ANNEX 1 – OFFER DRAFT Date: eBooks 2015 Publisher Offer 24 February 2015 Publisher: Cambridge University Press Product: Cambridge Books Online Evidence-Based Acquisition Agreement Name: Cambridge Books Online Evidence-based acquisition Website URLs : and 1. Background Information Introduction: University Publishing Online and Cambridge Books Online are the main eBook platforms of Cambridge University Press (CUP), offering straightforward user-friendly access to over 27,000 titles with a list value of over £2.5 million. Titles are available in almost every major academic and professional subject, with both backlist and frontlist well represented. This offering from CUP allows libraries to gain access to a wide range of Academic eBooks for their institution. It is a framework for demand-driven ‘just-in-time’ acquisition of titles but with a level of control over purchasing, spending and title choice. While traditional patron-driven acquisition is implemented by technical ‘trigger events’ which mean that control over spending is either out of the hands of the librarian, or managed on a title-by-title basis, this evidencebased model offers more balance on control and administration of spend and selection. As detailed below, this offer allows a set budget to be allocated to the exercise, and leaves the final decision on title selection in the hands of the librarian. 2. Commercial Information Agreement Details Term 1 year: 1 August 2015 – 31 July 2016 Currency Pounds Sterling Monographs Yes Full Collection Yes Subject Collection(s) Yes Evidence Based Collection (EBS) Yes Perpetual Access purchase Yes (EBS) Subscription Model No Front File content only No Back Years content only No Front file and back years content Yes EBA can be taken up for 6 or 12 months and to different subject packages and publication types. All EBA packages include titles published by CUP and also include the Cambridge Library Collection and titles from CUP’s Partner Presses. Pricing All subjects - 12 Month EBA Monographs and Course books Monograph Coursebook 1 12 Months £55,125 12 months £27,510 2 £49,560 £24,780 £66,885 3,4,5A £44,100 £22,050 £59,535 5B,6 £27,510 £13,755 £37,170 7 £22,050 £11,025 £29,715 8 £16,485 £8,190 £22,260 9,10, FE £11,025 £5,460 £14,805 Band 12 months £74,340 All subjects - 6 Month EBA Monographs and Course books Monograph Coursebook 1 6 Months £33,075 6 months £16,485 2 £29,715 £14,805 £42,315 3,4,5A £26,460 £13,230 £37,695 5B,6 £16,485 £8,190 £23,520 7 £13,230 £6,615 £18,795 8 £9,870 £4,935 £14,070 9,10, FE £6,615 £3,255 £9,345 Band 6 months £47,040 HSS - 12 Month EBA Monographs and Course books Monograph Coursebook 1 12 Months £44,625 12 months £22,260 2 £40,425 £20,160 £54,600 3,4,5A £35,490 £17,745 £47,985 5B,6 £22,260 £11,130 £30,135 7 £18,165 £9,030 £24,465 8 £13,230 £6,615 £17,850 9,10, FE £9,030 £4,515 £12,180 Band 12 months £60,270 HSS - 6 Month EBA Band Monograph Coursebook Monographs and Course books 6 Months 6 months 6 months 1 £26,775 £13,335 £38,115 2 £24,255 £12,075 £34,545 3,4,5A £21,315 £10,605 £30,345 5B,6 £13,335 £6,615 £19,005 7 £10,815 £5,355 £15,540 8 £7,875 £3,885 £11,235 9,10, FE £5,355 £2,625 £7,770 STM - 12 Month EBA Band Monograph Coursebook Monographs and Course books 12 Months 12 months 12 months 1 £29,715 £14,805 £40,110 2 £26,985 £13,440 £36,435 3,4,5A £23,625 £11,760 £31,920 5B,6 £14,805 £7,350 £20,055 7 £12,075 £5,985 £16,275 8 £8,820 £4,410 £11,865 9,10, FE £5,985 £2,940 £8,085 STM - 6 Month EBA Band Monograph Coursebook Monographs and Course books 6 Months 6 months 6 months 1 2 £16,170 £8,085 £22,995 3,4,5A £14,175 £7,035 £20,265 5B,6 £8,925 £4,410 £12,705 7 £7,245 £3,570 £10,290 8 £5,250 £2,625 £7,455 9,10, FE £3,570 £1,785 £5,145 Accounting for previous purchases of Cambridge Books Online Where an institution has previously purchased sizable numbers of titles or collections from Cambridge Books Online, CUP will agree to provide a small discount on the minimum up-front payment. Customers with 10%+ /2700+ titles (01/01/2015) directly purchased from Cambridge Books Online or University Publishing Online with Cambridge University Press will be given 5% discount on their EBA model purchase. Offer to UK Academic community: Institutions opt for 12 months or 6 months access to one of the following options: All titles (course books & monographs) in all subjects All course book titles in all subjects All monograph titles in all subjects All STM titles(course book & monograph) STM course book titles STM monograph titles All HSS titles(course book & monograph) HSS course book titles HSS monograph titles 12 month access option: At the end of the 12 month period the institution decides their selection of books to keep in perpetuity based on usage (or other criteria). This decision is made by the end of the 13 month. The cost of the ebooks are as shown below: “eBooks Standard Pricing 2015”. Cambridge University Press will provide an indicative quotation for all of the titles included in advance. 6 month access option: At the end of the 6 month period the institution decides their selection of books to keep in perpetuity based on usage (or other criteria). This decision is made by the end of the 7th month. The cost of the ebooks are as shown below: “eBooks Standard Pricing 2015”. Cambridge University Press will provide an indicative quotation for all of the titles included in advance. eBooks Standard Pricing 2015: CUP’s standard pricing is currently available at four price points detailed below: Book type Cambridge Library Collection Books for research Course books Text books Price (GBP) 50 80 125 300 Title pricing is subject to annual increase. All titles are available under a perpetual access licence, and all the titles included in this offer have an unlimited number of concurrent users. Purchase Additional ebooks Institutions are also entitled to pay an additional amount at the end of the agreement to cover the cost of additional titles (which would take them over the initial EBA invoice) that the institution wants to purchase in perpetuity. However, there is no requirement for institutions to purchase additional titles. Price increase at end of agreement: Titles included in the model are subject to standard annual price increases. The pricing for the EBA access fee model may increase in future agreements in line with the incremental value of the accessible collections. Eligibility: All HE and FE Additional Authorised User Fees (Users at Partner Organisations) CUP is flexible about providing access to additional users at the same organization across various campuses at home and overseas. CUP considers users in these situations to be authorized users. However separate institutions must be licensed and purchase content as such regardless of their affiliations. CUP considers students and supporting staff located in partner organisations in the UK and Abroad to be Authorised Users rather than additional users. Please advise CUP if students and supporting staff located in a partner organisation are included in your pricing and if there are any limitations Prior to the evidence-based exercise beginning, the institution will confirm the full number of FTE at the institution including all Authorised Users in the UK and abroad. Platform Access Fee An annual access fee of £300 applies to Cambridge Books Online, Ben Jonson Online, Cambridge Journals Online, Cambridge Histories Online, Cambridge Journals Digital Archive, and Historical Statistics of the United States. This fee is waived annually as long as the Institution subscribes to or purchases any online product directly from Cambridge University Press during that year. VAT: Cambridge University Press will add VAT to invoices. 3. Title Information No textbooks are included in this offer. There are over 27,800 titles available, 19,900 Monograph titles and 7,900 in the course book collection. The number of titles will grow each month with newly published material. All titles (course book & monograph) in all subjects - 27,800 titles All course book titles in all subjects - 7,900 titles All monograph titles in all subjects - 19,900 titles All STM titles(course book & monograph) - 7,800 titles STM course book titles - 1,750 titles STM monograph titles - 6,050 titles All HSS titles(course book & monograph) - 21,300 titles HSS course book titles – 4,795 titles HSS monograph titles – 16,505 titles The course book package titles package is predominantly made up of Cambridge Course books but will also include any text book titles in PDF format on the Cambridge Books Online Platform. CUP will also provide rolling access to new titles published each month and will grant access and send notification regarding MARC records each month. Titles can be found on and MARC Records MARC records are provided at no cost directly from the Cambridge Books Online website. MARC records are also available from OCLC. Metadata Cambridge can provide metadata on the titles included in Excel format. 4. Licence Information: Amendments from the model licence: Dark Archive: Cambridge University Press has an agreement with Portico for Dark Archiving. 5. Publisher and Platform Information Cambridge Books Online provides access to over 27,000 titles within a fully responsive and user-friendly environment. New content is added monthly alongside bi-annual functionality updates; updates that include changes suggested by users or inspired by evolving industry norms. Enhanced discoverability tools including powerful quick search, advanced search and browse capabilities at book or chapter level enable users to effortlessly access the content that they require. For more information about the most recent additions to Cambridge Books Online, please choose the ‘New Features’ link under the ‘For Librarians’ option here: Due to its fresh, clean interface incorporating responsive design, Cambridge Books Online automatically resizes and adjusts to fit the size of the screen it is being viewed on, whether it is a PC, tablet or mobile device. All the functionality within the site remains, regardless of the size of device being used. Key site features for Librarians: COUNTER 3 compliant usage statistics (COUNTER 4 should be implemented by the end of June 2015) Manage all aspects of your organisation’s profile, including display name and logo, usage statistics, IP access rights and remote users Perpetual access to paid content, where appropriate Independently audited minimum uptime of 99.5% site availability to ensure users can access key research. Access via Athens and Shibboleth User manuals directed at specific user groups, with overviews of all features accompanied by screenshots, are available online. All of our content is with PORTICO to ensure long term availability. Key Site Features for Users: A powerful search engine, which provides full-text searching throughout the database, and offers the advantages of Boolean searching. Users can register for subject alerting and can choose their own frequency of alerts. Citation links to CrossRef and Google Scholar Citation Alerts Other features include social sharing bookmarking, RSS feeds and CBO widgets. Additional Information: Full Text Linking Yes/No Yes No Digital Rights Management Yes Federated Searching Yes MARC Records Yes Metadata Standards Yes Usage statistics Yes Authentication Yes Personalisation Yes Accessibility for visually impaired Yes Product Documentation Yes Training Materials No Notes Terms of use and resources for librarians are available. ACCESSIBILITY: Cambridge Books Online recognizes the importance of making its web services available to the largest possible audience and has attempted to design and develop this website to be accessible by all users. Where possible this web site has been coded to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Priority Levels 1, 2 and 3 (Conformance Level "AAA"). Cambridge Books Online will continue to test future releases of this site and remain committed to maintaining its compliance with appropriate accessibility guidelines and serving the widest possible audience for our services. CUP has answered the Accessibility questions below: What is the maximum font size and does text re-flow when you enlarge the font? Can a user change background/foreground colours or contrasts? How? Are there keyboard-only equivalents for all mouse actions? Where could I find a list? Are there short cut keys to reduce tabbing round links? Is text marked up so it can be navigated in a meaningful way (for example by heading level)? Can text be selected and read by text-to-speech tools? Are text descriptions available for all relevant graphics and images? Where can I find guidance for all these features? 6. Order and Contact Information: How to Order: Institutions place their order via the Jisc Collections website. All orders will be forwarded to CUP for fulfillment. CUP will invoice institutions. Order deadline date: Orders can be received at any time between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016 Publisher Contact (Sales): Rebecca Howland Library Sales Manager, Cambridge University Press tel: +44 1223 32 (6064) Publisher Contact (Technical Helpdesk): Please enter contact details.