Pella Corp mentioned that Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa has a machinist program and that their Pella, Iowa facility hires many of their graduates. It was also mentioned that DMACC and SWCC offer successful manufacturing-themed programs and it was inquired why IWCC couldn’t use their curriculum to start a program here. The businesses inquired what was needed when IWCC says they need “support” for these programs – financial/monetary, advertising, equipment, recruiting, etc. Companies want to be informed and involved in setting up a new program. Mark Stanley offered to gather information and report back to the group at the next meeting. SUMMARY OF IWCC MANUFACTURING PROGRAMS: Matt told members that he is working with IWCC staff to develop a career pathway map for the manufacturing industry. A draft will be presented at the next meeting so members can provide feedback. FALL MANUFACTURING EVENTS: Starlyn Isaacson talked about Manufacturing Day which will be on October 2nd. Eaton is planning to host the event by opening their facility for public tours. High school students, customers, family members and business groups will be invited. The fall SWIMAQ event will be held on October 22 in Clarinda. The morning presentation on the Innovation Cycle will be by Pete Nadolny of CIRAS at Iowa State University, and after lunch the group will tour NSK. Starlyn encouraged members to provide suggestions for topics and speakers to herself or Mary. One member said it’s helpful to be given an overview of relevant classes and resources offered by Iowa Western. Another member said a presentation on generational differences in the workplace might be useful information. Mary mentioned that sector board members would be invited to a presentation on apprenticeships by Richard Madden with the Iowa department of labor. He will be giving this presentation to the Regional Workforce Investment Board on July 22 at IWCC in Council Bluffs. NEXT STEPS: The next meeting will be held in Council Bluffs and is tentatively set for July 14th. Larry asked if 6 meetings a year was adequate to generate results, and most members seemed to prefer the current every other month meeting schedule. More frequent email communication and assigning tasks to be completed between meetings was recommended. Before the next meeting: 1. Mary will ask Natalie Harris about contact names and information at the local schools. Mary will also ask Natalie if she can present a report at the next meeting to show the number of work-based learning activities for the 2014-2015 school year. 2. Matt will work with other Iowa Western staff to develop a draft career pathway map for manufacturing and will present it at the next meeting for review and feedback. 3. Matt and Mark will work with the Iowa Western Instructional Council to discuss the feasibility of offering an Associate Degree program.