Travel Summaries Destination: 2nd Grade, Mrs. Becerra`s Class

Destination: 2nd Grade,
Mrs. Becerra’s Class
March 8, 2013
Central Idea: People reflect on the initiatives and contributions of self and others.
We continued work on our unit this week. The class is very eager and excited to begin work on
their Power Point projects!
K-W-L Chart: The class was introduced a K-W-L chart this week. This chart is composed of all
the different historic and famous people that students will be presenting and researching. This
chart consists of three different steps.
Step # 1: Students wrote the person’s name that they are researching. Along with the colorful and
bold name, the students wrote the different attributes and attitudes that they will need to
demonstrate throughout this assignment.
Step #2: Students completed the “What I Know” section of this chart. Each group wrote on four
different post-it notes about what they already know about this person they are studying. These
notes were then attached to their designated section/person on the chart.
Step #3: Students completed the “What I Want to Know” section of the chart. Each group
continued to write and discuss what they want to learn and discover about their person. They
demonstrated the attribute of curiosity!
Once this unit comes to an end, students will complete the “What I Learned” part of the chart,
after they filled their minds with a great amount of knowledge!
Speaking of learning, the students learned how to create a timeline! Miss Majka led the class in a
lesson about timelines. The students researched significant and interesting facts about Dr. Martin
Luther King. They then wrote these facts on post it notes. The class gathered their significant
facts together and created a class timeline. Ask your student the fact they wrote on the timeline!
Vincent Van Gogh connects with the Key Concept “Connection.” Students learned the
importance of Van Gogh as well as his contribution of art to the world. Students discussed and
reflected about how art connects to different things in the world. Students reflected on this in their
personal journals.
On Friday, Mrs. Becerra and Miss Majka modeled to the class how to begin the research process.
The students then began their exciting journey of researching!
The Wonder Wall is a place for students to wonder about the unit of study, and about other areas
of interest. Students post questions on the Wonder Wall. Students can research the questions to
find answers. Students may research at home as well, and bring the answers to school. Each week
I will include the Wonder Wall questions in the newsletter.
o Aarzu: I wonder if time can stop. I wonder how snow can come. I wonder why people
are different. Azaria: I wonder if space can be effective. Julia: I wonder why people
take risks. Why do people take actions?
COUNTRIES VISITED: Every time we discuss (and travel to) different countries, I put a pin on a
world map. Our goal is to get around the world by the end of the school year.
 Kashi, China: Bryan chose this destination because he has always thought China was an
interesting place. We discovered on that Kashi has a population of 350,000
residents! This city consists of urban areas that cover over 162,000 miles. The official language
in Kashi is Chinese. We also learned that Kashi has many ways of transportation such as railroad
stations and airports. While exploring Kashi on Google Earth, we saw the Central Park,
extravagant mountains, and a beautiful lake surrounded by snow-covered mountains.
 Reading Teams
 IB Journal Entries (described above)
 Much of Language Arts this week was integrated into the IB lessons.
 Data Goals: Last week, Mrs. Becerra met with each student—and together they picked a data
piece to improve, and also set a realistic goal. On Wednesday, each student wrote a new Data
Goal Action Plan. Mrs. Becerra modeled the process, pretending to be her dog, Lily. Lily, and
later each student, wrote a specific and reasonable action plan. Each plan involves work at home
and work at school. Look for a copy of your child’s goal plan and materials to go home
next week.
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 Fact Group: Count Ups (-7, -8, -9, -10,-11)
 Next week’s fact group: Doubles (Example: 14 – 7 = ___ )
 Food Pyramid: Miss Majka led the class in a lesson consisting of collecting data. This data
included tallying and graphing the students’ favorite food groups! Ask your child what his or her
favorite food group is!
 Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Miss Majka led the class in a lesson reviewing the different
models used to solve number stories. The students solved and created addition and subtraction
stories using these models. Ask your student to name the different models that they used!
 Subtraction Regrouping: Students practiced the skill of subtracting double-digit numbers with
and without grouping.
 Phrase and Example: As a tool to help students remember how to subtract two-digit numbers,
Miss Majka introduced students to a phrase, “More on floor, go next door. More on top, just
stop.” This phrase should help students remember how to subtract! Ask your child to tell
you/show you the subtraction saying/phrase.
o Congratulations to Bryan! Bryan was Spotlight this week. This speedy runner enjoys math. One
of his favorite people in the world is his mom! If Bryan had 3 wishes, he would eat as much
candy as he wanted, he would be able to fly, and to have as many wishes as he could. Bryan
would like to fix buildings when he grows up!
o SAVE THE DATE: Friday, March 22nd at 2:15! We started the IB unit, Where We Are in Place
and Time last week. This unit revolves around biographies and presentations. Students are
researching significant individuals and will prepare Power Point presentations. Students will
share their Power Point presentations on Friday, 3/22 at 2:15. The presentation will be over about
3:15. You will be able to bring your child home with you, if you wish. We want to provide you
with ample notice so that you can hopefully arrange your schedules to attend this amazing event!
Students will do all of the work at school—researching, designing the Power Point, and
practicing. Closer in, copies of the Power Point slides will go home, so that students can practice.
o Miss Majka is now managing the classroom in full force!  There will be a few lessons Mrs.
Becerra will directly teach (mostly revolving around the research and Power Point
Presentations—but most of everything will be planned, organized and managed by Miss Majka.
This includes grading of all homework and the creation of the weekly newsletter. Mrs. Becerra
will continue to be involved in Miss Majka’s planning, instruction, and assessment. There two
things that Miss Majka will not be managing—website updates and communication with families
via email and phone calls. If you have a question or concern you would like to discuss with
Miss Majka, it must go through Mrs. Becerra first.
o Next week all students will have the same spelling list. This is due to the hefty schedule of
research and PowerPoint design. The list is IB-related, and will be sorted under the keywords:
Nouns, Verbs, & Adjectives.
o Due to popular request, the Weekly Fact Group will now be posted on the website. The “Spelling
List” section will become the “Spelling List & Fact Group” section. Happy fact-ing! 
o Report cards went home today (Friday, 3/8).
o PTO-sponsored Science Night is on Wednesday, 3/13, at 7:00.