Logistics Sector Board Notes 2.11.15

Southwest Iowa Logistics Sector Board
February 11, 2015 Meeting Notes
Members in attendance: Brian Stouffer (Con Agra), Bob Richmond (Menards Distribution), Scott Doll
(Doll Distributing), Dave Avant (Warren Distribution), Jade Keegan representing David Bills (Red Giant
Oil), Steve Cabbage (Keane Thummel Trucking), Denise Norman and Carol Young (IWCC);
Others in attendance: Mark Stanley, Matt Mancuso, Tina Larney and Kristen O’Brien, (IWCC); Mary
Warren (M. Warren Consulting).
Matt Mancuso, Director of Corporate Training at IWCC, welcomed the members to the
IWCC campus and thanked them for their attendance at the first meeting of the Logistics Sector Board.
Members introduced themselves and told a little about their companies.
History and Purpose:
Mark Stanley, Executive Director of Economic and Workforce Development
at IWCC talked about the status of workforce supply and demand nationally and in Southwest Iowa. In
order to successfully address the growing skilled labor needs of logistics companies, we need the
feedback and guidance of local businesses. This feedback will be combined with data about industry
trends to forecast training needs. IWCC currently has a variety of credit and non-credit training options
they offer but are always seeking to improve. If the college has a clear understanding of business needs,
they will be better able to develop effective training solutions.
Board Charter:
Mary Warren, M. Warren Consulting, reviewed the Sector Board Charter that
contains the mission statement, goals, membership and governance structure. The board will meet
every other month with meeting locations selected by the members. At the next meeting the group will
need to select a board chairperson. She also asked members to review the charter so that it can be
accepted at the next meeting. IWCC has offered to provide administrative support by taking meeting
notes, mailing meeting agendas and materials and posting documents to a website.
Labor Force Data:
Matt Mancuso presented transportation and warehousing labor force data for
the region. IWCC is utilizing the EMSI data service which pulls information from 7 different state and
national sources. Compared to national and Iowa figures, this region has had below average job growth.
The age data shows an aging workforce and members confirmed that attracting younger workers is
proving to be a challenge. The EMSI data can be utilized by the board along with primary data supplied
by businesses, to help make well informed decisions.
Analyze Entry Level Positions:
Tina Larney, Corporate Training Coordinator at IWCC, told
members that in addition to the bi-monthly Sector Board meetings, she would be scheduling
appointments with each of the members to learn more about the skills needed to fill entry level
positions at each company. IWCC can use this information to create customized training for
Review of Iowa Western Programs: Carol Young, Grant Manufacturing Coordinator, reviewed the
IWCC short-term training programs related to logistics. The 35 hour Logistics course prepares workers
for entry-level positions and covers teamwork, communications, safety, supply chain and quality
concepts. The 8 hour Forklift program is hands-on and is designed to introduce students to basic forklift
Denise Norman, Continuing Education Coordinator, told members about the 80 hour Class A CDL course,
which is 5 weeks in duration and primarily on-line, ending with a short hands-on training and skills test.
There have been about 50 students who have completed this class in the past year.
Information Sharing:
Mark asked members to talk about the most pressing workforce issues their
companies face. Common themes that emerged included the difficulty of finding quality drivers, the
rapidly changing technology which can be tough for older workers, the increasingly paperless work
environment, regulatory actions that create challenges, the larger turnover rate in the industry (80%),
and the aging workforce and the need to attract younger job candidates. Members also mentioned the
training needs of their workers, which include communication skills, work ethic basics, computer/tech
skills, trouble-shooting, customer service and sales skills. A couple of people mentioned the need to
develop employees so they take advantage of opportunities to follow a career pathway and advance at
their businesses.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 8th, at IWCC.